2 Kings 18:7

And the Lord.

Ge 21:22; 39:2,3; 1Sa 18:14; 2Ch 15:2; Ps 46:11; 60:12; Mt 1:23

Mt 28:20; Ac 7:9,10

he prospered.

Ge 39:2; 1Sa 18:5,14; *marg:

2Sa 8:6,14; 2Ch 31:21; 32:30; Ps 1:3; 60:12; Ro 8:31


20; 16:7

2 Kings 24:1

1 Jehoiakim, first subdued by Nebuchadnezzar, then rebelling against him, procures his own ruin.

5 Jehoiachin succeeds him.

7 The king of Egypt is vanquished by the king of Babylon.

8 Jehoiachin's evil reign.

10 Jerusalem is taken and carried captive into Babylon.

17 Zedekiah is made king, and reigns ill, unto the utter destruction of Judah.

his days.

17:5; 2Ch 36:6-21; Jer 25:1,9; 46:2; Da 1:1

Nebuchadnezzar.This prince, so famous in the writings of the prophets, was the son of Nabopollasar king of Babylon.

Nehemiah 2:19-20


10; 6:1,2



Gashmu. they.

Job 30:1; Ps 44:13,14; 79:4; 80:6; Jer 20:8; Mr 5:40; Heb 11:36

will ye rebel.

6:6; Ezr 4:15,16; Lu 23:2; Joh 19:12; Ac 24:5

The God.

4; 2Ch 26:5; Ps 20:5; 35:27; 102:13,14; 122:6; Ec 7:18

ye have no.

Ezr 4:3; Ac 8:21


Ex 28:29; Le 2:2; 24:7; Nu 10:10; Isa 56:5; Zec 6:14; Ac 10:4,31When Nehemiah had prayed for the relief of his countrymen, and perhaps in David's words, Ps 51:18, he did not sit still and say, "Let God now do his own work, for I have no more to do;" but set himself to do what he could towards it; and here we find that the people were of one heart with Nehemiah. Our prayers must be seconded with our serious endeavours, or else we mock God. Nearly four months had passed, namely, from Chisleu to Nisan (November to March), before Nehemiah made his application to the king for leave to go to Jerusalem; either because the winter was not a proper time for such a journey, and he would not make a motion till he could pursue it, or because it was so long before his month of waiting upon the king came, and there was no coming into his presence until called for, Es 4:11. We are not thus limited to certain moments in our addresses to the King of kings, but have liberty of access to him at all times; to the throne of grace we never come unseasonably.

Jeremiah 52:3


2Sa 24:1; 1Ki 10:9; Pr 28:2; Ec 10:16; Isa 3:4,5; 19:4


2Ch 36:13; Eze 17:15-21

Ezekiel 17:15

he rebelled.

7; 2Ki 24:20; 2Ch 36:13; Jer 52:3


De 17:16; Isa 30:1-4; 31:1-3; 36:6-9; Jer 37:5-7

Shall he prosper.

9; De 29:12-15; Jer 22:29,30

shall he escape.

18; 21:25; Pr 19:5; Jer 32:4; 34:3; 38:18,23; Mt 23:33; Heb 2:3

or shall.

Ps 55:23
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