Genesis 12:1

1 God calls Abram, and blesses him with a promise of Christ.

4 He departs with Lot from Haran, and comes to Canaan.

6 He journeys through Canaan,

7 which is promised to him in a vision.

10 He is driven by famine into Egypt.

11 Fear makes him feign his wife to be his sister.

14 Pharaoh, having taken her from him, by plagues is compelled to restore her.

18 He reproves Abram, whom he dismisses.


11:31,32; 15:7; Ne 9:7; Isa 41:9; 51:2; Eze 33:24


Jos 24:2,3; Ps 45:10,11; Lu 14:26-33; Ac 7:2-6; 2Co 6:17; Heb 11:8

Re 18:4

Genesis 12:9

going on still. Heb. in going and journeying.

13:3; 24:62; Ps 105:13; Heb 11:13,14

Genesis 12:11-20

a fair.

14; 26:7; 29:17; 39:6,7; 2Sa 11:2; Pr 21:30; So 1:14

will kill.

20:11; 26:7; 1Sa 27:1; Pr 29:25; Mt 10:28; 1Jo 1:8-10


Joh 8:44; Ro 3:6-8; 6:23; Col 3:6


11:29; 20:2,5,12,13; 26:7; Isa 57:11; Mt 26:69-75; Ga 2:12,13


Ps 146:3-5; Jer 17:5-8; Eze 18:4


3:6; 6:2; 39:7; Mt 5:28


Es 2:2-16; Pr 29:12; Ho 7:4,5Pharaoh was a common name of the Egyptian kings, and signified a "ruler," or "king," or "father of his country."

40:2; 41:1; Ex 2:5,15; 1Ki 3:1; 2Ki 18:21; Jer 25:19; 46:17; Eze 32:2


20:2; Es 2:9; Ps 105:4; Pr 6:29; Heb 13:4

And he.

13:2; 20:14

he had.

24:35; 26:14; 32:5,13-15; Job 1:3; 42:12; Ps 144:13,14

20:18; 1Ch 16:21; 21:22; Job 34:19; Ps 105:14,15; Heb 13:4

3:13; 4:10; 20:9,10; 26:9-11; 31:26; 44:15; Ex 32:21; Jos 7:19

1Sa 14:43; Pr 21:1


Ex 18:27; 1Sa 29:6-11; Ps 105:14,15; Pr 21:1

Acts 7:3-5


Ge 12:1; Mt 10:37; Lu 14:33; 2Co 6:17; Heb 11:8

the land.

Ge 13:14-17; 15:7; Jos 24:3; Ne 9:8


Ge 11:31,32; 12:4,5; Isa 41:2,9

he gave.

Ge 23:4; Ps 105:11,12; Heb 11:9,10,13-16


De 2:5


Ge 12:7; 13:15; 15:3,18; 17:8; 26:3; 28:13-15; Ex 6:7,8; De 6:10,11

9:5; 10:11; 11:9; 34:4; Ne 9:8; Ps 105:8-11


Ge 15:2-5; 16:2; 17:16-19

Hebrews 11:8


Ge 11:31; 12:1-4; Jos 24:3; Ne 9:7,8; Isa 41:2; 51:2; Ac 7:2-4


Ge 12:7; 13:15-17; 15:7,8; 17:8; 26:3; De 9:5; Ps 105:9-11; Eze 36:24


33; 5:9; Ge 22:18; 15:5; Mt 7:24,25; Ro 1:5; 6:17; 10:16; 2Co 10:5

Jas 2:14-16; 1Pe 1:22; 3:1; 4:17
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