Jeremiah 30

The word

The writings of Jeremiah in chapters 30 to 36, cannot with certainty be arranged in consecutive order. Certain dates are mentioned (e.g. Jeremiah 32:1; 33:1; 34:1,8; 35:1 but retrospectively. The narrative, so far as Jeremiah gives a narrative, is resumed at Jeremiah 37:1. These chapters constitute a kind of summary of prophecy concerning Israel as a nation, looking on especially to the last days, the day of the Lord, and the kingdom-age to follow. If the marginal references are carefully followed the order will become clear. But these prophecies are interspersed with much historical matter concerning Jeremiah and his time.

Three "writings" by Jeremiah are to be distinguished:


(See Scofield "Micah 5:1").

Jeremiah 31


(See Scofield "Jeremiah 15:21").
redeemed(See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20"). See Scofield "Exodus 14:30".


Heb. "goel," Redemp. (Kinsman type). (See Scofield "Isaiah 59:20").

(See Scofield "Zechariah 8:14").

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