Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

1 The vanity of human courses in the works of pleasure.

12 Though the wise be better than the fool, yet both have one event.

18 The vanity of human labour, in leaving it they know not to whom.

24 Nothing better than joy in our labour; but that is God's gift.


15; 1:16,17; 3:17,18; Ps 10:6; 14:1; 27:8; 30:6,7; Lu 12:19

Go to.

Ge 11:3,4,7; 2Ki 5:5; Isa 5:5; Jas 4:13; 5:1

I will.

8:15; 11:9; Isa 50:5,11; Lu 16:19,23; Jas 5:5; Tit 3:3; Re 18:7,8

I said.Solomon is not speaking here of sober enjoyment of the things of the world, but of intemperate pleasure, whose two attendants, laughter and mirth, are introduced by a beautiful prosopopoeia, as two persons, whom he treats with the utmost contempt.

It is.

7:2-6; Pr 14:13; Isa 22:12,13; Am 6:3-6; 1Pe 4:2-4


1:17; 1Sa 25:36

give myself unto wine. Heb. draw my flesh with wine. yet.

Pr 20:1; 31:4,5; Eph 5:18

and to lay.

7:18; Pr 20:1; 23:29-35; Mt 6:24; 2Co 6:15-17


6:12; 12:13

all. Heb. the number of.

Ge 47:9; Job 14:14; Ps 90:9-12


Ge 11:4; 2Sa 18:18; Da 4:30

I builded.

De 8:12-14; 1Ki 7:1,2,8-12; 9:1; 15:19; 10:19,20; 2Ch 8:1-6,11

Ps 49:11

I planted.

1Ch 27:27; 2Ch 26:10; So 1:14; 7:12; 8:11,12; Isa 5:1


So 4:12-16; 5:1; 6:2; Jer 39:4

I planted.

Ge 2:8,9; Lu 17:27-29


Ne 2:14; So 7:4

to water.

Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8


1Ki 9:20-22; Ezr 2:58; Ne 7:57

and had.

Ge 17:12,13

servants born in my house. Heb. sons of my house. also.

Ge 13:2; 2Ki 3:4; 1Ch 27:29-31; 2Ch 26:10; 32:27-29; Job 1:3; 42:12


1Ki 9:14,28; 10:10; 14:21,22,27; 2Ch 9:11,15-21

men singers.

2Sa 19:35; Ezr 2:65

musical instruments, etc. Heb. musical instrument andinstruments.

1Ch 25:1,6; Job 21:11,12; Ps 150:3-5; Da 3:5,7,15; Am 6:5The difficult words {shiddah weshiddoth} are variously rendered. The LXX. have [oinocoon kai oinochoas,] "male and female cup-bearers," with which the Syriac and Arabic and Parkhurst agree; Aquila, [kulikon kai kulikia,] "a cup and smaller cups;" Jerome, {scyphos et urceolos, (Vulg. {urceos,}) "goblets and pots;" Targum, "warm and cold baths;" others, as M. Desvoeux, "male and female captives;" others, "cooks and confectioners;" others, "a species of musical compositions," derived from Sido, a celebrated Phoenician woman, to whom Sanchoniatho attributes the invention of music; but others, with more probability, "wives and concubines;" and {siddoth} may be in this sense synonymous with the Arabic {seedat, domina, conjux} from {sada,} in {Conj. V. conjugium inivit.} Of the former, Solomon had three hundred, and of the latter, seven hundred; and if they are not mentioned here they are not mentioned at all, which is wholly unaccountable.

1:16; 1Ki 3:12; 10:7,23; 1Ch 29:25; 2Ch 1:1; 9:22,23


3:22; 6:9; 11:9; Ge 3:6; 6:2; Jud 14:2; Job 31:1; Ps 119:37; Pr 23:5

1Jo 2:16

my heart rejoiced.

22; 5:18; 9:9; Ps 128:2

I looked.

1:14; Ge 1:31; Ex 39:43; 1Jo 2:16,17


17-23; 1:3,14; Hab 2:13; 1Ti 6:6

Ecclesiastes 2:15

even to me. Heb. to me, even to me. and why.

1:16,18; 1Ki 3:12

Then I.

1; 1:2,14

Ecclesiastes 2:17

I hated.

Nu 11:15; 1Ki 19:4; Job 3:20-22; 7:15,16; 14:13; Jer 20:14-18

Jon 4:3,8; Php 1:23-25


1:14; 3:16; Eze 3:14; Hab 1:3


11,22; 6:9; Ps 89:47

Ecclesiastes 2:19

who knoweth.

3:22; 1Ki 12:14-20; 14:25-28; 2Ch 10:13-16; 12:9,10

wise under.

9:13; Lu 16:8; Jas 1:17; 3:17

Ecclesiastes 2:21-23


17,18; 9:18; 2Ch 31:20,21; 33:2-9; 34:2; 35:18; 36:5-10

Jer 22:15,17

leave. Heb. give.

hath man.

1:3; 3:9; 5:10,11,17; 6:7,8; 8:15; Pr 16:26; 1Ti 6:8

and of the.

4:6,8; Ps 127:2; Mt 6:11,25,34; 16:26; Lu 12:22,29; Php 4:6

1Pe 5:7


Ge 47:9; Job 5:7; 14:1; Ps 90:7-10,15; 127:2

his heart.

5:12; Es 6:1; Job 7:13,14; Ps 6:6,7; 32:4; 77:2-4; Da 6:18; Ac 14:22

Ecclesiastes 2:26

in his sight. Heb. before him.

Ge 7:1; Lu 1:6


2Ch 31:20,21; Pr 3:13-18; Isa 3:10,11; Joh 16:24; Ro 14:17,18

1Co 1:30,31; Ga 5:22,23; Col 1:9-12; 3:16,17; Jas 3:17

to the sinner.

Job 27:16,17; Pr 13:22; 28:8

Ecclesiastes 4:8


9-12; Ge 2:18; Isa 56:3-5

he hath.

Ge 15:2,3


Isa 5:8

is his.

1:8; 5:10; Pr 27:20; Hab 2:5-9; 1Jo 2:16


Ps 39:6; Isa 44:19,20; Lu 12:20

it is.

1:13; 2:23; Isa 55:2; Mt 11:28

Ecclesiastes 4:16

no end.

2Sa 15:12,13; 1Ki 1:5-7,40; 12:10-16

they also.

Jud 9:19,20; 2Sa 18:7,8; 19:9


1:14; 2:11,17,26

Ecclesiastes 5:15-16

Job 1:21; Ps 49:17; Lu 12:20; 1Ti 6:7

a sore.

13; 2:22,23


1Sa 12:21; Jer 2:8; Mr 8:36


1:3; Pr 11:29; Isa 26:18; Ho 8:7; Joh 6:27

Ecclesiastes 6:11

1:6-9,17,18; 2:3-11; 3:19; 4:1-4,8,16; 5:7; Ps 73:6; Ho 12:1
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