Isaiah 11:1-10

The Davidic kingdom

The order of events in Isa. 10., 11., is noteworthy. Isa. 10. gives the distress of the Remnant in Palestine in the great tribulation. Psalms 2:5; Revelation 7:14 and the approach and destruction of the Gentile host under the Beast. ; Daniel 7:8; Revelation 19:20. Is. 11. immediately follows with its glorious picture of the kingdom-age. Precisely the same order is found in Re 19., 20. (See "Kingdom," O.T., ; Genesis 1:26-28; Zechariah 12:8 N.T. ; Luke 1:31-33; 1 Corinthians 15:28. Also (See Scofield "Matthew 3:2") See Scofield "Matthew 6:33".

That nothing of this occurred at the first coming of Christ is evident from a comparison of the history of the times of Christ with this and all the other parallel prophecies. So far from regathering dispersed Israel and establishing peace in the earth, His crucifixion was soon followed (A.D. 70) by the destruction of Jerusalem, and the utter scattering of the Palestinian Jews amongst the nations.

shall come forth a rod

This chapter is a prophetic picture of the glory of the future kingdom. This is the kingdom announced by John Baptist as "at hand." It was then rejected, but will be set up when David's Son returns in glory Luke 1:31,32; Acts 15:15,16.

Branch (See Scofield "Isaiah 4:2")
fear (See Scofield "Psalms 19:9") for the earth

(See Scofield "Habakkuk 2:14")
an ensign

(Day of Jehovah) vs. Isaiah 2:10-22; 4:1-6 ; 11:10-13; 13:9-16 ; 24:21-23; 26:20,21 63:1-6; 66:15-24; Revelation 19:11-21.

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