Genesis 39:14

he hath.The base affection of this woman being disappointed, was changed into rancorous hatred, and she exults in the opportunity of being revenged on Joseph. She begins her accusation in the affected language of offended modesty, rage, and disdain, by charging her husband, whom we may reasonably assume she did not greatly love, with being an accessory to the indignity she pretended to have received: "He hath brought in a Hebrew," a very abomination to an Egyptian, "to mock us," insult and treat me in a base, unworthy manner.

an Hebrew.

17; 10:21; 14:13; 40:15; Ps 120:3; Eze 22:5

he came.

7; Ps 35:11; 55:3; Pr 10:18; Isa 51:7; 54:17; Mt 5:11; 26:59; Lu 23:2

2Co 6:8; 1Pe 2:20; 3:14-18; 4:14-19

loud. Heb. great.

Genesis 40:15


37:28; Ex 21:16; De 24:7; 1Ti 1:10

the Hebrews.

14:13; 41:12


39:8-12,20; 1Sa 24:11; Ps 59:3,4; Da 6:22; Joh 10:32; 15:25

Ac 24:12-21; 25:10,11; 1Pe 3:17,18

Genesis 41:12


37:36; 39:1,20



Genesis 43:32

eat bread.

16; 31:54

for that is an abomination.The Chaldee Paraphrast renders this clause, "Because the Hebrews eat the cattle which the Egyptians worship." But, as we learn from ver. 16, compared with this verse, that the provision for the entertainment of the Egyptians themselves was animal food, this reason cannot be just. The true reason seems to be that assigned by the LXX., [Bedlyma gar estin tois Aigyptiois pas poimén probaton:] "For every shepherd is an abomination to the Egyptians."

46:34; Ex 8:26

Exodus 2:6

she had compassion.

1Ki 8:50; Ne 1:11; Ps 106:46; Pr 21:1; Ac 7:21; 1Pe 3:8

Exodus 2:11

A.M. 2473. B.C. 1531. Moses.

Ac 7:22-24; Heb 11:24-26


1:11; 3:7; 5:9,14; Isa 58:6; Mt 11:28; Lu 4:18

Jonah 1:9

I am.

Ge 14:13; 39:14; Php 3:5

and I.

2Ki 17:25,28,32-35; Job 1:9; Ho 3:5; Ac 27:23; Re 15:4

the Lord. or, Jehovah. the God.

Ezr 1:2; 5:11; 7:12,13; Ne 1:4; 2:4; Ps 136:26; Da 2:18,19,44

Re 11:13; 16:11


Ne 9:6; Ps 95:5,6; 146:5,6; Ac 14:15; 17:23-25

2 Corinthians 11:22


Ex 3:18; 5:3; 7:16; 9:1,13; 10:3; Ac 22:3; Ro 11:1; Php 3:5

the seed.

Ge 17:8,9; 2Ch 20:7; Mt 3:9; Joh 8:33-39; Ro 4:13-18

Philippians 2:5

Mt 11:29; 20:26-28; Lu 22:27; Joh 13:14,15; Ac 10:38; 20:35

Ro 14:15; 15:3,5; 1Co 10:33; 11:1; Eph 5:2; 1Pe 2:21; 4:1; 1Jo 2:6
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