Genesis 28:16-17

and I.

Ex 3:5; 15:11; Jos 5:15; 1Sa 3:4-7; Job 9:11; 33:14; Ps 68:35

Isa 8:13

he was.

Ex 3:6; Jud 13:22; Mt 17:6; Lu 2:9; 8:35; Re 1:17

the house.

22; 35:1-13; 2Ch 5:14; Ec 5:1; 1Ti 3:15; Heb 10:21; 1Pe 4:17

Leviticus 10:3

I will be.

8:35; 21:6,8,15,17,21; 22:9; Ex 14:4; 19:22; 29:43,44; Nu 20:12

De 32:51; 1Sa 6:20; 1Ch 15:12,13; Ps 89:7; 119:120; Isa 52:11

Eze 20:41; 42:13; Heb 12:28,29


1Sa 2:30; Isa 49:3; Eze 28:22; Joh 12:28; 13:31,32; 14:13

Ac 5:11-13; 2Th 1:10; 1Pe 4:17


Ge 18:25; 1Sa 3:18; Job 1:20,21; 2:10; Ps 39:9; 46:10; Isa 39:8

Mt 10:37

Leviticus 15:31

Thus shall.

11:47; 13:59; Nu 5:3; De 24:8; Ps 66:18; Eze 44:23; Heb 10:29

Heb 12:14,15; Jude 1:4

that they.

19:30; 21:23; Nu 5:3; 19:13,20; Eze 5:11; 23:38; 44:5-7; Da 9:27

1Co 3:17These laws were principally intended to impress the minds of the Israelites with reverence for the sanctuary; and, on the one hand, to shew them what need they had of circumspection, and purity of heart and life, in order to worship the holy God with acceptance; and, on the other hand, that being sinners in a world full of temptations and defilements, they would continually need forgiveness, through the great atonement typified by all the sacrifices, and the sanctification of the Spirit, showed forth by all the purifications. While they were encamped in the desert, it would not be very burdensome to bring the prescribed oblations; but after they were settled in Canaan, many of them at a great distance from the tabernacle, this would become much more difficult. We may, however, observe, continues Mr. Scott, that many of the cases stated only required such washings as might any where be performed, and that those, respecting which sacrifices were appointed, would more rarely occur. We may also suppose, that provided these were brought, when the person who had been unclean first came to the sanctuary, it would suffice: though distance or other hindrances prevented its being done immediately, at the expiration of the seven days.

Leviticus 16:2

he come not.

23:27; Ex 26:33,34; 30:10; 40:20,21; 1Ki 8:6; Heb 9:3,7,8

Heb 10:19,20

that he die not.

13; 8:35; Nu 4:19; 17:10; Mt 27:51; Heb 4:14-16; 10:19

in the cloud.

Ex 40:34,35; 1Ki 8:10-12; 2Ch 5:14

the mercy seat.

Ex 25:17-22

2 Chronicles 33:7

he set a carved image.The Targumist says, "He set up an image, the likeness of himself, in the house of the sanctuary." In the parallel passage it is, "a graven image of the grove," or rather, Asherah or Astarte. Manasseh, as Bp. Patrick observes, seems to have studied to find out what God had forbidden in his law, that he might practice it: a most prodigious change from the height of piety in his father's time, into the sink of impiety in this!

in the house.

2Ki 21:7,8; 23:6

God had said.

4; 1Ki 8:29; Ps 132:13,14

which I have.

6:6; 1Ki 8:44,48; 11:13,32; Ps 78:68

2 Chronicles 36:14

all the chief.

2Ki 16:10-16; Ezr 9:7; Jer 5:5; 37:13-15; 38:4; Eze 22:6,26-28

Da 9:6,8; Mic 3:1-4,9-11; 7:2; Zep 3:3,4

very much.

28:3; 33:9


33:4-7; Eze 8:5-16

Psalms 89:7

76:7-11; Le 10:3; Isa 6:2-7; 66:2; Jer 10:7,10; Mt 10:28

Lu 12:4,5; Ac 5:11; Heb 12:28,29; Re 15:3,4

Ecclesiastes 5:1

1 Vanities in divine service;

8 in murmuring against oppression;

9 and in riches.

18 Joy in riches is the gift of God.

thy foot.

Ge 28:16,17; Ex 3:5; Le 10:3; Jos 5:15; 2Ch 26:16; Ps 89:7

Isa 1:12-20; 1Co 11:22; Heb 12:28,29


Ac 10:33; 17:11; Jas 1:19; 1Pe 2:1,2


Ge 4:3-5; 1Sa 13:12,13; 15:21,22; Ps 50:8-18; Pr 15:8; 21:27

Isa 1:12-15; 66:3; Jer 7:21-23; Ho 6:6,7; Mal 1:10,11; Heb 10:26
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