Deuteronomy 7:3

Ge 6:2,3; Ex 34:15,16; Jos 23:12,13; Jud 3:6,7; 1Ki 11:2

Ezr 9:1,2; Ne 13:23-27; 2Co 6:14-17

Deuteronomy 23:3

Ammonite.These nations were subjected for their impiety, wickedness, and enmity to Israel, (ver. 4, 5,) to peculiar disgrace; and on this account were not permitted to hold any office among the Israelites. This did not, however, disqualify them from becoming proselytes; for Ruth, who was a Moabitess, was married to Boaz, and became one of the progenitors of our Lord.

Ru 4:6,10-22; Ne 4:3,7; 13:1,2,23; Isa 56:3

1 Kings 11:1-2

1 Solomon's wives and concubines.

4 In his old age they draw him to idolatry.

9 God threatens him.

14 Solomon's adversaries were Hadad, who was entertained in Egypt;

23 Rezon, who reigned in Damascus;

26 and Jeroboam, to whom Ahijah prophesied.

41 Solomon's acts, reign, and death. Rehoboam succeeds him.

A.M. 3020-3029. B.C. 984-975. loved.

8; Ge 6:2-5; De 17:17; Ne 13:23-27; Pr 2:16; 5:8-20; 6:24; 7:5

Pr 22:14; 23:33

together with. or, beside.

3:1; Le 18:18

Ye shall not go in.

Ex 23:32,33; 34:16; De 7:3,4; Jos 23:12,13; Ezr 9:12; 10:2-17

Mal 2:11


16:31-33; Nu 25:1-3; Jud 3:6,7; 2Ch 21:6; 2Co 6:14-16


Ge 2:24; 34:3; Jud 16:4-21; 2Ch 19:2; Ps 139:21; Ro 1:32; 12:9

1Co 15:33; Re 2:4
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