2 Chronicles 20:5-13


6:12,13; 34:31; 2Ki 19:15-19

O Lord.

Ex 3:6,15,16; 1Ch 29:18

God in heaven.

De 4:39; Jos 2:11; 1Ki 8:23; Ps 115:3; Isa 57:15,16; 66:1; Mt 6:9

rulest not.

1Ch 29:11,12; Ps 47:2,8; Jer 27:5-8; Da 4:17,25,32-35

in thine hand.

1Ch 29:11,12; Ps 62:11; Mt 6:13

none is able.

Ac 11:17

our God.

14:11; Ge 17:7; Ex 6:7; 19:5-7; 20:2; 1Ch 17:21-24

who. Heb. thou. drive out.

Ex 33:2; Ps 44:2


Ge 12:7; 13:15; Jos 24:3,13; Ne 9:8

thy friend.

Isa 41:8; Joh 11:11; 15:15; Jas 2:23

built thee.

2:4; 6:10

If, when evil.

6:28-30; 1Ki 8:33,37

and in thy presence.

Mt 18:20

thy name.

6:20; Ex 20:24; 23:21

is in this house.Several MSS. with the Syriac, Arabic, and Vulgate, read {nikra}, "is invoked:" "thy name is invoked in this house."

whom thou.

Nu 20:17-21; De 2:4,5,9,19; Jud 11:15-18

how they reward us.Six of Dr. Kennicott's and De Rossi's MSS. and {räâh}, "evil:" "Behold they reward us evil:" which is also the reading of the Targum.

Ge 44:4; Ps 7:4; 35:12; Pr 17:13; Jer 18:20

to cast us.

Jud 11:23,24; Ps 83:3-12


De 32:36; Jud 11:27; 1Sa 3:13; Ps 7:6,8; 9:19; 43:1; Isa 2:4; 42:4

Joe 3:12; Re 19:11

we have.

2Sa 14:11; 1Sa 14:6; 2Co 1:8,9


2Ki 6:15

our eyes.

Ps 25:15; 121:1,2; 123:1,2; 141:8; Jon 2:4

all Judah.

De 29:10; Ezr 10:1; Jon 3:5; Ac 21:5

Psalms 50:15


77:2; 91:15; 107:6-13,19,28; 2Ch 33:12,13; Job 22:27; Zec 13:9

Lu 22:44; Ac 16:25; Jas 5:13


34:3,4; 66:13-20; Lu 17:15-18


23; 22:23; Mt 5:16; Joh 15:8; 1Pe 4:11,14

Psalms 91:15

He shall.

10:17; 18:3,4,15; Isa 58:9; 65:24; Jer 29:12,13; 33:3; Ro 10:12,13

Heb 5:7

I will be.

23:4; 138:7; Isa 41:10; 43:1,2; Mt 28:20; Joh 16:32; Ac 18:9,10

2Ti 4:17


37:40; 2Co 1:9,10


1Sa 2:30; Joh 5:44; 12:26,43; 1Pe 1:21; 3:22; 5:4; Re 3:21

Isaiah 37:4

It may.

Jos 14:12; 1Sa 14:6; 2Sa 16:12; Am 5:15

to reproach.

23,24; 36:20; 51:7,8; 1Sa 17:26,36; 2Ki 19:4,22,23; 2Ch 32:15-19

and will.

23; Ps 50:21

lift up.

1Sa 7:8; 12:19,23; 2Ch 32:20; Ps 106:23; Joe 2:17; Jas 5:16

for the.

1:9; 8:7,8; 10:5,6,22; 2Ki 17:18; 18:9-16; 2Ch 28:19; Ro 9:27

left. Heb. found.

Isaiah 37:15-21

1Sa 7:8,9; 2Sa 7:18-29; 2Ki 19:15-19; 2Ch 14:11; 20:6-12

Da 9:3,4; Php 4:6,7; Jas 5:13


6:3; 8:13; 2Sa 7:26; Ps 46:7,11


Ex 25:22; 1Sa 4:4; Ps 80:1; 99:1; Heb 4:16

thou art.

