Genesis 40:20

third day.



21:8; Es 1:3; Job 3:1; Mt 14:6; Mr 6:21

lifted up. or, reckoned.

13,19; *marg:

2Ki 25:27; Mt 18:23-25; 25:19; Lu 16:1,2

Esther 1:2-9


2Sa 7:1; 1Ki 1:46; Da 4:4


2:3; 3:15; 4:16; 9:12-15; Ne 1:1; Da 8:2

A.M. 3542. B.C. 462. he made.

2:18; Ge 40:20; 1Ki 3:15; Da 5:1; Mr 6:21

of Persia.

14; Ezr 1:2; Isa 21:2; Jer 51:11; Da 5:28; 8:20

the nobles.

Da 3:2,3; 6:1,6,7

When he.

Isa 39:2; Eze 28:5; Da 4:30

the riches.

Ps 76:1-4; 145:5,12,13; Da 2:37-44; 7:9-14; Mt 4:8; 6:13; Ro 9:23

Eph 1:18; Col 1:27; Re 4:11


1Ch 29:11,12,25; Job 40:10; Ps 21:5; 45:3; 93:1; Da 4:36; 5:18

2Pe 1:16,17

present. Heb. found. seven days.

2Ch 7:8,9; 30:21-25


Ex 26:1,31,32,36,37

blue. or, violet.


the beds.These were couches, covered with gold and silver cloth, on which the guests reclined; for the Orientals do not sit, but recline at their meals.

7:8; Eze 23:41; Am 2:8; 6:4

red, etc. or, of porphyre, and marble, and alabaster, andstone of blue colour.

vessels of gold.

1Ki 10:21; 2Ch 9:20; Da 5:2-4

royal wine. Heb. wine of the kingdom. state of the king.Heb. hand of the king.

none did compel.Every person drank what he pleased. Among the Greeks, however, each guest was obliged to keep the round, or leave the company: hence the proverb [E pithi, e apithi,] Drink, or begone. Mr. Herbert, in his poem entitled "The Church Porch," has severely reprobated this vile custom. In Britain, however, this demoralizing custom is now almost destroyed, and a new era of social pleasure is arising, by temperate habits, increased domestic comforts, and the spread of gospel truths.

Jer 35:8; 51:7; Hab 2:15,16

the officers.

Joh 2:8

the queen.


Esther 2:18

A.M. 3547. B.C. 457. made a great.

1:3-5; Ge 29:22; Jud 14:10-17; So 3:11; 5:1; Mt 22:2; Lu 14:8

Re 19:9

he made.We learn from Herodotus and Athenæus, that the Persian monarchs were accustomed to give their wives distinct cities and provinces for the purpose of supplying them with different articles of dress: one was assigned for ornamenting the head and neck; another provided robes, zones, etc.; and the city of Anthilla was given to a Persian queen, we read, to supply her with shoes and sandals. It is probable, therefore, that, at the desire of Esther, Ahasuerus relieved those cities and provinces that had before paid it, from this expense.

release. Heb. rest. gave gifts.

9:22; 1Sa 25:8; Ne 8:11; Re 11:10

Daniel 5:1-4

1 Belshazzar's impious feast.

5 A hand-writing unknown to the magicians, troubles the king.

10 At the commendation of the queen Daniel is brought.

17 He, reproving the king of pride and idolatry,

25 reads and interprets the writing.

30 The monarchy is translated to the Medes.


Ge 40:20; Es 1:3; Isa 21:4,5; 22:12,14; Jer 51:39,57; Na 1:10

Mr 6:21,22

Belshazzar.Belshazzar is said by Josephus to be the same as Naboandelus, the Nabonadius of Ptolemy, and the Labynetus of Herodotus. He reigned seven years, during which time he was engaged in unsuccessful wars with the Medes and Persians; and at this very time was besieged by Cyrus.

the golden.

1:2; 2Ki 24:13; 25:15; 2Ch 36:10,18; Ezr 1:7-11; Jer 27:16-22

Jer 52:19

father. or, grandfather.

11,13,18; 2Sa 9:7; 2Ki 8:25-27; 2Ch 11:20; 15:16; Jer 27:7

taken out. Chal. brought forth. might.




23; 4:37; Jud 16:23,24; Isa 42:8; Ho 2:8-13; Re 9:20,21

of gold.

3:1-7,8-18; Ps 115:4-8; 135:15-18; Isa 40:19,20; 42:17; 46:6,7

Jer 10:4-9; Hab 2:19; Ac 17:29; 19:24-28; Re 9:20

Hosea 1:5-6

I will.

2:18; Ps 37:15; 46:9; Jer 49:34,35; 51:56


Jos 17:16; Jud 6:33

Lo-ruhamah. that is, Not having obtained mercy.

2:23; 1Pe 2:10


2Ki 17:6,23-41; Isa 27:11

no more have. Heb. not add any more to have. but I willutterly take them away. or, that I should altogether pardon them.


Mark 6:21-23


Ge 27:41; 2Sa 13:23-29; Es 3:7; Ps 37:12,13; Ac 12:2-4

his birthday.

Ge 40:20; Es 1:3-7; 2:18; Pr 31:4,5; Da 5:1-4; Ho 7:5; 1Pe 4:3

Re 11:10

Es 1:10-12; Isa 3:16-26; Da 5:2; Mt 14:6


1Sa 28:10; 2Ki 6:31; Mt 5:34-37; 14:7


Es 5:3,6; 7:2; Pr 6:2; Mt 4:9
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