Genesis 35:16-19

a little way to come. Heb. a little piece of ground.

2Ki 5:19


48:7; Ru 1:2; 1Ch 2:19; Ps 132:6; Mic 5:2; Mt 2:1,16,18

hard labour.

3:16; 1Ti 2:15

Fear not.

30:24; 1Sa 4:19-21

A.M. cir. 2275. B.C. cir. 1729. her soul.

30:1; 1Sa 4:20,21; Ps 16:10; Ex 12:7; La 2:12; Lu 12:20; 23:46

Ac 7:59

Ben-oni. i.e., the son of my sorrow.

1Ch 4:9

Benjamin. i.e., the son of my right hand.

42:4,38; 43:14; 44:27-31; Ps 80:17The Samaritan has {ben yamim,} "the son of days," i.e., of his old age, (ch. 44:20,) which Jerome renders Benjamin, {id est, filius dextrae, Benjamin,} that is, "the son of the right hand."

Rachel died.



Jos 19:15; Ru 1:2; 4:11; Mic 5:2; 6:2; Mt 2:1,6,18

Genesis 37:11


26:14-16; Ps 106:16; Ec 4:4; Isa 11:13; 26:11; Mt 27:18; Mr 15:10

Ac 7:9; 13:45; Ga 5:21; Tit 3:3; Jas 3:14-16; 4:5


24:31; Da 7:28; Lu 2:19,51

Numbers 11:15

kill me.

1Ki 19:4; Job 3:20-22; 6:8-10; 7:15; Jon 4:3,8,9; Php 1:20-24

Jas 1:4

let me not.

Jer 15:18; 20:18; Zep 3:15

my wretchedness.Two of Dr. Kennicott's manuscripts read, "their wretchedness." The Jerusalem Targum has the same, and adds, by way of explanation, "who are thine own people."

Numbers 11:29


1Co 3:3,21; 13:4; Php 2:3; Jas 3:14,15; 4:5; 5:9; 1Pe 2:1


Ac 26:29; 1Co 14:5; Php 1:15-18

that the.

Mt 9:37,38; Lu 10:2

1 Kings 19:4

sat down.

13:14; Ge 21:15,16; Joh 4:6

he requested.

3; Nu 11:15; 2Ki 2:11; Job 3:20-22; Jer 20:14-18; Jon 4:3,8

Php 1:21-24

for himself. Heb. for his life. better.

Am 6:2; Na 3:8; Mt 6:26; Ro 3:9

Job 3:1-3

1 Job curses the day and services of his birth.

13 The ease of death.

20 He complains of life, because of his anguish.


1:22; 2:10


35:16; Ps 39:2,3; 106:33


3; 1:11; 2:5,9; Jer 20:14,15

his day.That is, the day of his birth.

spake. Heb. answered.

Jud 18:14

Let the day.That is, as we say, "Let it be blotted out of the calendar."

10:18,19; Jer 15:10; 20:14,15

Job 3:11

died I.

Ps 58:8; Jer 15:10; Ho 9:14

when I came.

Ps 22:9,10; 71:6; 139:13-16; Isa 46:3

Job 3:20-22


6:9; 7:15,16; Jer 20:18


16; 33:28,30

the bitter.

7:15,16; 1Sa 1:10; 2Ki 4:27; Pr 31:6

long. Heb. wait.

Nu 11:15; 1Ki 19:4; Jon 4:3,8; Re 9:6


Pr 2:4


Job 5:2


18:4; Jon 4:9

the foolish.

Ps 14:1; 75:4; 92:6; 107:17; Pr 1:22,23; 8:5; Ec 7:9

envy. or, indignation.

Ge 30:1; 1Sa 18:8,9; Ro 2:8


Ho 7:11; 2Ti 3:6
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