Genesis 15:16

in the.

Ex 12:40


1Ki 21:26; 2Pe 3:8,9


Da 8:23; Zec 5:5-11; Mt 23:32-35; 1Th 2:16

Leviticus 18:24-25


6-23,30; Jer 44:4; Mt 15:18-20; Mr 7:10-23; 1Co 3:17


20:22,23; De 12:31; 18:12

the land.

Nu 35:33,34; Ps 106:38; Isa 24:5; Jer 2:7; 16:18; Eze 36:17,18

Ro 8:22


Ps 89:32; Isa 26:21; Jer 5:9,29; 9:9; 14:10; 23:2; Ho 2:13; 8:13; 9:9


28; 20:22

Deuteronomy 12:31


4; 18:9; Ex 23:2; Le 18:3,26-30; 2Ki 17:15-17; 21:2; 2Ch 33:2

2Ch 36:14

abomination to the. Heb. abomination of the. even theirsons. The unnatural and horrid practice of offering human sacrifices not only existed, but universally prevailed among ancient nations. We have already (Note on Lev 20:2) referred to the custom among the Phoenicians and Carthaginians, descendants from the Canaanitish nations, of sacrificing their children to Moloch, or Saturn; and we will now cite a passage from Diodorus Siculus, (lib. xx.) which immediately precedes that already produced relative to this barbarous custom. He states that the Carthaginians imputed their being besieged by Agathocles to the anger of Saturn, because, instead of sacrificing the best of their own children, as formerly, they had sacrificed children bought for that purpose. "In haste, therefore, to rectify their errors, they chose 200 of the noblest children, and publicly sacrificed them! Others, accused of irreligion, voluntarily gave themselves up, to the number of no less than 300!"

18:10; Le 18:21; 20:2; Jer 7:31; 32:35; Eze 20:31; 23:27; Mic 6:7

Deuteronomy 18:12

9:4; Le 18:24,27
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