Psalms 21:4



Verse 4. He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it him, even length of days for ever and ever. The first words may suit King David, but the length of days for ever and ever can only refer to the King Messiah. Jesus, as man, prayed for resurrection and he received it, and now possesses it in immortality. He died once, but being raised from the dead he dieth no more. "Because I live, ye shall live also," is the delightful intimation which the Saviour gives us, that we are partakers of his eternal life. We had never found this jewel, if he had not rolled away the stone which covered it.



Verse 4. He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it him, even length of days for ever and ever. The glory of God is concerned in Christ's living for ever --
  • Psalms 110:1-4Isaiah 9:6-7Hebrews 12:2Psalms 16:8-11
  • John 17:2

Verse 4. He asked life of thee, and thou gavest it him. He asked a resurrection, saying, "Father, glorify thy Son;" and thou gavest it him. Length of days for ever and ever. The prolonged ages of this world which the church was to have, and after them an eternity, world without end. Augustine.

Verse 4. He asked life of thee, etc. Thus God is better to his people than their prayers; and when they ask but one blessing, he answereth them as Naaman did Gehazi, with, Nay, take two. Hezekiah asked but one life, and God gave him fifteen years, which we reckon at two lives and more. He giveth liberally and like himself; as great Alexander did when he gave the poor beggar a city; and when he sent his schoolmaster a ship full of frankincense, and bade him sacrifice freely. John Trapp.

Verse 4-8. If David had before been without the symbol of his royal dignity, namely, the diadem, he was the more justified in praising the goodness of God, which had now transferred it from the head of an enemy to his own. Augustus F. Tholuck.



Verse 4. Jesus ever living.
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