Genesis 32:24-28


30:8; Lu 13:24; 22:44; Ro 8:26,27; 15:30; Eph 6:12,18; Col 2:1; 4:12

Heb 5:7


28,30; 48:16; Isa 32:2; Ho 12:3-5; 1Co 15:47

breaking of the day. Heb. ascending of the morning.

Ex 14:27; So 2:17

that he.

19:22; Nu 14:13,14; Isa 41:14; 45:11; Ho 12:3,4; Mt 15:22-28

Lu 11:5-8


32; Ps 30:6,7; Mt 26:41,44; 2Co 12:7-9

Let me go.

Ex 32:10; De 9:14; So 7:5; Isa 45:11; 64:7; Lu 24:28,29

I will not.

So 3:4; Ho 12:4; Lu 18:1-7; Ro 8:37; 1Co 15:58; 2Co 12:8,9; Heb 5:7

thou bless.

1Ch 4:10; Ps 67:1,6,7; 115:12,13


Thy name.

17:5,15; 33:20; 35:10; Nu 13:16; 2Sa 12:25; 2Ki 17:34; Isa 62:2-4

Isa 65:15; Joh 1:42; Re 2:17

Israel. i.e., a prince of God. as a prince.Or, according to the LXX., Vulgate, Houbigant, Dathe, and Rosenmuller, "because thou hast power with God, thou shalt also prevail with men." There is a beautiful antithesis between the two terms, with [Elohim,] {Elohim,} god, the Almighty, with [anashim,] {anashim,} weak, feeble men, as the word imports; seeing thou hast had power with the Almighty, surely thou shalt prevail over perishing mortals.


24; Ho 12:3-5

with men.

25:31; 27:33-36; 31:24,36-55; 33:4; 1Sa 26:25; Pr 16:7

Psalms 22:1-2

1 David complains in great discouragement.

9 He prays in great distress.

23 He praises God.

A.M. 2962. B.C. 1042. (Title.) Aijeleth. or, the hind ofthe morning.

16; 42:1,2

my God.

31:14-16; 43:1-5; Mt 27:46; Mr 15:34; Lu 24:44

why hast.

26:9; 37:28; 71:11; 1Sa 12:22; Heb 13:5


11; 16:1

helping. Heb. my salvation.

Isa 46:13


32:3,4; 38:8; Job 3:24; Isa 59:11; Lu 22:44; Heb 5:7

I cry.

42:3; 55:16,17; 88:1; Lu 18:7; 1Th 3:10; 2Ti 1:3


80:4; La 3:8,44

in the night.

Lu 6:12; 18:7; 22:41-46

am not silent. Heb. there is no silence to me.

Mt 26:44

Psalms 22:12-21


68:30; Jer 50:11


De 32:14,15; Isa 34:7; Eze 39:18; Am 4:1-3; Mt 27:1; Ac 4:27

gaped, etc. Heb. opened their mouths against me.

7; 35:21; Job 16:10; La 2:16; 3:46; Mt 26:3,4,59-65

as a.

21; 7:2; 17:12; 35:17; Eze 22:27,28; 1Pe 5:8

I am.

Jos 7:5; Mt 26:38; Lu 22:44; Joh 12:27


17; Da 5:6

out of joint. or, sundered. heart.

68:2; Jos 7:5; Job 23:16; Mr 14:33,34


32:3,4; Pr 17:22


69:3,21; Job 29:10; La 4:4; Joh 19:28

into the.

30:9; 104:29; Ge 3:19; 18:27; Job 7:21; 10:9; 34:15; Isa 53:12

Da 12:2; Mt 27:50; 1Co 15:3


22:1; *title

20; 59:6,14; Mt 7:6; Php 3:2; Re 22:15


Lu 11:53,54


86:14; Jer 12:6; Mt 26:57; Mr 15:16-20; Lu 22:63-71; 23:4,5,10,11

Lu 23:23

they pierced.The textual reading is {kaäri,} "as a lion my hands and feet;" but several MSS., read {kâroo,} and others {karoo} in the margin, which affords the reading adopted by our translators. So the LXX. [oryxan cheiras mou kai podas,] so also the Vulgate, Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopic; and as all the Evangelists so quote the passage, and apply it to the crucifixion of Christ, there seems scarcely the shadow of a doubt that this is the genuine reading; especially when it is considered, that the other contains no sense at all. The whole difference lies between [vâv] {wav} and [yôwd,] {yood,} which might easily be mistaken for each other.

