2 Kings 19:4

the Lord.

Ge 22:14; De 32:36; Jos 14:12; 1Sa 14:6; 2Sa 16:12

whom the king.



22; 1Sa 17:45; Ps 50:21; 74:18

lift up.

2Ch 32:20; Ps 50:15; Jer 33:3; Eze 36:37; Ro 9:27; Jas 5:16,17

the remnant.

17:5,6; 18:13; 2Ch 28:5,6; Isa 8:7,8; 10:6

left. Heb. found.

2 Kings 19:6


Isa 37:6,7-38

Be not afraid.

6:16; Ex 14:13; Le 26:8; De 20:1,3,4; Jos 11:6; 2Ch 20:15,17

Isa 41:10-14; 51:7,12,13

the servants.

18:17,35; Ps 74:18,23; Re 13:6

2 Kings 19:20-37

which thou hast.

2Sa 15:31; 17:23

I have heard.

20:5; 2Ch 32:20,21; Job 22:27; Ps 50:15; 65:2; Isa 58:9; 65:24

Jer 33:3; Da 9:20-23; Joh 11:42; Ac 10:4,31; 1Jo 5:14,15

The virgin.

Isa 23:12; 37:21,22-35; 47:1; Jer 14:17; 18:13; 31:4; La 1:15; 2:13

Am 5:2

the daughter.

Ps 9:14; 137:8; Isa 1:8; 23:10; 47:5; Jer 46:11; La 2:13; 4:21

Mic 4:8; Zec 9:9

shaken her head.

Job 16:4; Ps 22:7,8; Isa 37:22; La 2:15; Mt 27:39


18:28-35; Ex 5:2; Ps 73:9; 74:22,23

exalted thy voice.

Ex 9:17; Pr 30:13; Isa 10:15; 14:13,14; Eze 28:2-9; Da 5:20-23

2Co 10:5; 2Th 2:4

the Holy One.

Ps 71:22; Isa 5:24; 30:11,12,15; Jer 51:5

By. Heb. By the hand of. messengers.

18:17; 2Ch 32:17

With the multitude.

18:23,33,34; Ps 20:7; Isa 10:7-11,14; 37:24,25; Eze 31:3-18

tall cedar trees thereof. Heb. tallness of the cedar-treesthereof. the forest of his Carmel. or, the forest, and his fruitful field.

I have digged, etc.I have conquered strange countries, and marched through the driest places, in which I have digged wells for my army.

with the sole.My infantry have been so numerous, that they alone have been sufficient to dry up all the rivers of besieged places, either by drinking them, or by diverting their course into other channels.

Ex 15:9; 2Sa 17:13; 1Ki 20:10; Da 4:30

besieged places. or, fenced places.

Hast thou not, etc. or,Hast thou not heard how I have made it long ago, and formed it of ancient times? Should I now bring it to be laid waste, and fenced cities to be ruinous heaps? I have done it.

Ps 33:11; 76:10; Isa 10:5,6,15; 37:26,27; 45:7; 46:10,11; 54:16

Ac 4:27,28

of small power. Heb. short of hand.

Nu 11:23; 14:9; Ps 48:4-7; 127:1; Jer 37:10; 50:36,37; 51:30,32

they were.

Ps 92:7; 102:11; Isa 40:6-8; Jas 1:10,11; 1Pe 1:24

the grass.

Ps 129:6-8

I know.

Ps 139:1-11; Jer 23:23,24

abode. or, sitting. thy going out.

De 28:6,19; Ps 121:8; Isa 37:28,29

thy rage.

Ps 2:1-5; 7:6; 10:13,14; 46:6; 93:3,4; Lu 6:11; Joh 15:18,23,24

Ac 7:51

thy tumult.

Ps 65:7; 74:4,23; 83:2

I will put.This alludes to the method by which the common people manage their beasts in the East, especially the dromedaries, which are governed by a bridle fastened to a ring, which runs through the nostril of the beast.

Job 41:2; Ps 32:9; Eze 29:4; 38:4; Am 4:2

by the way.


a sign.

21,31-34; 20:8,9; Ex 3:12; 1Sa 2:34; Isa 7:11-14; Lu 2:12

Ye shall eat.

Le 25:4,5,20-22; Isa 37:30

the remnant that, etc. Heb. the escaping of the house ofJudah that remaineth.

4; 2Ch 32:22,23; Isa 1:9; 10:20-22

shall yet again.

Ps 80:9; Isa 27:6; 37:31,32


4; Jer 44:14; Ro 9:27; 11:5

they that escape. Heb. the escaping. the zeal.

