2 Chronicles 18:5


1Ki 18:19; 2Ki 3:13; 2Ti 4:3

Shall we go.

Jer 38:14-28; 42:2,3,20

Go up.

14,20,21; Jer 8:10,11; 23:14,17; 28:1-17; Eze 13:3-16,22; Mic 2:11

Mic 3:11; Re 19:20

2 Chronicles 18:12


Job 22:13; Ps 10:11; Isa 30:10; Ho 7:3; Am 7:13; Mic 2:6,11

1Co 2:14-16

assent. Heb. mouth.

Jos 9:2; *marg:

2 Chronicles 18:33-34

a certain man.

1Ki 22:34

at a venture. Heb. in his simplicity.

2Sa 15:11

between the, etc. Heb. between the joints and between thebreast plate. The {shiryon,} in Syriac, {sheryono,} seems to have covered both the back and breast of the warrior, and was consequently not properly a breast-plate, but a coat of mail or corslet. The corslet was made of flax or of wool woven very thick, of ox-hide, of brass, or of iron. The metallic corslet consisted not of solid piece, but of scales, hooks, or rings, connected like the links of a chain, that the warrior might move with greater ease. It was between the joints of this harness that Ahab received his mortal wound.

1Ki 22:34,35

wounded. Heb. made sick.


he died.

16,19,27; Nu 32:23; Pr 13:21; 28:17

Proverbs 24:24-25


17:15; Ex 23:6,7; Isa 5:20,23; Jer 6:13,14; 8:10,11; Eze 13:22

him shall.

11:26; 28:27; 30:10; Isa 66:24


Le 19:17; 1Sa 3:13; 1Ki 21:19,20; Ne 5:7-9; 13:8-11,17,25,28

Job 29:16-18; Mt 14:4; 1Ti 5:20; 2Ti 4:2; Tit 1:13; 2:15

a good blessing. Heb. a blessing of good.


Micah 3:5


11; Isa 9:15,16; Jer 14:14,15; 23:9-17,27,32; 28:15-17; 29:21-23

Eze 13:10-16; 22:25-29; Mal 2:8; Mt 15:14

that bite.

2:11; Isa 56:9-12; Eze 13:18,19; Mt 7:15; Ro 16:18

2 Peter 2:1-3

1 He foretells them of false teachers, shewing the impiety and punishment both of them and their followers;

7 from which the godly shall be delivered, as Lot was out of Sodom;

10 and more fully describes the manners of those profane and blasphemous seducers, whereby they may be the better known, and avoided.

there were.

De 13:1-3; 1Ki 18:19-22; 22:6; Ne 6:12-14; Isa 9:15; 56:10,11

Jer 14:13-15; 23:16,17,25-32; 27:14,15; 28:15-17; 29:8,9,31,32

Jer 37:19; La 2:14; Eze 13:3-18; Ho 9:8; Mic 2:11; 3:5,11

Zec 13:3,4; Mt 7:15; Lu 6:26; Ro 16:18


Mt 24:5,11,24; Mr 13:22; Lu 21:8; Ac 20:29,30; 1Co 11:19

2Co 11:13-15; Ga 4:17; Eph 4:14; Col 2:8,18; 2Th 2:3-12; 1Ti 4:1-3

2Ti 3:1-9; 4:3; Tit 1:11; 1Jo 2:18,19,26; 4:1; Jude 1:18; Re 2:9; 13:14


3; Ga 2:4


3; Ga 5:20; Tit 3:10


Mt 10:33; Lu 12:9; Ac 3:13,14; 2Ti 2:12,13; Jude 1:4; Re 2:13; 3:8


De 32:6; Ac 20:28; 1Co 6:20; 7:23; Ga 3:13; Eph 1:7; Heb 10:29

1Pe 1:8; Re 5:9

and bring.

3; Mal 3:5; Php 3:19


Mt 24:10-13,24; Mr 13:22; 1Jo 2:18,19; Re 12:9; 13:8,14

pernicious ways. or, lascivious ways, as some copies read.by reason.

Ro 2:24; 1Ti 5:14; Tit 2:5,8


15,21; Ps 18:21; Isa 35:8; Jer 6:16; Mt 7:14; 22:16; Mr 12:14

Joh 14:6; Ac 13:10; 16:17; 18:26; 19:9; 24:14


12; Ac 14:2; 1Pe 2:12; Jude 1:10,15


14,15; Isa 56:11; Jer 6:13; 8:10; Eze 13:19; Mic 3:11; Mal 1:10

Ro 16:18; 2Co 12:17,18; 1Ti 3:3,8; 6:5; Tit 1:7,11; 1Pe 5:2

Jude 1:11


1:16; Ps 18:44; 66:3; 81:15; *marg:

Lu 20:20; 22:47; 1Th 2:5


De 24:17; Joh 2:16; 2Co 2:17; Re 18:11-13


1,9; De 32:35; Isa 5:19; 30:13,14; 60:22; Hab 3:3; Lu 18:8; 1Th 5:3

1Pe 2:8; Jude 1:4,7,15

Jude 16


Nu 14:36; 16:11; De 1:27; Ps 106:25; Isa 29:24; Lu 5:30; 15:2; 19:7

Joh 6:41,61; 1Co 10:10; Php 2:14


18; Ga 5:16,24; 1Th 4:5; 2Ti 4:3; Jas 1:14,15; 1Pe 1:14; 2:11

1Pe 4:2; 2Pe 2:10; 3:3

their mouth.

15; Job 17:4,5; Ps 17:10; 73:9-11; 2Pe 2:18


Le 19:15; Job 32:21; 34:19; Ps 15:4; Pr 28:21; 1Ti 6:5; Jas 2:1-9

2Pe 2:1-3

Revelation of John 16:13-14


14; 2Th 2:9-11; 1Ti 4:1-3; 2Ti 3:1-6; 2Pe 2:1-3; 1Jo 4:1-3


Ex 8:2-7; Ps 78:45; 105:30

come out of.

12:3,4,9-13; 13:1-7,11-18

the false.

19:20; 20:10

the spirits.

12:9; 1Ki 22:19-23; 2Ch 18:18-22; Eze 14:9; Joh 8:44; 2Co 11:13-15

1Ti 4:1; Jas 3:15


13:13,14; 19:20; De 13:1,2; Mt 24:24; Mr 13:22; 2Th 2:9


1Ki 22:6,10,11,19-22; Ac 13:8-10

the whole.

3:10; 12:9; 13:3; Lu 2:1; Ro 1:8; 1Jo 5:19

to gather.

16; 17:14; 19:19; 20:8; Isa 34:1-8; 63:1-6; Eze 38:8-12; Joe 3:11-14

God Almighty.

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