Zec 12:10; Mt 27:35; Mr 15:24; Lu 23:33; Joh 19:23,37; 20:25,27

I may.

102:3-5; Job 33:21; Isa 52:14


Mt 27:36,39-41; Mr 15:29-32; Lu 23:27,35

Mt 27:35; Mr 15:24; Lu 23:34; Joh 19:23,24


11; 10:1

O my.

18:1; 21:1; 40:13,17; 69:13-18


17:13; Zec 13:7

my darling, etc. Heb. my only one from the hand.


the dog.


me from.

Lu 22:53; Joh 14:30; 2Ti 4:17; 1Pe 5:8


Nu 23:22; De 33:17; Job 39:9,10; Isa 34:7; Joh 8:59; Ac 4:27

Ac 5:30-32

Psalms 40:1-3

1 The benefit of confidence in God.

6 Obedience is the best sacrifice.

11 The sense of David's evils inflames his prayer.

A.M. 2970. B.C. 1034. (Title.)This psalm is supposed to have been composed by David about the same time, and on the same occasion, as the two preceding; with this difference, that here he magnifies God for have obtained the mercy which he sought there. It also contains a remarkable prophecy of the incarnation and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

I waited. Heb. In waiting I waited.

27:13,14; 37:7; Jas 5:7-11


116:2; 130:2; Da 9:18


18:16,17; 71:20; 86:13; 116:3; 142:6,7; 143:3; Isa 24:22; Jon 2:5,6

Zec 9:11; Ac 2:24,27-31

horrible pit. Heb. pit of noise.

Mt 13:50

the miry.

69:2,14,15; Jer 38:6-12; La 3:53-55


27:5; 61:2; Mt 7:24,25


17:5; 18:36; 37:23; 119:133

And he.

33:3; 144:9; Re 5:9,10; 14:3


103:1-5; Isa 12:1-4


34:1-6; 35:27; 52:6; 64:9,10; 142:7; Ho 3:5; Ac 2:31-41; 4:4

Psalms 69:14-18


40:1-3; Jer 38:6-13; La 3:55

let me.

25:18,19; 35:19; 109:3,21; Lu 19:14,27; Ac 5:30,31

out of.

1,2,15; 42:7; 124:4,5; 144:7; Mr 14:34-42; 15:34


Isa 43:1,2; Jon 2:2-7; Mt 12:40; Re 12:15,16


16:10; 88:4-6; Nu 16:33,34; Ac 2:24,31

for thy.

36:7; 63:3; 109:21


25:16; 26:11; 86:15,16; Mic 7:19


13; 51:1; Isa 63:7


13:1; 22:24; 27:9; 44:24; 102:2; 143:9; Mt 27:46

for I am.

Mt 26:38

hear me speedily. Heb. make haste to hear me.

40:13; 70:1; Job 7:21


10:1; 22:1,19; Jer 14:8


31:5; 111:9; Job 6:23


De 32:27; Jos 7:9

Psalms 88

1 A prayer containing a grievous complaint.

A.M. cir. 2473. B.C. cir. 1531. (Title.) for. or, of.Mahalath.

53:1; *title

Maschil, etc. or, A Psalm of Heman the Ezrahite, givinginstruction. Supposed to have been written by Heman, son of Zerah, and grandson of Judah, on the oppression of the Hebrews in Egypt.


1Ki 4:31; 1Ch 2:6


27:1,9; 51:14; 62:7; 65:5; 68:19; 79:9; 140:7; Ge 49:18; Isa 12:2

Lu 1:47; 2:30; Tit 2:10,13; 3:4-7

I have.

