Genesis 24:22


30; Ex 32:2,3; Es 5:1; Jer 2:32; 1Ti 2:9,10; 1Pe 3:3,8

earring. or, jewel for the forehead.

Ex 32:2,3; Isa 3:19-23; Eze 16:11,12From the word being in the singular number, it is not likely to have been an ear-ring, or a "jewel for the forehead," but "a jewel for the nose, a nose-ring," which is in use throughout Arabia and Persia, particularly among young women. It is very properly translated [epirrinon,] "an ornament for the nose," by Symmachus; and Sir John Chardin informs us, that "it is a custom in almost all the East, for the women to wear rings in their noses, in the left nostril, which is bored low down in the middle. These rings are of gold, and have commonly two pearls and one ruby between, placed in the ring. I never saw a girl or young woman in Arabia or in all Persia, who did not wear a ring after this manner in her nostril."

of half.


bracelets.The word rendered "bracelet," from a root which signifies "to join or couple together," may imply whatever may clasp round the arms and legs; for rings and ornaments are worn round both by females in India and Persia. The small part of the leg, and the whole arm, from the shoulder to the wrist, are generally decorated in this way. As these were given to Rebekah for "her hands," it sufficiently distinguishes them from similar ornaments for the ankles.

Genesis 24:53

jewels. Heb. vessels.The original word denotes vessels, utensils, instruments, furniture, or dress; and these presented by Abraham's servant might have been of various kinds.

Ex 3:22; 11:2; 12:35

brother.No mention is made of her father.

precious.This term, rendered "precious things," as may be seen in the parallel texts, is used to express exquisite fruits or delicacies, and precious plants or flowers: but here it may mean gifts in general, though rather of an inferior kind to those mentioned above.

De 33:13-16; 2Ch 21:3; Ezr 1:6; So 4:13; Isa 39:2

1 Samuel 10:27


2:12; 11:12; De 13:13; 2Sa 20:1; 2Ch 13:7; Ac 7:35,51,52

brought him.

2Sa 8:2; 1Ki 4:21; 10:25; 2Ch 17:5; Ps 72:10; Mt 2:11

he held his peace. or, he was as though he had been deaf.

Ps 38:13; Isa 36:21; Mt 27:12-14

Job 6:22-23

Bring unto me.

42:11; 1Sa 12:3; Ac 20:33


5:20; Le 25:48; Ne 5:8; Ps 49:7,8,15; 107:2; Jer 15:21
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