Deuteronomy 4:43

Bezer.Bezer is the same as Bozra, formerly a royal city of Edom. See Note on "Ge 36:33"|.

Jos 20:8

Ramoth.Ramoth was a celebrated city in the mountains of Gilead, placed by Eusebius fifteen miles east from Philadelphia or Ammon, and by Jerome in the neighbourhood of Jabbok, and consequently north of Philadelphia.

Jos 21:38; 1Ki 4:13; 22:3,4; 1Ch 6:80

Golan.This city gave name to the district of Gaulonitis, now called Djolan, which comprises the plain to south of Djedour or Iturea, and to the west of Haouran: its southern frontier is the Nahar Aweired, by which it is separated from the district of Erbad, and the Sheriat el Mandhour, which separates it from the district of El Kefarat: on the west it is limited by the territory of Feik, and on the north-west by Djebel Heish, or mount Hermon.

Jos 21:27; 1Ch 6:71

Joshua 20:8


21:36; De 4:43; 1Ch 6:78


21:38; 1Ki 22:3,4,6; 1Ch 6:80



1 Kings 4:13

The son of Geber. or, Ben-geber. Ramoth-gilead.

22:3; De 4:43; Jos 20:8; 21:38; 2Ki 9:1,14

the towns.

Nu 32:41; De 3:14


De 3:4,8,13,14; Ps 22:12; 68:15

threescore great cities.These were the fortified cities; their gates and bars being covered with plates of brass.

2 Kings 9:1

1 Elisha sends a young prophet with instructions to anoint Jehu at Ramoth-gilead.

4 The prophet having done his message, flees.

11 Jehu, being made king by the soldiers, kills Joram in the field of Naboth.

27 Ahaziah is slain at Gur, and buried at Jerusalem.

30 Proud Jezebel is thrown down out of a window, and eaten by dogs.

one.The Jews say that this was Jonah, the prophet, the son of Amittai.

the children.

4:1; 6:1-3

See on

1Ki 20:35

Gird up thy loins.As the upper garments of the Orientals were long and flowing, it was indispensably necessary to tuck up the skirts with a girdle about their loins, in order to use any expedition in their work or on a journey.

4:29; 1Ki 18:46; Jer 1:17; Lu 12:35-37; 1Pe 1:13

box of oil.

1Sa 10:1; 16:1; 1Ki 1:39


8:28,29; De 4:1,3; 1Ki 22:4,20
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