22:2; 86:3; Ne 1:6; Isa 62:6; Lu 2:37; 18:7; 1Th 3:10; 2Ti 1:3

79:11; 141:1,2; 1Ki 8:31; La 3:8


14,15; 22:11-21; 69:17-21; 77:2; 143:3,4; Job 6:2-4; Isa 53:3,10,11

La 3:15-19; Mt 26:37-39; Mr 14:33,34


107:18; Job 33:22


28:1; 30:9; 143:7; Job 17:1; Isa 38:17,18; Eze 26:20; Jon 2:6

2Co 1:9

as a man.

31:12; 109:22-24; Ro 5:6; 2Co 13:4


Isa 14:9-12; 38:10-12; Eze 32:18-32


136:23; Ge 8:1; 19:29


16; 31:22; Job 6:9; 11:10; Isa 53:8

from thy hand. or, by thy hand.


40:2; 86:13; De 32:22


143:3; Pr 4:19; La 3:2; Joh 12:46; Jude 1:6,13


69:15; 130:1

Thy wrath.

38:1; 90:7; 102:10; Job 6:4; 10:16; Joh 3:36; Ro 2:5-9; 1Pe 2:24

Re 6:16,17


42:7; Jon 2:3


18; 31:11; 143:4; 1Sa 23:18-20; Job 19:13-19; Joh 11:57


Isa 49:7; 63:3; Zec 11:8; Mt 27:21-25; Joh 15:23,24

I am shut.

Job 12:14; 19:8; La 3:7-9


38:10; 42:3; 102:9; Job 16:20; 17:7; La 3:48,49; Joh 11:35


1; 55:17; 86:3


44:20; 68:31; 143:6; Eze 17:11; Job 11:13

Wilt thou.The interrogations in these verses imply the strongest negations.

6:5; 30:9; 115:17; 118:17; Isa 38:18,19; Mr 5:35,36


Job 14:7-12; Isa 26:19; Eze 37:1-14; Lu 7:12-16; 1Co 15:52-57

in destruction.

55:23; 73:18; Job 21:30; 26:6; Pr 15:11; Mt 7:13; Ro 9:22; 2Pe 2:1


143:3; Job 10:21,22; Isa 8:22; Mt 8:12; Jude 1:13

in the land

5; 31:12; Ec 2:16; 8:10; 9:5

and in.

5:3; 119:147,148; Mr 1:35

prevent thee."Come before thee;" see on Ps 21:3.


43:2; 77:7-9; Mt 27:46


13:1; 44:24; 69:17; Job 13:24


73:14; Job 17:1,11-16; Isa 53:3


22:14,15; Job 6:4; 7:11-16; Isa 53:10; Zec 13:7; Lu 22:44


38:1,2; 89:46; 90:7,11; 102:10; Isa 53:4-6; Ro 8:32; Ga 3:13

Re 6:17

cut me.

Isa 53:8; Da 9:26


22:16; 42:7; 69:1,2; 116:3; Job 16:12,13; 30:14,15; La 3:5-7

Mt 27:39-44

daily. or, all the day.


8; 31:11; 38:11; Job 19:12-15

mine acquaintance.A figurative expression to denote that he now never saw them.

Psalms 130:1-2

1 The psalmist professes his hope in prayer;

5 and his patience in hope.

7 He exhorts Israel to trust in God.

A.M. cir. 3464. B.C. cir. 540. (Title.) A Song.

121:1; 122:1; 123:1; 124:1; 125:1; 126:1; 127:1; 128:1; *titles

129:1; *titles

Out of.

18:4-6,16; 25:16-18; 40:2; 42:7; 69:1,2,14,15; 71:20; 88:6,7

116:3,4; La 3:53-55; Jon 2:2-4; Heb 5:7

let thine ears.

5:1,2; 17:1; 55:1,2; 61:1,2; 2Ch 6:40; Ne 1:6,11; Isa 37:17

Da 9:17-19
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