Isa 9:7; 59:17; 63:15; Eze 5:13; 20:9; Zec 1:14; Joh 2:17

He shall not come.

Isa 8:7-10; 10:24,25,28-32; 37:33-35

cast a bank.

2Sa 20:15; Eze 21:22; Lu 19:43,44

By the way.


I will defend.

20:6; Ps 46:5,6; 48:2-8; Isa 31:5; 38:6

for mine.

De 32:27; Isa 43:25; 48:9,11; Eze 36:22; Eph 1:6,14

my servant.

1Ki 11:12,13; 15:4; Isa 9:7; Jer 23:5,6; 33:21,26

that night.

Ex 12:29; Da 5:30; 1Th 5:2,3

the angel.

Ex 12:29,30; 2Sa 24:16; 1Ch 21:12,16; 2Ch 32:21,22; Ps 35:5,6

Ac 12:23

and smote.

Isa 10:16-19,33; 30:30-33; 37:36; Ho 1:7

when they arose.

Ex 12:30; Ps 76:5-7,10




Ge 10:11,12; Jon 1:2; 3:2-10; Na 1:1; 2:8; Mt 12:41


10; 18:5,30; De 32:31; 2Ch 32:14,19; Isa 37:37,38

his sons smote.

7; 2Ch 32:21

the land.Armenia or Ararat is a province of Asia, comprising the modern Turcomania and part of Persia; having Georgia on the north, Curdistan, or the ancient Assyria on the south, and Asia Minor, now Natolia, on the west.

Armenia. Heb. Ararat.

Ge 8:4; Jer 51:27


Ezr 4:2

2 Kings 22:15-20

1:6,16; Jer 23:28


20:17; 21:12,13; 2Ch 34:24,25

all the words.

25:1-4; Le 26:15-46; De 28:15-68; 29:18-23; 30:17,18; 31:16-18

De 32:15-26; Jos 23:13,15; Da 9:11-14

have foresaken.

Ex 32:34; De 29:24-28; 32:15-19; Jud 2:12-14; 3:7,8; 10:6,7,10-14

1Ki 9:6-9; Ne 9:26,27; Ps 106:35-42; Jer 2:11-13,27,28

the works.

Ps 115:4-8; Isa 2:8,9; 44:17-20; 46:5-8; Mic 5:13


1Th 2:16

shall not be.

De 32:22; 2Ch 36:16; Isa 33:14; Jer 7:20; 17:27; Eze 20:47,48

Zep 1:18

the king.

2Ch 34:26-28

thus shall ye.

Isa 3:10; Mal 3:16,17

thine heart.

1Sa 24:5; Ps 51:17; 119:120; Isa 46:12; 57:15; 66:2,5; Jer 36:24

Jer 36:29-32; Eze 9:4; Ro 2:4,5; Jas 4:6-10


Ex 10:3; Le 26:40,41; 1Ki 21:29; 2Ch 33:12,19,23; Mic 6:8

1Pe 5:5,6

a desolation.

Le 26:31,32; De 29:23; Jer 26:6; 44:22

hast rent.



Nu 25:6; Jud 2:4,5; 20:26; Ezr 9:3,4; 10:1; Ne 1:4; 8:9; Ps 119:136

Jer 9:1; 13:17; 14:17; Lu 19:41; Ro 9:2,3

I also have.

19:20; 20:5

I will gather.

Ge 25:8; De 31:16; 1Ch 17:11; 2Ch 34:28

thou shalt.During thy life, none of these calamities shall fall upon thee nor thy people; no adversary shall be permitted to disturb the peace of Judea; and thou shalt at last "be gathered into thy grave in peace." Now, though it is stated that Pharaoh-Necho slew him at Megiddo, yet the Assyrians and the Jews were at peace; and though Josiah might feel it his duty to oppose the Egyptian king's going against his friend and ally, and that, in his endeavours to oppose him, he was mortally wounded at Megiddo, yet certainly he was not killed there, but was brought to Jerusalem, where he died in peace.


23:29,30; Ps 37:37; Isa 57:1,2; Jer 22:10,15,16

Jeremiah 42:2

be accepted before thee. Heb. fall before thee.

36:7; 37:20; *marg:

and pray.

17:15,16; 21:2; 37:3; Ex 8:28; 9:28; 1Sa 7:8; 12:19,23; 1Ki 13:6

Isa 1:15; 37:4; Ac 8:24; Jas 5:16


Le 26:22; De 4:27; 28:62; Isa 1:9; La 1:1; Eze 5:3,4; 12:16

Zec 13:8,9; Mt 24:22
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