Genesis 30:22-24


8:1; 21:1; 29:31; 1Sa 1:19,20; Ps 105:42


2; 21:1,2; 25:21; 29:31; Ps 113:9; 127:3
"Be fruitful and multiply," was the blessing of God: barrenness therefore was reckoned a reproach. The intense desire of having children, observable among the Jewish women, arose not only from this reproach of barrenness, but from the hope of being the mother of the promised seed, and Him in whom all the nations of the earth were to be blessed.

29:31; 1Sa 1:5,6; Isa 4:1; Lu 1:21,25,27

And she.

35:24; 37:2,4; 39:1-23; 42:6; 48:1-22; 49:22-26; De 33:13-17

Eze 37:16; Ac 7:9-15; Heb 11:21,22; Re 7:8

Joseph. that is, Adding.


Genesis 41:52

A.M. 2293. B.C. 1711. called he.

29:32-35; 30:6-13; 50:23

Ephraim. i.e., Fruitful.

48:16-19; 49:22; Isa 40:1,2

the land.

Ps 105:17,18; Am 6:6; Ac 7:10

Genesis 46:27

threescore and ten.Threescore and six were before mentioned, (ver. 26,) so that Joseph and his two sons, together with Jacob himself, complete the seventy persons here enumerated; and the number in ver. 15, 18, 22, and 25 amount to that number. The addition of five persons in the LXX. in ver. 20, was either the cause or the consequence of another difference here; for in that version the number is seventy-five ver. 15, 18, 22, 25.

Ex 1:5; 24:1; De 10:22; Ac 7:14

Genesis 48:1

1 Joseph with his sons visits his sick father.

2 Jacob strengthens himself to bless them.

3 He repeats God's promise.

5 He takes Ephraim and Manasseh as his own sons.

7 He tells Joseph of his mother's grave.

8 He blesses Ephraim and Manasseh.

17 He prefers the younger before the elder.

21 He prophesies their return to Canaan.

thy father.

Joh 11:3

his two sons.

41:50-52; 46:20; 50:23; Job 42:16; Ps 128:6

Genesis 48:5

two sons.

41:50-52; 46:20; Jos 13:7; 14:4; 16:1-17:18

are mine.

Le 20:26; Nu 1:10,32-35; 26:28-37; Isa 43:1; Eze 16:8; Mal 3:17

2Co 6:18; Eph 1:5


1Ch 5:1,2; Re 7:6,7

Genesis 48:16


16:7-13; 28:15; 31:11-13; Ex 3:2-6; 23:20,21; Jud 2:1-4; 6:21-24

Jud 13:21,22; Ps 34:7,22; 121:7; Isa 47:4; 63:9; Ho 12:4,5; Mal 3:1

Ac 7:30-35; 1Co 10:4,9


Ps 34:2; Mt 6:13; Joh 17:15; Ro 8:23; 2Ti 4:18; Tit 2:14

my name.

5; 32:28; De 28:10; 2Ch 7:14; Jer 14:9; Am 9:12; Ac 15:17

grow into. Heb. as fishes do increase.

1:21,22; Nu 1:46; 26:34,37Fish are the most prolific of all animals: a tench lays 1,000 eggs, a carp 20,000, and Leuwenhoek counted in a middling sized cod, 9,384,000.

a multitude.

49:22; Ex 1:7; Nu 26:28-37; De 33:17; Jos 17:17

Genesis 48:19-20

said, I know it.

14; 17:20,21; 25:28; Nu 1:33-35; 2:19-21; De 33:17; Isa 7:17

Eze 27:10; Re 7:6,8


De 1:10; Ru 4:11,12

multitude. Heb. fulness.

Israel bless.

24:60; 28:3; Ru 4:11,12

and he set.

Nu 2:18-21; 7:48,54; 10:22,23; 13:8,11,16

Numbers 32

1 The Reubenites and Gadites sue for their inheritance on the east side of Jordan.

6 Moses reproves them.

16 They offer him conditions with which he is content.

33 Moses assigns them the land.

39 They conquer it.

the children.