20; 43:10,11; 44:6; 45:22; 54:5; 1Ki 18:32; 2Ki 5:15; Ps 86:10

Re 11:15-17

thou hast.

40:28; 44:24; Ge 1:1; Ps 146:6; Jer 10:10-12; Joh 1:3; Col 1:16


2Ch 6:40; Job 36:7; Ps 17:6; 71:2; 130:1,2; Da 9:17-19; 1Pe 3:12


4; 2Sa 16:12; Ps 10:14,15; 74:10,22; 79:12; 89:50,51

the kings.

2Ki 15:29; 16:9; 17:6,24; 1Ch 5:26; Na 2:11,12

nations. Heb. lands.

And have.

10:9-11; 36:18-20; 46:1,2; Ex 32:20; 2Sa 5:21

cast. Heb. given. no gods.

40:19-21; 41:7; 44:9,10,17; Ps 115:4-8; Jer 10:3-6,11; Ho 8:6

that all.

42:8; Ex 9:15,16; Jos 7:8,9; 1Sa 17:45-47; 1Ki 8:43; 18:36,37

Ps 46:10; 59:13; 67:1,2; 83:17,18; Eze 36:23; Mal 1:11




38:3-6; 58:9; 65:24; 2Sa 15:31; 17:23; 2Ki 19:20,21; Job 22:27

Ps 91:15; Da 9:20-23; Ac 4:31

Joel 2:17

the priests.



1Ki 6:3; 2Ch 8:12; Eze 8:16; Mt 23:35

and let.

Ho 14:2


Ex 32:11-13; 34:9; De 9:16-29; Isa 37:20; 64:9-12; Da 9:18,19

Am 7:2,5; Mal 1:9

and give.

Ps 44:10-14; 74:10,18-23; 79:4; 89:41,51; Eze 36:4-7


Ne 9:36; Isa 63:17-19

rule over them. or, use a byword against them.

De 28:37; 1Ki 9:7; 2Ch 7:20; Ps 44:14


Nu 14:14-16; De 32:27; Ps 42:10; 79:10; 115:2; Eze 20:9; Mic 7:10

Mt 27:43

Amos 7:1-6

1 The judgments of the grasshoppers,

4 and of the fire are diverted by the prayer of Amos.

7 By the wall of a plumbline is signified the rejection of Israel.

10 Amaziah complains of Amos.

14 Amos shews his calling;

16 and Amaziah's judgment.


4,7; 8:1; Jer 1:11-16; 24:1; Eze 11:25; Zec 1:20


4:9; Ex 10:12-16; Isa 33:4; Joe 1:4; 2:25; Na 3:15-17

grasshoppers. or, green worms.{Govai,} in Arabic {gabee,} "locusts," probably in their caterpillar state, in which they are most destructive. This is supposed to have been an emblem of the first invasion of the Assyrians.

mowings.Or rather, feedings or grazings, as the people of the East make no hay. This was probably in the month of March, which is the only time of the year that the Arabs to this day feed their horses with grass.


Ex 10:15; Re 9:4

O Lord.

5; Ex 32:11,12; 34:9; Nu 14:17-19; Jer 14:7,20,21; Da 9:19

Jas 5:15,16

by whom shall Jacob arise. or, who of (or for) Jacob shallstand?

Isa 51:19; Eze 9:8; 11:13


Ps 12:1; 44:24-26; Isa 37:4; Jer 42:2; Zec 4:10

6; De 32:36; 1Ch 21:15; Ps 106:45; Ho 11:8; Joe 2:14; Jon 3:10

Jas 5:16


1,7; Re 4:1

called.This is supposed to denote the invasion of Tiglathpileser, which threatened entire destruction.

1:4,7; 4:11; 5:6; Ex 9:23,24; Le 10:2; Nu 16:35; Isa 27:4; 66:15,16

Jer 4:4; 21:12; Joe 2:30; Mic 1:4; Na 1:6; Heb 1:7


2; Ps 85:4; Isa 10:25


2,3; Isa 1:9; Jer 30:19

Jud 2:18; 10:16; Ps 90:13; 135:14; Jer 26:19; Jon 4:2
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