Romans 6:15

What then

The old relation to the law and sin, and the new relation to Christ and life are illustrated by the effect of death upon servitude Romans 6:16-23 and marriage Romans 7:1-6.

  • (1) The old servitude was nominally to the law, but, since the law had no delivering power, the real master continued to be sin in the nature. The end was death. The law could not give life, and "sin" (here personified as the old self) is in itself deathful. But death in another form, ie., crucifixion with Christ, has intervened to free the servant from his double bondage to sin (Romans 6:6,7), and to the law Romans 7:4,6
  • (2) This effect of death is further illustrated by widowhood. Death dissolves the marriage relation Romans 7:1-3. As natural death frees a wife from the law of her husband, so crucifixion with Christ sets the believer free from the law. (See Scofield "Galatians 3:24")
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