1 Samuel 2:27-32

a man.

9:4; De 33:1; Jud 6:8; 13:6; 1Ki 13:1; 1Ti 6:11; 2Pe 1:21

Did I.

Ex 4:14,27

And did I.

Ex 28:1,4,6-30; 29:4-37; 39:1-7; Le 8:7,8; Nu 16:5; 17:5-8; 18:1-7

2Sa 12:7

did I give.

Le 2:3,10; 6:16; 7:7,8,32,34,35; 10:14,15; Nu 5:9,10; 18:8,19

De 18:1-8

kick ye.

13-17; De 32:15; Mal 1:12,13

and at mine.They disdained to take the part allowed by the law; and would take for themselves what part they pleased, and as much as they pleased.



De 12:5,6; Jos 18:1

and honourest.By permitting his sons to deal thus with the sacrifices, and to be served first, by taking their part before the fat, etc., was burnt to the Lord, Eli thus honoured his sons above God.

Le 19:15; De 33:9; Mt 10:37; 22:16; Lu 14:26; 2Co 5:16; Jas 3:17


13-16; Isa 56:11,12; Eze 13:19; 34:2; Ho 4:8; Mic 3:5; Ro 16:18

I said.

Ex 28:43; 29:9; Nu 25:11-13

Be it far.

Nu 35:34; *marg

2Ch 15:2; Jer 18:9,10


Jud 9:10; Ps 50:23; Pr 3:9,10; Isa 29:13; Da 4:34; Mal 1:6

Joh 5:23; 8:49; 13:31,32; 17:4,5

I will honour.

Ps 18:20; 91:14; Joh 5:44; 12:26; 1Co 4:5; 1Pe 1:7

that despise.

Nu 11:20; 2Sa 12:9,10; Mal 2:8,9

I will cut.That is, I will destroy the strength, power, influence, and authority of thee and thy family; of which the arm of man being the instrument, is used as the emblem.

4:2,11,17-20; 14:3; 22:17-20; 1Ki 2:26,27,35; Job 22:9; Ps 37:17

Eze 30:21-24; 44:10

an enemy, etc.Or, the affliction of the tabernacle, for all the wealth which God would have given Israel. This appears to be the right translation; for, agreeably to this prediction, he did see the tabernacle deprived of the ark, which was its glory, and lived to hear that it was captured by the Philistines.

4:4,11,22; Ps 78:59-64

an old man.

Zec 8:4

1 Samuel 3:11-14

I will do.

Isa 29:14; Am 3:6,7; Hab 1:5; Ac 13:41

both the ears.

2Ki 21:12; Isa 28:19; Jer 19:3; Lu 21:26

I will perform.

2:27-36; Nu 23:19; Jos 23:15; Zec 1:6; Lu 21:33

when I begin, etc. Heb. beginning and ending.

For I have told him. or, And I will tell him, etc.


I will.

2Ch 20:12; Eze 7:3; 18:30; Joe 3:12

which he knoweth.

1Ki 2:44; Ec 7:22; 1Jo 3:20

his sons.


vile. or, accursed. restrained them not. Heb. frowned notupon them.

2:23-25; 1Ki 1:6; Pr 19:18; 23:13,14; 29:15; Mt 10:37

the iniquity.

2:25; Nu 15:30,31; Ps 51:16; Isa 22:14; Jer 7:16; 15:1; Eze 24:13

Heb 10:4-10,26-31

1 Kings 14:7-15


12:24; 16:2; 1Sa 2:27-30; 15:16; 2Sa 12:7,8



my servant David.

3:14; 11:33-38; 15:5; 2Ch 17:3; 28:1; Ac 13:22,36

hast done.

16; 12:28; 13:33,34; 15:34; 16:31

thou hast gone.

De 32:16,17,21; Jud 5:8; 2Ch 11:15; Ps 106:19,20; 115:4-8

Isa 44:9-20; Jer 10:14-16

to provoke.

22; De 9:8-16,24; 2Ki 21:3; 23:26; 2Ch 33:6; Ps 78:40,56; 106:29

Jer 7:9,10; Eze 8:3,17; 1Co 10:22

cast me.

Ne 9:26; Ps 50:17; Eze 23:35

I will bring.

15:25-30; Am 3:6

him that pisseth.

16:11; 21:21; 1Sa 25:22,34; 2Ki 9:8,9

him that is shut up.

