Numbers 22:5


Balaam is the typical hireling prophet, seeking only to make a market of his gift. This is "the way of Balaam" 2 Peter 2:15 and characterizes false teachers. The "error" of Balaam" Jude 1:11 was that he could see only the natural morality--a holy God, he reasoned, must curse such a people as Israel. Like all false teachers he was ignorant of the higher morality of vicarious atonement, by which God could be just and yet the justifier of believing sinners Romans 3:26. The "doctrine of Balaam" Revelation 2:14 refers to his teaching Balak to corrupt the people whom he could not curse ; Numbers 31:16; 25:1-3; James 4:4. Spiritually, Balaamism in teaching never rises above natural reasonings; in practice, it is easy world- conformity. Scofield "Revelation 2:14".
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