Ezra 6:14

And the elders.

3:8; 4:3


5:1,2; Hag 1:12-14; 2:2-15; Zec 2:1-4:14; 6:1-15

finished it.

Zec 4:9


Isa 44:28; Hag 1:8

commandment. Chal. decree. Cyrus.

13; 1:1-4; 4:24; 5:13

Artaxerxes.This was Artaxerxes, the third son and successor of Xerxes, surnamed [Makrocheir,] or Longimanus, or in Persian, {Ardsheer deeraz dest,} "Ardsheer the long-handed;" so called, according to the Greeks, from the extra-ordinary length of his hands, but according to the Easterners, from the extent of his dominions. He ascended the Persian throne, A.M. 3540, B.C. 464, and reigned forty-one years. He is said to have been the most handsome person of his age, and to have been a prince of a very mild and generous disposition.


Ezra 7:11-12

the copy.

4:11; 5:6

a scribe.

6; Mt 23:2,13; Mr 7:1-13

Artaxerxes.The title of the king would, in Persian, run thus: {Ardsheer shahinshah,} or {padshah,} "Ardsheer, king of kings," i.e., great or supreme king or emperor.

1Ki 4:24; 20:1; Isa 10:8; Eze 26:7; Da 2:37,47; 1Ti 6:15; Re 17:14

Re 19:16

unto Ezra, etc. or, to Ezra the priest, a perfect scribe ofthe law of the God of heaven, peace, etc. and at such a time.


Ezra 8:1

1 The companions of Ezra, who returned from Babylon.

15 He sends to Iddo for ministers for the temple.

21 He keeps a fast.

24 He commits the treasures to the custody of the priests.

31 From Ahava they come to Jerusalem.

33 The treasure is weighed in the temple.

36 The commission is delivered.

the chief.

1:5; 1Ch 9:34; 24:31; 26:32; 2Ch 26:12; Ne 7:70,71


2:62; 1Ch 4:33; 9:1

them that went up.


Nehemiah 2:1

1 Artaxerxes, understanding the cause of Nehemiah's sadness, sends him with letters and commission to Jerusalem.

9 Nehemiah, to the grief of the enemies, comes to Jerusalem.

12 He views secretly the ruins of the walls.

17 He incites the Jews to build.


Es 3:7

the twentieth.

1:1; Ezr 7:1,7

I took up.

1:11; Ge 40:11,21
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