Genesis 25:13-17

the names.

1Ch 1:29-31

Nebajoth.From Nebajoth sprang the Nabatheans, who inhabited Arabia Petraea; from Kedar, the Cedreans, who dwelt near the Nabatheans; and from Jetur, the Itureans, who inhabited a small tract of country east of Jordan, which afterwards belonged to Manasseh.

36:3; Isa 60:7


Ps 120:5; So 1:5; Isa 21:16,17; 42:11


Isa 21:11,16

Hadar. or, Hadad.More than 300 MSS. and printed editions read Hadad, as in 1 Ch 1:30.


1Ch 5:19; Job 2:11

Naphish.These are evidently the same people mentioned in 1 Ch 5:19, who, with the Itureans, assisted the Hagarenes against the Israelites, but were overcome by the two tribes of Reuben and Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.

castles.The word {tiroth,} rendered "castles," is supposed by some to denote here "towers," fortified rocks, or mountain-tops, and fastnesses of various kinds in woods and hilly countries; but it rather means, "shepherds' cots," surrounded by sufficient enclosures to prevent the cattle from straying, as the cognate Syriac word {teyaro,} and Arabic {tawar,} signify "a sheep-fold."



A.M. 2231. B.C. 1773. these are.




Genesis 36:3

25:13; 28:9


Genesis 36:13

17; 1Ch 1:37

Genesis 36:18

5,14; 1Ch 1:35
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