Deuteronomy 22:9-11

shalt not sow.

Le 19:19; Mt 6:24; 9:16; Ro 11:6; 2Co 1:12; 11:3; Jas 1:6-8; 3:10

fruit of thy seed. Heb. fulness of thy seed.
Two different species cannot associate comfortably together, nor pull pleasantly either in cart or plough; and the ass being lower than the ox, when yoked, he must bear the principal part of the weight.

2Co 6:14-16

Le 19:19

Matthew 9:16-17

new cloth. or, raw, or unwrought cloth. for.

Ge 33:14; Ps 125:3; Isa 40:11; Joh 16:12; 1Co 3:1,2; 13:13


Jos 9:4; Job 32:19; Ps 119:83

Romans 11:6

And if.

3:27,28; 4:4,5; 5:20,21; De 9:4-6; 1Co 15:10; Ga 2:21; 5:4; Eph 2:4-9

2Ti 1:9; Tit 3:5

otherwise work.That is, it loses its character, or nature,--that of claiming reward as a matter of right.

2 Corinthians 6:14-17


Ex 34:16; Le 19:19; De 7:2,3; 22:9-11; Ezr 9:1,2,11,12; 10:19

Ne 13:1-3,23-26; Ps 106:35; Pr 22:24; Mal 2:11,15; 1Co 5:9; 7:39

1Co 15:33; Jas 4:4


1Sa 5:2,3; 1Ki 18:21; 2Ch 19:2; Ps 16:3; 26:4,5,9,10; 44:20,21

Ps 101:3-5; 119:63; 139:21,22; Pr 29:27; Joh 7:7; 15:18,19; Ac 4:23

1Co 10:21; Eph 5:6-11; 1Jo 3:12-14

and what.

Pr 8:18,19; Ro 13:12-14; Eph 4:17-20; 5:8-14; Php 2:15; 1Th 5:4-8

1Pe 2:9,10; 4:2-4; 1Jo 1:5-7

what concord.

1Sa 5:2-4; 1Ki 18:21; 1Co 10:20,21


Ezr 4:3; Mr 16:16; Ac 8:20; 1Jo 5:11-13


1Ti 5:8


Ex 20:3; 23:13; 34:14; De 4:23,24; 5:7; 6:14,15; Jos 24:14-24

1Sa 7:3,4; 1Ki 18:21; 2Ki 17:33,34; 21:4,5; 23:5-7; 2Ch 33:4,5

Eze 36:25; Ho 14:8; Zep 1:5; Mt 6:24; 1Jo 5:20,21

ye are.

1Co 3:16,17; 6:19; Eph 2:20; Heb 3:6; 1Pe 2:5

I will dwell.

Ex 29:45; Le 26:12; Ps 90:1; Eze 43:7,9; Zec 2:10,11; Joh 6:56

Ro 8:9,11; Eph 3:17; 2Ti 1:14; 1Jo 4:12,15; Re 21:3

I will be.

Ge 17:7,8; Jer 24:7; 31:33; 32:38; Eze 11:20; 36:28; 37:26,27

Ho 2:23; Zec 8:8; 13:9; Ro 9:26; Heb 8:10; Re 21:7


7:1; Nu 16:21,26,45; Ezr 6:21; 10:11; Ps 1:1-3; Pr 9:6; Isa 52:11

Jer 51:6; Ac 2:40; Re 18:4

and I.

Joh 6:37,38; Ro 15:7

Galatians 3:9-11

7,8,14,29; 4:28; Ro 4:11,16,24

as many.


2:16; Lu 18:9-13; Ro 4:15; 7:9-13; 8:7


De 11:26-28; 29:20; Isa 43:28; Mt 25:41


De 27:26; Jer 11:3; Eze 18:4; Ro 3:19,20; 6:23; Jas 2:9-11


2:16; 1Ki 8:46; Job 9:3; 40:4; 42:6; Ps 19:12; 130:3,4; 143:2; Ec 7:20

Isa 6:5; 53:6; 64:6; Jas 3:2; 1Jo 1:8-10; Re 5:9; 7:14,15

The just.

Hab 2:4; Ro 1:17; Heb 10:38
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