Deuteronomy 17:16

multiply horses.Multiplying horses for chariots of war and cavalry, or for luxury, would increase the splendour of a monarch, and form a ground of confidence distinct from a proper confidence in God, and inconsistent with it, and with considering him as the glory of Israel. Egypt abounded in horses; and the desire of multiplying these would induce the prince to encourage a trade with that kingdom; and this might make way for the Israelites being again subjugated by the Egyptians, or at least corrupted by their idolatries and vices. Whereas, it was the command of God that they should no more return thither, but be totally detached from them. Besides, they might be tempted to extend their dominion by means of cavalry, and so get scattered among the surrounding idolatrous nations, and thus cease to be that distinct, separate people, which God intended they should be.

1Sa 8:11; 2Sa 8:4; 1Ki 1:5; 4:26; 10:26-28; 2Ch 9:25; Ps 20:7

Isa 36:8,9; Ho 14:3


Isa 31:1-3; Jer 42:14; Eze 17:15

Ye shall henceforth.

28:68; Ex 13:17; 14:13; Nu 14:3,4; Jer 42:15,16; Ho 11:5

Isaiah 30:1-7

1 The prophet threatens the people for their confidence in Egypt,

8 and contempt of God's word.

18 God's mercies towards his church.

27 God's wrath and the people's joy, in the destruction of Assyria.

A.M. cir. 3291. B.C. cir. 713. the rebellious.

9; 1:2; 63:10; 65:2; De 9:7,24; 29:19; Jer 4:17; 5:23; Eze 2:3

Eze 3:9,26,27; 12:2,3; Ho 7:13; Ac 7:51,52

that take.

8:19; 29:15; 1Ch 10:13,14; Ho 4:10-12


4:5; *marg:

28:15,20; 32:2; Ps 61:4; 91:1-4


1:5; 5:18; Nu 32:14; Ho 13:2; Ro 2:5; 2Ti 3:13


20:5,6; 31:1-3; 36:6; De 28:68; 2Ki 17:4; Jer 37:5; 43:7; Eze 29:6,7

and have.

Nu 27:21; Jos 9:14; 1Ki 22:7; Jer 21:2; 42:2,20

the shadow.

16:3; 18:1; Jud 9:15; La 4:20

the strength.

5-7; 20:5; Jer 37:5-10

your confusion.

45:16,17; Jer 17:5,6; Ro 5:5; 10:11

his princes.

57:9; 2Ki 17:4; Ho 7:11,12,16


19:11; Nu 13:22; Eze 30:14


Jer 43:7


Eze 30:18


16; 20:5,6; 31:1-3; Jer 2:36


46:1,2; 57:9; Ho 8:9,10; 12:1


1Ki 10:2; Mt 12:42

into the land.Or, as Bp. Lowth renders, "through a land of distress and difficulty:" the same deserts are here spoken of which the Israelites passed through.

19:4; Ex 1:14; 5:10-21; De 4:20; 8:15; 17:16; Jer 11:4

the viper.

Nu 21:6,7; De 8:15; Jer 2:6


2Ch 9:1; 16:2; 28:20-23

the Egyptians.

31:1-5; Jer 37:7

concerning this. or, to her. Their.

15; 2:22; 7:4; 28:12; Ex 14:13; Ps 76:8,9; 118:8,9; La 3:26; Ho 5:13

Isaiah 31:1-3

1 The prophet shews the folly and danger of trusting to Egypt, and forsaking God.

6 He exhorts to conversion.

8 He shews the fall of Assyria.

to them.

30:1-7; 36:6; 57:9; Eze 17:15; Ho 11:5

stay on horses.

30:16; 36:9; De 17:16; Ps 20:7; 33:16,17

the look.

5:12; 17:7,8; 22:11; 2Ch 16:7; Jer 2:13; 17:5; Ho 14:3


9:13; 64:7; Da 9:13; Ho 7:7,13-16; Am 5:4-8

he also.

1Sa 2:3; Job 5:13; Jer 10:7,12; 1Co 1:21-29; Jude 1:25

will bring.

30:13,14; 45:7; Jos 23:15; Am 3:6

will not.

Nu 23:19; Jer 36:32; 44:29; Zec 1:6; Mt 24:35

call back. Heb. remove. arise.

28:21; 63:4,5; Nu 10:35; Ps 12:5,6; 68:1,2; 78:65,66; Zep 3:8

against the help.

3; 20:4-6; 30:3; Jer 44:29,30; Eze 29:6

the Egyptians.

36:6; De 32:30,31; Ps 9:20; 146:3-5; Eze 28:9; Ac 12:22,23

2Th 2:4-8

their horses.

Ps 33:17


9:17; Jer 15:6; Eze 20:33,34


Jer 37:7-10

Ezekiel 17:15

he rebelled.

7; 2Ki 24:20; 2Ch 36:13; Jer 52:3


De 17:16; Isa 30:1-4; 31:1-3; 36:6-9; Jer 37:5-7

Shall he prosper.

9; De 29:12-15; Jer 22:29,30

shall he escape.

18; 21:25; Pr 19:5; Jer 32:4; 34:3; 38:18,23; Mt 23:33; Heb 2:3

or shall.

Ps 55:23
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