1 Samuel 16:7

Look not.

9:2; 10:23,24; 2Sa 14:25; Ps 147:10,11; Pr 31:30

seeth not.

Job 10:4; Isa 55:8,9; Lu 16:15; 1Pe 2:4; 3:4


Joh 7:24; 2Co 10:7,10

outward appearance. Heb. eyes. on the heart.

1Ki 8:39; 1Ch 28:9; 2Ch 16:9; Ps 7:9; 139:2; Pr 15:11; 16:2

Jer 11:20; 17:10; 20:12; Ac 1:24; Heb 4:13; Re 2:23

Psalms 58:1-2

1 David reproves wicked judges;

3 describes the nature of the wicked;

6 devotes them to God's judgments;

10 whereat the righteous shall rejoice.

(Title.) {Al-taschith.} or, Destroy not. A golden Psalm.

57:1; 59:1; *titles


72:1-4; De 16:18,19; 2Sa 23:3; 2Ch 19:6,7; Isa 11:3-5; 32:1

Jer 23:5,6

O congregation.

82:1,2; Nu 11:16; De 1:15,16; 2Sa 5:3; Mt 26:3; 27:1; Lu 23:50,51

Ac 5:21

O ye.


in heart.

21:11; Ec 3:16; Isa 59:4-6; Jer 22:16,17; Eze 22:12,27

Mic 3:1-3,9-12; Joh 11:47-53


94:20; Isa 10:1; 26:7

Psalms 94:20-21


52:1; 82:1; 1Sa 22:12; Ec 3:16; 5:8; Am 6:3


2Ch 6:14-16; Isa 1:11-20; Jer 7:4-11; Joh 18:28; 1Jo 1:5,6


58:2; 1Ki 12:32; Es 3:6-12; Isa 10:1; Da 3:4-7; 6:7-9; Mic 6:16

Joh 9:22; 11:57; Re 13:15-17


2:1-3; 22:16; 59:3; Pr 1:11,16; Mt 27:1; Ac 4:5-7,27,28


Ex 23:7; 1Ki 21:19; Pr 17:15; Jer 26:15; Eze 22:6,12,27

Mt 23:32-36; Ac 7:52,58-60; Jas 5:6; Re 17:6

Amos 5:7


11,12; 6:12; De 29:18; Isa 1:23; 5:7; 10:1; 59:13,14; Ho 10:4

Hab 1:12-14


Ps 36:3; 125:5; Eze 3:20; 18:24; 33:12,13,18; Zep 1:6

Amos 6:12


Isa 48:4; Jer 5:3; 6:29,30; Zec 7:11,12


5:7,11,12; 1Ki 21:7-13; Ps 94:20,21; Isa 59:13,14; Ho 10:4,13

Mic 7:3; Hab 1:3,4; Ac 7:51,52

Habakkuk 1:4

the law.

Ps 11:3; 119:126; Mr 7:9; Ro 3:31


1Ki 21:13; Job 21:7; Ps 22:16; 58:1,2; 59:2,4; 82:1-5; 94:3,20,21

Isa 1:21-23; 59:2-8,13-15; Jer 5:27-29; 12:1,6; 26:8,21-23

Jer 37:14-16; 38:4-6; Eze 22:25-30; Ho 10:4; Am 5:7,12; Mic 2:1,2

Mic 3:1-3; 7:2-4; Mt 23:34-36; 26:59-66; 27:1,2,25,26; Ac 7:52,59

Ac 23:12-14; Jas 2:6,7

wrong. or, wrested.

Ex 23:2,6; De 16:19; Eze 9:9

John 7:24

8:15; De 1:16,17; 16:18,19; Ps 58:1,2; 82:2; 94:20,21; Pr 17:15

Pr 24:23; Isa 5:23; 11:3,4; Jas 2:1,4,9

Romans 2:1

1 No excuse for sin.

6 No escape from judgment.

14 Gentiles cannot;

17 nor Jews.



O man.

3; 9:20; 1Co 7:16; Jas 2:20


26,27; 2Sa 12:5-7; Ps 50:16-20; Mt 7:1-5; 23:29-31; Lu 6:37; 19:22

Joh 8:7-9; Jas 4:11

for thou that.

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