1 Samuel 6:5

mice.Bochart has collected many curious accounts relative to the terrible devastations made by these mischievous animals. William, Archbishop of Tyre, records, that in the beginning of the twelfth century, a penitential council was held at Naplouse, where five and twenty canons were framed for the correction of the manners of the inhabitants of the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem, who they apprehended had provoked to bring upon them the calamities of earthquakes, war, and famine. This last he ascribes to locusts and devouring mice, which had for four years together so destroyed the fruits of the earth as to cause an almost total failure of their crops. It was customary for the ancient heathen to offer to their gods such monuments of their deliverance as represented the evils from which they had been rescued; and Tavernier informs us, that among the Indians, when a pilgrim goes to one of the pagodas for a cure, he brings the figure of the member affected, made of gold, silver, or copper, according to his circumstances, which he offers to his god.

Ex 8:5,17,24; 10:14,15; Joe 1:4-7; 2:25

give glory.

Jos 7:19; Ps 18:44; 66:3; *marg:

Isa 42:12; Jer 3:13; 13:16; Mal 2:2; Joh 9:24; Re 11:13; 16:9


5:6,11; Ps 32:4; 39:10

off your.

5:3,4,7; Ex 12:12; Nu 33:4; Isa 19:1

1 Kings 20:31

his servants.

23; 2Ki 5:13

merciful kings.

Pr 20:28; Isa 16:5; Eph 1:7,8

let us, I pray thee.Six of the citizens of Calais are reported to have acted nearly in the same manner, when they surrendered their city to Edward the Third, king of England, in 1346. See the whole story circumstantially related by Sir John Froissart, (who lived in that time,) with that simplicity and detail that give it every appearance of truth.

put sackcloth.

21:27-29; Ge 37:34; 2Sa 3:31; 14:2; 2Ki 19:1,2; Es 4:1-3; Isa 22:12

Isa 37:1; Jon 3:5,6; Re 11:3


2Ki 7:4; Es 4:16; Job 2:4; Mt 10:28

Jonah 3:9

1:6; 2Sa 12:22; Ps 106:45; Joe 2:13,14; Am 5:15; Lu 15:18-20

2 Timothy 2:25


Mt 11:29; Ga 6:1; 1Ti 6:11; 1Pe 3:15


Jer 13:15-17; 26:12-15; Joh 5:34; Ac 22:1-23:11


Jer 31:18,19,33; Eze 11:19; 36:26,31; Zec 12:10; Ac 5:21; 11:18

Jas 1:17; 1Jo 5:16


Ac 8:22; 1Ti 2:4


3:7; Mt 21:32; Mr 1:3,4,15; Ac 2:38; 20:21; Tit 1:1
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