2:10-15; 26:5-7,15-18; Ge 29:32; 30:10,11


3,35; 21:32


Jos 13:25; 2Sa 24:5; Isa 16:8,9

the place.

26; Ge 13:2,5,10,11; 47:4; Jer 50:19; Mic 7:14; 1Jo 2:16



1,34-38; Jos 13:17; Isa 15:2-4; Jer 48:22,23




Isa 15:6

Nimrim. Heshbon.

21:25,26,28; Jud 11:26; Ne 9:22; Isa 15:4; 16:8,9; Jer 48:2,34,45




Jos 13:19; Isa 16:8; Jer 48:32

Sibmah. Beon.



21:24,34; De 2:24-35

if we have.

Ge 19:19; Ru 2:10; 1Sa 20:3; 2Sa 14:22; Es 5:2; Jer 31:2

bring us.

De 1:37; 3:25,26; Jos 7:7

shall ye sit here.

2Sa 11:11; 1Co 13:5; Php 2:4


9; 21:4; De 1:28

discourage. Heb. break.

Ac 21:13

13:2-26; 14:2; De 1:22,23; Jos 14:6,7

13:23-33; 14:1-10; De 1:24-28

14:11,21,23,29; De 1:34-40; Ps 95:11; Eze 20:15; Heb 3:8-19

from twenty.

14:28,29; 26:2,64,65; De 1:35; 2:14,15


14:24,30; Jos 14:8,9

wholly followed me. Heb. fulfilled after me.


14:24,30; 26:65; De 1:36; Jos 14:8,9


14:33-35; De 2:14; Ps 78:33

until all.

26:64; De 2:15; 1Co 10:5; Heb 3:16-19

an increase.

Ge 5:3; 8:21; Ne 9:24-26; Job 14:4; Ps 78:57; Isa 1:4; 57:4

Eze 20:21; Mt 23:31-33; Lu 11:48; Ac 7:51,52

to augment.

De 1:34,35; Ezr 9:13,14; 10:10; Ne 13:18; Isa 65:6,7

if ye turn.

Le 26:14-18; De 28:15-68; 30:17-19; Jos 22:16-18; 2Ch 7:19-22

2Ch 15:2

he will yet.


ye shall.

Jer 38:23; Mt 18:7; Ro 14:15,20,21; 1Co 8:11,12
This proposal was very equitable, and it was honestly made and faithfully executed; though it did not imply that all men capable of bearing arms should go, and so leave their families and possessions defenceless, but only a sufficient detachment of them. Among the inhabitants of the land were the Ammonites, Moabites, Idumeans, and the remains of the Midianites and Amorites; and as it was impossible for the women and children to keep the defenced cities, when placed in them, many of the men of war must of course stay behind. In the last census (ch. 26), the tribe of Reuben consisted of 43,730 men; the tribe of Gad 40,500; and the tribe of Manasseh 52,700; the half of which is 26,350; which together amount to 110,580. Now from Jos 4:13, we learn, that of these tribes only 40,000 armed men passed over Jordan to assist their brethren: consequently 70,580 men were left behind for the defence of the women, the children, and the flocks: which was amply sufficient for this purpose.

34:22; Ge 33:17

29-32; De 3:18-20; Jos 4:12,13

Jos 22:4,5

we will.

Ge 13:10-12; 14:12; 2Ki 10:32,33; 15:29; 1Ch 5:25,26; Pr 20:21


33; Jos 12:1-6; 13:8

on this side.

32; 34:15; Jos 1:14,15

De 3:18-20; Jos 1:13-15; 4:12,13; 22:2-4



De 3:20; Jos 10:30,42; 11:23; 18:1; Ps 44:1-4; 78:55

ye shall.

Jos 22:4,9

be guiltless.

Jos 2:19; 2Sa 3:28

this land.

De 3:12-18; Jos 1:15; 13:8,29-32; 22:9

if ye will.

