1 Kings 13:32

the saying.

2; 2Ki 23:16-19

the houses.

12:29,31; Le 26:30

in the cities.

16:24; 2Ch 25:13; Ezr 4:10; Joh 4:4,5

1 Kings 18:2

went to shew.

Ps 27:1; 51:4; Pr 28:1; Isa 51:12; Heb 13:5,6

a sore.

Le 26:26; De 28:23,24; 2Ki 6:25; Jer 14:2-6,18; Joe 1:15-20

1 Kings 20:1

1 Ben-hadad, not content with Ahab's homage, besieges Samaria.

13 By the direction of a prophet, the Syrians are slain.

22 As the prophet forewarned Ahab, the Syrians, trusting in the valleys, come against him in Aphek.

28 By the word of the prophet, and God's judgment, the Syrians are smitten again.

31 The Syrians submitting themselves, Ahab sends Ben-hadad away with a covenant.

35 The prophet, under the parable of a prisoner, making Ahab judge himself, denounces God's judgment against him.

A.M. 3103. B.C. 901. Ben-hadad.

15:18,20; 2Ki 8:7-10; 2Ch 16:2-4; Jer 49:27; Am 1:4

Thirty and two.

16,24; Ge 14:1-5; Jud 1:7; Ezr 7:12; Isa 10:8; Eze 26:7; Da 2:37

and horses.

Ex 14:7; De 20:1; Jud 4:3; 1Sa 13:5; Isa 37:24


Le 26:25; De 28:52; 2Ki 6:24-29; 17:5,6

1 Kings 22:37

was brought. Heb. came.


2 Kings 17:1

1 Hoshea's wicked reign.

3 Being subdued by Shalmaneser, he conspires against him with So, king of Egypt.

5 Samaria for sinning is led into captivity.

24 The strange nations which were transplanted into Samaria, being plagued with lions, make a mixture of religions.

A.M. 3274. B.C. 730. In the twelfth.In ch. 15:30, this is said to be "the twentieth year of Jotham," which Calmet thus reconciles: "Hosea conspired against Pekah, the 20th year of the reign of this prince, which was the 18th of Jotham, king of Judah. Two years after this, that is, the 4th of Ahaz and the 20th of Jotham, Hosea made himself master of a part of the kingdom, according to ch. 15:30. Finally, the 12th year of Ahaz, Hosea had peaceable possession of the whole kingdom, agreeably to ch. 17:1."

Hoshea."After an interregnum, ch. 15:30; 18:9."


2 Kings 17:6

A.M. 3283. B.C. 721. the king of Assyria.

18:10,11; Ho 1:6,9; 13:16

foretold. carried.

Le 26:32,33,38; De 4:25-28; 28:36,64; 29:27,28; 30:18

1Ki 14:15,16; Am 5:27


19:12; 1Ch 5:26; Isa 37:12,13

the Medes.

Isa 13:17; 21:2; Da 5:28

2 Kings 17:24

A.M. 3326. B.C. 678. the king.

Ezr 4:2-10


30; 2Ch 33:11


31; 18:31; Isa 37:13

Ivah. Hamath.

19:13; Isa 10:9; 36:19

in the cities thereof.

6; Mt 10:5

John 4:4-5

Mt 10:5,6; Lu 2:49; 9:51,52; 17:11

the parcel.

Ge 33:19; 48:22; Jos 24:32

Acts 8:5-8


1,14,15,40; 6:5; 21:8

the city.Rather, "to a city of Samaria," [eis polis Samaria] for the city of Samaria had been utterly destroyed by Hyrcanus, and the city built by Herod on its site was called [Sebaste,] that is, Augusta, in honour of Augustus. Samaria comprised the tract of country formerly occupied by the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, west of Jordan, lying between Judea and Galilee: beginning, says Josephus, at Ginea in the great plain, and ending at the toparchy of Acrabateni.

1:8; Mt 10:5,6


35-37; 5:42; 9:20; 17:2,3; Joh 4:25,26; 1Co 1:23; 2:2; 3:11

with one.

13:44; 2Ch 30:12; Mt 20:15,16; Joh 4:41,42


5:16; Mt 10:1; Mr 9:26; 16:17,18; Lu 10:17; Joh 14:12; Heb 2:4


9:33,34; Mr 2:3-11


3:6,7; 14:8-10; Isa 35:6; Mt 11:5; 15:30,31

13:48,52; Ps 96:10-12; 98:2-6; Isa 35:1,2; 42:10-12; Lu 2:10,11

Ro 15:9-12
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