Matthew 24:4-26


i.e. lawlessness, sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").


kingdom(See Scofield "Matthew 3:2").

world oikoumene = inhabited earth.

(See Scofield "Luke 2:1")
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Cf. Luke 21:20-24. The passage in Luke refers in express terms to a destruction of Jerusalem which was fulfilled by Titus, A.D. 70; the passage in Matthew to a future crisis in Jerusalem after the manifestation of the abomination. See "Beast" ; Daniel 7:8; Revelation 19:20 and "Armageddon" ; Revelation 16:14; 19:17.

As the circumstances in both cases will be similar, so are the warnings. In the former case Jerusalem was destroyed; in the latter it will be delivered by divine interposition.
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