John 15:1-8


"True" in contrast with Israel. Isaiah 5:1-7.

Three conditions of the fruitful life: Cleansing, John 15:2,3. (See Scofield "John 13:10") , abiding , See Scofield "John 15:4", obedience, John 15:4,10,12, (See "Law of Christ,") Galatians 6:2. See Scofield "2 John 1:5".

To abide in Christ is, on the one hand, to have no known sin unjudged and unconfessed, no interest into which He is not brought, no life which He cannot share. On the other hand, the abiding one takes all burdens to Him, and draws all wisdom, life and strength from Him. It is not unceasing consciousness of these things, and of Him, but that nothing is allowed in the life which separates from Him.

See "Fellowship," 1 John 1:3. See "Communion," 1 Corinthians 10:16.
much fruit

Three degrees in fruit-bearing: "Fruit," John 15:2, "more fruit," John 15:2, "much fruit," John 15:5,8. As we bear "much fruit" the Father is glorified in us. The minor moralities and graces of Christianity are often imitated, but never the ninefold "fruit" of Galatians 5:22,23. Where such fruit is the Father glorified. The Pharisees were moral and intensely "religious," but not one of them could say with Christ, "I have glorified thee on the earth" John 17:4.
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