De 32:36; 2Ki 14:26

as a man taketh.

1Sa 2:30; 2Ki 9:37; 21:13; Job 20:7; Ps 83:10; Isa 5:25; 14:19,23

Jer 8:2; Eze 26:4; Zep 1:17; Mal 2:3; Lu 14:34,35

that dieth.

16:4; 21:19,23,24; Isa 66:24; Jer 15:3; Eze 39:17-19; Re 19:17,18

when thy feet.

3,16,17; 2Ki 1:6,16; Joh 4:50-52

shall mourn.

Nu 20:29; Jer 22:10,18

there is found.

2Ch 12:12; 19:3; Job 19:28; Eze 18:14-32; Phm 1:6; 2Pe 2:8,9

the Lord.


but what.

Ec 8:11; Eze 7:2-7; 12:22-28; Jas 5:9; 2Pe 2:3

the Lord.

1Sa 12:25; 2Ki 17:6,7

as a reed.

Mt 11:7; Lu 7:24

root up Israel.

De 29:28; Ps 52:5; Pr 2:22; Am 2:9; Zep 2:4; Mt 15:13

this good land.

Le 26:32-34,43; De 4:26,27; 28:36,63-68; 29:24-28; Jos 23:15,16

shall scatter.

2Ki 15:29; 17:6,23; 18:11,12; Am 5:27; Ac 7:43

beyond the river. i.e., Beyond the river Euphrates.because.

Ex 34:13,14; De 12:3,4; Isa 1:28,29



1 Kings 17:1

1 Elijah, having prophesied against Ahab, is sent to Cherith where the ravens feed him.

8 He is sent to the widow of Zarephath.

17 He raises the widow's son.

24 The woman believes him.

A.M. 3094. B.C. 910. Elijah. Heb. Elijahu.

Mt 11:14; 16:14; 27:47,49; Lu 1:17; 4:25,26; 9:30,33,54

Joh 1:21,25; Ro 11:2

Elias. As the Lord God.

22:14; 2Ki 3:14; 5:16; Isa 49:18; Mt 7:29; Lu 1:17

before whom.

De 10:8; Jer 15:19; Lu 1:19; 21:36; Ac 27:23

dew nor rain.

Lu 4:25; Jas 5:17; Re 11:6

1 Kings 21:18-24

which is in Samaria.

13:32; 2Ch 22:9

Hast thou killed.

Ge 3:11; 4:9,10; 2Sa 12:9; Mic 3:1-4; Hab 2:9,12

In the place.This punishment, on Ahab's humiliation and repentance, was transferred from him to his son Jehoram, (ver. 29,) in whom it was literally accomplished: see the parallel texts.

22:38; Jud 1:7; 2Sa 12:11; 2Ki 9:25,26; Es 7:10; Ps 7:15,16

Ps 9:16; 58:10,11; Mt 7:2

Hast thou found me.

18:17; 22:8; 2Ch 18:7,17; Am 5:10; Mr 12:12; Ga 4:16; Re 11:10

Am 5:10; Mr 12:12; Ga 4:16; Re 11:10

thou hast sold.

25; 2Ki 17:17; Isa 50:1; 52:3; Ro 7:14

to work.

16:30; 2Ki 21:2; 2Ch 33:6; Eph 4:19


14:10; Ex 20:5,6; 2Ki 9:7-9; 10:1-7,11-14,17,30

him that pisseth.

1Sa 25:22,34

him that is shut up.

14:10; De 32:36; 2Ki 9:8,9; 14:26

make thine.

15:29; 16:3,11

made Israel to sin.

14:16; 15:30,34; 16:26


25; 2Ki 9:10,30-37

the dogs.Shocking as this must appear to minds that have been humanized by the kindly influence of Christianity, we still find similar instances in the accounts of modern travellers. Mr. Bruce says, that when at Gondar, "the bodies of those killed by the sword were hewn to pieces and scattered about the streets, being denied burial. I was miserable, and almost driven to despair, at seeing my hunting dogs, twice let loose by the carelessness of my servants, bringing into the court-yard the heads and arms of slaughtered men, and which I could no way prevent, but by the destruction of the dogs themselves."

wall. or, ditch.

that dieth.

14:11; 16:4; Isa 14:19; Jer 15:3; Eze 32:4,5; 39:18-20; Re 19:18

1 Kings 22:8

yet one man.