Le 26:14-46; De 28:15-68

be sure your sin.If the persons concerned prevaricated, and so imposed on men, or if they afterwards refused to fulfil their engagement, God would most certainly detect and expose their wickedness, and inflict condign punishment upon them. Of all the ways, says Dr. South, to be taken for the prevention of that great plague of mankind, Sin, there is none so rational and efficacious as to confute and baffle those motives by which men are induced to embrace it; and among all such motives, the heart of man seems to be chiefly overpowered and prevailed upon by two, viz. secrecy in committing sin, and impunity with respect to its consequences. Accordingly, Moses, in this chapter, having to deal with a company of men suspected of a base and fraudulent design, though couched under a very fair pretence, as most such designs are, endeavours to quash it in its very conception, by secretly applying himself to encounter those secret motives and arguments, which he knew were the most likely to encourage them in it. And this he does very briefly, but effectually, by assuring them, that how covertly and artificially soever they might carry on their dark project, yet their sin would infallibly find them out. Though the subject and occasion of these words are indeed particular, yet the design of them is manifestly of an universal import, as reaching the case of all transgressors, in their first entrance on any sinful act or course.

Ge 4:7; 44:16; Ps 90:8; 139:11; 140:11; Pr 13:21; Isa 3:11

Isa 59:1,2,12; Ro 2:9; 1Co 4:5


Jos 1:13,14


thy servants.

Jos 4:12


17; 2Co 10:4,5; Eph 6:10-18; 2Ti 4:7,8

as my lord.

11:28; 12:11; 36:2

Jos 1:13


Jos 22:19




1; De 3:12-17; 29:8; Jos 12:6; 13:8-14; 22:4

half the.

34:14; 1Ch 5:18; 12:31; 26:32

the kingdom.

21:23-35; De 2:30-33; 3:1-8; Ps 135:10,11; 136:18-21

Dibon.Eusebius says that Dibon was a large town, near the river Arnon. Burckhardt says, that when he was about an hour's distance north of the Modjeb or Arnon, he was shown to the N. E. the ruins of Diban, the ancient Dibon, situated in the low ground of the Koura, or plains of Moab.

3; 21:20; 33:45,46

Aroer.Aroer was situated, according to Eusebius, on a mountain on the north bank of the river Arnon. This is confirmed by Burckhardt, who says it is called Araayr, and is seated on the edge of the precipice, at the foot of which the river flows.

De 2:36; Isa 17:2




Beth-nimrah.Probably the same as Nimrim in Jer 48:34, and the Bethnabris mentioned by Eusebius, five miles north from Livias. Burckhardt says, that "in the valley of the Jordan, south of Abou Obeida, are the ruins of Nemrim, probably the Beth-nimrah of the Scriptures."


Nimrah. fenced cities.



3; 21:27; Isa 15:4

Eleahleh.Elealeh is placed, by Eusebius, a mile from Heshbon. It is now called El Aal, "the high," and is situated on a hill.


Isa 46:1

Baal-meon.This town is placed, by Eusebius and Jerome, nine miles from Heshbon, at the foot of mount Abarim.


gave other names unto the cities. Heb. they called by namesthe names of the cities.

3; Ge 26:18; Ex 23:13; Jos 23:7; Ps 16:4; Isa 46:1

26:29; Ge 50:23; Jos 17:1

De 3:13-15; Jos 13:29-31; 17:1


De 3:14; Jos 13:30; 1Ch 2:21-23


Jud 10:4; 1Ki 4:13


Deuteronomy 33:17

the firstling.

1Ch 5:1

his horns.

Nu 23:22; 24:8; Job 39:9,10; Ps 22:21; 29:6; 92:10; Isa 34:7

unicorns. Heb. an unicorn. he shall push.

1Ki 22:11; 2Ch 18:10; Ps 44:5

the ten thousands.

Ge 48:19; Nu 26:34,37; Ho 5:3; 6:4; 7:1
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