Exodus 30:23-33

thee principal.

37:29; Ps 45:8; Pr 7:17; So 1:3,13; 4:14; Jer 6:20; Eze 27:19,22

pure myrrh.Myrrh is a white gum, issuing from the trunk and larger branches of a thorny tree resembling the acacia, growing in Arabia, Egypt, and Abyssinia. Its taste is extremely bitter; but its smell, though strong, is agreeable; and it entered into the composition of the most costly ointments among the ancients. The epithet {deror,} rendered pure, properly denotes fluid, from the Arabic {darra,} to flow; by which is meant the finest and most excellent kind, called {stacte,} which issues of itself from the bark without incision.

cinnamon.{Kinnamon bosem,} odoriferous or spicy cinnamon, is the bark of the canella, a small tree of the size of a willow growing in the island of Ceylon.

sweet calamus.{Kenaih bosem,} {calamus aromaticus,} or odoriferous cane, is a reed growing in Egypt, Syria, and India, about two feet in height, bearing from the root a knotted stalk, quite round, containing in its cavity a soft white pith. It is said to scent the air while growing; and when cut down, dried, and powdered, makes an ingredient in the richest perfumes.


Ps 45:8

the shekel.

Nu 3:47; Eze 45:12


29:40; Le 19:36; Nu 15:5

apothecary. or, perfumer.

1Ch 9:30

an holy.

37:29; Nu 35:25; Ps 89:20; 133:2; Heb 1:9

40:9-15; Le 8:10-12; Nu 7:1,10; Isa 61:1; Ac 10:38; 2Co 1:21,22

1Jo 2:20,27




29:37; Le 6:18; Mt 23:17,19


29:7-37; 40:15; Le 8:12,30; Nu 3:3


28:3; 29:9,35

an holy.

37:29; Le 8:12; 21:10; Ps 89:20


Le 21:10; Mt 7:6

it is.



38; Lu 12:1,2; Heb 10:26-29

a stranger.


cut off.

12:15,19; Ge 17:14; Le 7:20,21; 17:4,9; 19:8; 23:29; Nu 9:13

Psalms 133:2

It is like.

141:5; Pr 27:9; So 1:3; Joh 12:3

that ran down.

Ex 30:25-30; Le 8:12

Ecclesiastes 9:8

thy garments.

2Sa 19:24; Es 8:15; Re 3:4,5; 7:9,13,14; 16:15; 19:8,14

let thy head.

Ru 3:3; 2Sa 14:2; Da 10:3; Am 6:6; Mt 6:17; Lu 7:46

Ecclesiastes 10:1

1 Observations of wisdom and folly;

16 of riot;

18 slothfulness;

19 and money.

20 Men's thoughts of kings ought to be reverent.

Dead flies. Heb. Flies of death. the ointment

Ex 30:34,35

a little.

2Ch 19:2; Ne 6:13; 13:26; Mt 5:13-16; Ga 2:12-14

Song of Solomon 1:3

the savour.

3:6; 4:10; 5:5,13; Ex 30:23-28; Ps 45:7,8; 133:2; Pr 27:9; Ec 7:1

Isa 61:3; Joh 12:3; 2Co 2:14-16; Php 4:18

thy name.

Ex 33:12,19; 34:5-7; Ps 89:15,16; Isa 9:6,7; Jer 23:5,6

Mt 1:21-23; Php 2:9,10

the virgins.

6:8; Ps 45:14; Mt 25:1; 2Co 11:2; Re 14:4

Isaiah 57:9

thou wentest to the king. or, thou respectedst the king.

30:1-6; 31:1-3; 2Ki 16:7-11; Eze 16:33; 23:16; Ho 7:11; 12:1


Pr 7:17

and didst debase.

2:9; Col 2:18

Luke 7:37-38


34,39; 5:30,32; 18:13; 19:7; Mt 21:31; Joh 9:24,31; Ro 5:8

1Ti 1:9,15; 1Pe 4:18


Mt 26:7; Mr 14:3; Joh 11:2; 12:2,3


6:21; 22:62; Jud 2:4,5; Ezr 10:1; Ps 6:6-8; 38:18; 51:17; 126:5,6

Isa 61:3; Jer 31:9,18-20; Joe 2:12; Zec 12:10; Mt 5:4; 2Co 7:10,11

Jas 4:9


44; Ge 18:4; Joh 13:4,5

and anointed.

45,46; Ec 9:8; So 1:3; Isa 57:9

Luke 7:46

Ru 3:3; 2Sa 14:2; Ps 23:5; 104:15; Ec 9:8; Da 10:3; Am 6:6; Mic 6:15

Mt 6:17
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