Genesis 21:33

grove. or, tree.

Am 8:14The original word {eshel,} has been variously translated a grove, a plantation, an orchard, a cultivated field, and an oak; but it may denote a kind of tamarisk, as it is rendered by Gesenius, the same with the Arabic {athl.}


De 16:21; Jud 3:7


4:26; 12:8; 26:23,25,33

on the name.Dr. Shuckford justly contends, that the expression rendered, "he called on the name," signifies "he invoked in the name."


De 33:27; Ps 90:2; Isa 40:28; 57:15; Jer 10:10; Ro 1:20; 16:26

1Ti 1:17

Judges 20:1

1 The Levite in a general assembly declares his wrong.

8 The decree of the assembly.

12 The Benjamites, being cited, make head against the Israelites.

18 The Israelites in two battles lose forty thousand.

26 They destroy by a stratagem all the Benjamites, except six hundred.

Then all.

2,8,11; 21:5; De 13:12-18; Jos 22:12

as one man.

1Sa 11:7,8; 2Sa 19:14; Ezr 3:1; Ne 8:1

from Dan.

18:29; 1Sa 3:20; 2Sa 3:10; 24:2; 1Ch 21:2; 2Ch 30:5

with the.

Nu 32:1,40; Jos 17:1; 2Sa 2:9

unto the.

18,26; 11:11

in Mizpeh.

10:17; 11:11; Jos 15:38; 18:26; 1Sa 7:5,6; 10:17; 2Ki 25:23It does not appear that the Israelites on this occasion, were summoned by the authority of any one common head, but they came together by the consent and agreement, as it were, of one common heart, fired with a holy zeal for the honour of God and Israel. The place of their meeting was Mizpeh; they gathered together unto the Lord there; for Mizpeh was so very near to Shiloh, that their encampment might very well be supposed to reach from Mizpeh to Shiloh. Shiloh was a small town, and therefore, when there was a general meeting of the people to present themselves before God, they chose Mizpeh for their head quarters, which was the next adjoining city of note; perhaps, because they were not willing to give that trouble to Shiloh, which so great an assembly would occasion; it being the residence of the priests that attended the tabernacle.
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