2 Samuel 2:1

1 David, by God's direction, with his company goes up to Hebron, where he is made king of Judah.

5 He commends them of Jabesh-gilead for their kindness to Saul.

8 Abner makes Ishbosheth king of Israel.

12 A mortal skirmish between twelve of Abner's and twelve of Joab's men.

18 Asahel is slain.

25 At Abner's motion, Joab sounds a retreat.

32 Asahel's burial.


5:19,23; Nu 27:21; Jud 1:1; 1Sa 23:2,4,9-12; 30:7,8; Ps 25:4,5

Ps 27:4; 143:8; Pr 3:5,6; Eze 36:37


11; 5:1-3; 15:7; Ge 32:2; Nu 13:22; Jos 14:14,15; 1Sa 30:31

1Ki 2:11; 1Ch 29:7

2 Samuel 2:11

time. Heb. number of days.

5:4,5; 1Ki 2:11; 1Ch 3:4; 29:27

2 Samuel 3:2-3

sons born.

1Ch 3:1-4


13:1-29; Ge 49:3,4


1Sa 25:43


1Ch 3:1

Daniel. Abigail.

2:2; 1Sa 25:3,42


13:20-28; 14:24-33; 15:1-18; 17:1-14; 18:9-18,33




De 3:14; Jos 13:13; 1Sa 27:8

2 Samuel 5:5

seven years.

2:11; 1Ki 2:11; 1Ch 3:4

1 Chronicles 11:3


2Sa 5:3

David made.

1Sa 11:15; 2Ki 11:17; 2Ch 23:3


Jud 11:11; 1Sa 23:18


1Sa 16:1,12,13; 2Sa 2:4; 2Ki 23:30


1Sa 15:28; 28:17

by. Heb. by the hand of.

1 Chronicles 12:23

A.M. 2956. B.C. 1048. An. Ex. Is. 433. the numbers.

11:1-3; 2Sa 2:3,4; 5:1-3

bands. or, captains, or men. Heb. heads. came to David.Some learned men understand this as relating to the time when David was make king over Judah, on his first coming to Hebron: but it seems wholly to refer to his being made king over all Israel, after the death of Ishbosheth; for there was no such union or assembly of the several tribes on the former occasion, as is here described.

to turn.



11:10; 1Sa 16:1,3,12,13; 2Sa 3:18; Ps 2:6; 89:19,20

1 Chronicles 12:38

with a perfect heart.The meaning of this expression may be inferred from that of a double heart in ver. 33. If a double heart be expressive of insincerity or duplicity, a perfect heart, which seems to be put in opposition to it, must signify a sincere, faithful, and entire attachment.

1Ki 8:61; 11:4; 2Ki 20:3; Ps 101:2

all the rest.

17,18; Ge 49:8-10; 2Ch 30:12; Ps 110:3; Eze 11:19
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