18:4; 19:10,14; 20:41,42

but I hate him.

27; 20:43; 21:20; Ge 37:8; 2Ch 36:16; Ps 34:21; Pr 9:8; 15:12

Isa 49:7; Jer 18:18; 20:10; 43:3,4; Am 5:10; Zec 11:8; Mt 10:22

Joh 3:19-21; 7:7; 15:18,19; 17:14; Ga 4:16; Re 11:7-10


13; Isa 30:10; Jer 38:4; Mic 2:11

concerning me.

20:35-42; 2Ki 9:22; Isa 3:11; 57:19-21

Let not the.

21:27-29; Pr 5:12-14; Mic 2:7

Isaiah 5:1-8

1 Under the parable of a vineyard, God excuses his severe judgment.

8 His judgments upon covetousness;

11 upon lasciviousness;

13 upon impiety;

20 and upon injustice.

26 The executioners of God's judgments.


De 31:19-22; Jud 5:1-31; Ps 45:1; 101:1


So 2:16; 5:2,16; 6:3


27:2,3; Ps 80:8; So 8:11,12; Jer 2:21; Mt 21:33; Mr 12:1; Lu 20:9

Joh 15:1

a very fruitful hill. Heb. the horn of the son of oil.

fenced it. or, made a wall about it.

Ex 33:16; Nu 23:9; De 32:8,9; Ps 44:1-3; Ro 9:4


Jer 2:21

the choicest vine.{Sorek,} in Arabic, {sharik,} certainly denotes an excellent vine; but some with Bp. Lowth, retain it as a proper name. Sorek was a valley lying between Askelon and Gaza, so called from the excellence of its vines.

Jud 16:4

and built.

1:8; Mic 4:8

made. Heb. hewed. a winepress.

63:2,3; Ne 13:15; Re 14:18-20

he looked.

7; 1:2-4,21-23; De 32:6; Mt 21:34; Mr 11:13; 12:2; Lu 13:7; 20:10-18

1Co 9:7

wild grapes.

De 32:32,33; Ho 10:1


Ps 50:4-6; 51:4; Jer 2:4,5; Mic 6:2,3; Mt 21:40,41; Mr 12:9-12

Lu 20:15,16; Ro 2:5; 3:4

1:5; 2Ch 36:14-16; Jer 2:30,31; 6:29,30; Eze 24:13; Mt 23:37

Ac 7:51-60

go to.

Ge 11:4,7

I will take.

27:10,11; Le 26:31-35; De 28:49-52; 2Ch 36:4-10; Ne 2:3

Ps 74:1-10; 80:12-16; La 1:2-9; 4:12

trodden down. Heb. for a treading.

10:6; 25:10; 28:3,18; La 1:15; Da 8:13; Lu 21:24; Re 11:2

I will lay.

9,10; 6:11,12; 24:1-3,12; 32:13,14; Le 26:33-35; De 29:23

2Ch 36:19-21; Jer 25:11; 45:4; Lu 21:24

it shall.

7:23-25; Ho 3:4


30:23; De 28:23,24; Am 4:7; Zec 14:16,17; Heb 6:6-8; Re 11:6

the vineyard.

Ps 80:8-11,15; Jer 12:10

his pleasant plant. Heb. plant of his pleasures.

62:5; Ps 147:11; 149:4; So 7:6; Zep 3:17

he looked.

2; 58:6-8; Ex 22:22-27; Mic 6:8; Zec 7:9-14; Mt 3:8-10; 23:23

Joh 15:2; 1Co 6:8-11; 1Jo 3:7,8

but.The paronomasia, or play of words, is very remarkable here: he looked for {mishpat,} "judgment," but behold {mispach,} "oppression;" for {tzedakah,} "justice," but behold {tzëdkah,} "a cry."

oppression. Heb. a scab.

1:6; 3:17

a cry.

Ge 4:10; Ex 2:23,24; 3:7; 22:21-24,27; De 15:9; Ne 5:1-5

Job 31:38,39; 34:28; Pr 21:13; Lu 18:7; Jas 5:4


Jer 22:13-17; Mic 2:2; Hab 2:9-12; Mt 23:14; Lu 12:16-24


1Ki 21:16-20

they. Heb. ye placed.

Eze 11:15; 33:24
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