Genesis 28:20


31:13; Le 27:1-34; Nu 6:1-20; 21:2,3; Jud 11:30,31; 1Sa 1:11,28

1Sa 14:24; 2Sa 15:8; Ne 9:1-10:39; Ps 22:25; 56:12; 61:5,8; 66:13

Ps 76:11; 116:14,18; 119:106; 132:2; Ec 5:1-7; Isa 19:21; Joh 1:16

Ac 18:18; 23:12-15

If God.


will give.

1Ti 6:8

Genesis 48:15


16; 27:4; 28:3; 49:28; De 33:1; Heb 11:21

did walk.

5:22-24; 6:9; 17:1; 24:20; 1Ki 3:6; Ps 16:8; Isa 30:21; Jer 8:2

Lu 1:6; 1Co 10:31; 2Co 1:12; Col 2:6; 1Th 2:12

fed me.

28:20,22; Ps 23:1; 37:3; 103:4,5; Ec 2:24,25; 5:12,18; 6:7

Isa 33:16; Mt 6:25-34; 1Ti 6:6-10

Exodus 16:4-6

I will rain.

Ps 78:24,25; 105:40; Joh 6:31,32; 1Co 10:3

a certain rate every day. Heb. the portion of a day in hisday.

Ne 11:23; Pr 30:8; Mt 6:11,32,33; Lu 11:3

prove them.

15:25; De 8:2,16; Jos 24:15


23; 35:2,3; Le 25:21,22



the Lord.

3; 6:7; 12:51; 32:1,7,11; Nu 16:28,30; Ps 77:20; Isa 63:11,12

Psalms 104:14-15


145:15,16; 147:8,9; Ge 1:11,12,29; 2:5; 1Ki 18:5; Jer 14:5,6

Joe 2:22


Ge 1:29; 2:9; 3:18; 9:3

that he.

136:25; Ge 4:12; Job 28:5; 1Co 3:7


23:5; Jud 9:13; Pr 31:6; Ec 10:19; Jer 31:12; Zec 9:15-17; Mr 14:23

Eph 5:18

oil to make his, etc. Heb. to make his face shine with oil,or, more than oil.

92:10; De 28:40; Jud 9:9; Ec 8:1; 9:7; So 1:2-4; Heb 1:9; 1Jo 2:20


105:16; Le 26:26; De 8:3; Isa 3:1; Eze 4:16; 5:16; 14:13

Psalms 111:5

hath given.

34:9,10; 37:3; Isa 33:16; Mt 6:26-33; Lu 12:30

meat. Heb. prey. he will.

89:34; 105:8; 106:45; Ne 1:5; Da 9:4; Lu 1:72

Psalms 132:15

abundantly. or, surely. bless her provision.

147:14; Ex 23:25; Le 26:4,5; De 28:2-5; Pr 3:9,10; Hag 1:6,9

Hag 2:16-19; Mal 2:2; Mt 14:19-21; Lu 1:53; 2Co 9:10,11

I will satisfy.

22:26; 33:18,19; 36:8; 37:3,19; De 14:29; Isa 33:16; Jer 31:14

Mt 5:6; 6:32,33; Mr 8:6-9

Psalms 145:15

The eyes.

9; 104:21,27; 136:25; 147:8,9; Ge 1:30; Job 38:39-41; Joe 2:22

Mt 6:26; Lu 12:24; Ac 17:25

wait upon thee. or, look unto thee.
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