Exodus 23:13

be circumspect.

De 4:9,15; Jos 22:5; 23:11; 1Ch 28:7-9; Ps 39:1; Eph 5:15; 1Ti 4:16

Heb 12:15

make no mention.

Nu 32:38; De 12:3; Jos 23:7; Ps 16:4; Jer 10:11; Ho 2:17; Zec 13:2

Eph 5:12

Joshua 23:7

That ye come.Have no civil or social contacts with them, as these will infallibly lead to spiritual affinities, in consequence of which, ye will make honourable "mention of the name of their gods," "swear by them" "and serve" them in their abominable rites; and "bow yourselves unto them," as your creators and preservers. All this will follow by simply coming among them. He who walks in the counsel of the ungodly, will soon stand in the way of sinners, and sit in the seat of scorners.

12; Ex 23:33; De 7:2,3; Pr 4:14; 1Co 15:33; 2Co 6:14-17; Eph 5:11


Ex 23:13; Nu 32:38; Ps 16:4; Ho 2:17

to swear.

Jer 5:7; Zep 1:5

Psalms 16:4


32:10; 97:7; Jon 2:8; Re 14:9-11; 18:4,5

hasten, etc. or, give gifts to another. drink.

Ge 35:14; Le 23:13; Isa 57:6; 65:11; 66:3; Jer 7:18


Ex 23:13; Jos 23:7; Ho 2:16,17

Zechariah 13:2

I will cut.

Ex 22:13; De 12:3; Jos 23:7; Ps 16:4; Isa 2:18,20; Eze 30:13; 36:25

Eze 37:23; Ho 2:17; 14:8; Mic 5:12-14; Zep 1:3,4; 2:11


1Ki 22:22; Jer 8:10-12; 23:14,15; 29:23; Eze 13:12-16,23; 14:9

Mic 2:11; Mt 7:15; 2Co 11:13-15; 2Pe 2:1-3,15-19; 1Jo 4:1,2

Re 19:20


Mt 12:43; Lu 11:20; Re 16:13,14; 18:2; 20:1-3
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