Exodus 15:8-10


14:21; 2Sa 22:16; Job 4:9; Isa 11:4; 37:7; 2Th 2:8

the floods.

14:22; Ps 78:13; Hab 3:10

I will pursue.

Ge 49:27; Jud 5:30; 1Ki 19:2; 20:10; Isa 10:8-13; 36:20; 53:12

Hab 3:14; Lu 11:22

destroy. or, repossess.



14:21; Ge 8:1; Ps 74:13,14; 135:7; 147:18; Isa 11:15; Jer 10:13

Am 4:13; Mt 8:27

the sea.

14:28; De 11:4

they sank.


Psalms 46:6


2:1-4; 83:2-8; 2Ch 14:9-13; 20:1,20-24; Isa 8:9,10; 37:21-36


Isa 14:12-16


68:8; 97:5; Jos 2:9,11,24; Isa 64:1,2; Am 9:5,13; Na 1:5

Hab 3:5,6,10,11; 2Pe 3:10-12; Re 6:13,14; 20:11

Isaiah 2:19

And they.

10,21; 1Sa 13:6; 14:11; Jer 16:16; Ho 10:8; Mic 7:17; Lu 23:30

Heb 11:38; Re 6:15; 9:6

earth. Heb. dust. for fear.

10; 2Th 1:9

when he.

30:32; Ps 7:6; 18:6-15; 76:7-9; 114:5-7; Mic 1:3,4; Na 1:3-6

Hab 3:3-14; Hag 2:6,21,22; Heb 12:26; 2Pe 3:10-13; Re 6:12-14

Re 11:13,19; 16:18; 20:11

Isaiah 14:16-17

shall narrowly.

Ps 58:10,11; 64:9

Is this.

4,5; Ps 52:7; Jer 50:23; 51:20-23


13:19-22; 64:10; Eze 6:14; Joe 2:3; Zep 2:13,14

opened not the house of his prisoners. or, did not let hisprisoners loose homewards.

45:13; 58:6; 2Ch 28:8-15; Ezr 1:2-4

Ezekiel 26:10

the abundance.

7; Jer 47:3


15; 27:28; Na 2:3,4


Jos 6:5,20

as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach. Heb.according to the enterings of a city broken up.

Ezekiel 26:15-19


18; 27:28,35; 31:16; 32:10; Isa 2:19; Jer 49:21; Heb 12:26,27

all the princes.

27:29-36; 32:21-32; Isa 14:9-13; 23:1-8; Re 18:11-19


Ex 33:4,5; Job 2:12; Jon 3:6


7:8; Job 8:22; Ps 35:26; 109:18,29; 132:18; 1Pe 5:5

trembling. Heb. tremblings. sit.

Job 2:13; Isa 3:26; 47:1; 52:2; La 2:10


32:10; Ex 15:15; Da 5:6; Ho 11:10; Re 18:15

be astonished.



19:1,14; 27:2,32; 28:12-19; 32:2,16; Jer 6:26; 7:29; 9:20; Mic 2:4

How art.

2Sa 1:19,25-27; Isa 14:12; La 1:1; Joe 1:18; Ob 1:5; Zep 2:15

Re 18:9,10,16-19

seafaring men. Heb. the seas. strong.

27:3-36; 28:2-10; Jos 19:29; Isa 23:4,8

the isles tremble.

15; 27:28-30

at thy.

Isa 23:5-7,10-12


3; Isa 8:7,8; Da 9:26; 11:40; Re 17:15

Ezekiel 27:34-35

26,27; 26:12-15,19-21; Zec 9:3,4

the inhabitants.

26:15-18; Isa 23:6

their kings.

28:17-19; 32:10; Re 18:9,10
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