Micah 5:7-9


The ministry of the Jewish remnant Isaiah 1:9 (See Scofield "RomansĀ 11:5") has a twofold aspect, "a dew from the Lord"; "a lion among the beasts." Turning to the Lord in the great tribulation Psalms 2:5. See Scofield "Revelation 7:14", the remnant takes up the beautiful gospel of the kingdom. See Scofield "Revelation 14:6" and proclaims it under awful persecution "unto all nations, for a witness." Matthew 24:14. The result is seen in Revelation 7:4-14 This is the "dew" aspect, and is followed by the "day of the Lord" ; Isaiah 2:10-22; Revelation 19:11-21. In the morning of which the kingdom is set up in power. Again there is a world-wide preaching to Jew and Gentile, but now it is the word that the King is on His holy hill of Zion (Psa. 2.), and the unrepentant will be broken with His rod of iron. Psalms 2:6-9. The preaching is given in Psalms 2:10-12. This is the "lion" aspect of the remnant's testimony. Revelation 2:26-28. The full kingdom-age of blessing follows the "rod of iron" aspect.

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