Genesis 41:39-48


Thou shalt.

39:4-6; 45:8,9,26; Ps 105:21,22; Pr 22:29; Da 2:46-48; 5:29; 6:3

be ruled. Heb. be armed, or kiss.

1Sa 10:1; Job 31:27; Ps 2:12

44; 39:5,22; Es 10:3; Pr 17:2; 22:29; Da 2:7,8; 4:2,3; 6:3; Mt 28:18

Php 2:9-11

his ring.

Es 3:10,12; 6:7-12; 8:2,8,10,15; 10:3; Da 2:46,47; 5:7,29; Lu 15:22

fine linen. or, silk.

Eze 27:7

a gold chain.

Pr 1:9; 31:22,24; So 1:10; Eze 16:10,11; Da 5:7,16,29; Lu 19:16-19

and they.

Es 6:8,9

Bow the knee. or, Tender father.


Heb. Abrech.

Php 2:10


42:6,30,33; 45:8,26; Ac 7:10

lift up his hand.

Ex 11:7

Zaphnath-paaneah.Which in Coptic signifies a revealer of secrets, or, the man to whom secrets are revealed. Jerome says this name signified in Egyptian, {Savatorem mundi,} "the Saviour of the world;" and {Psotem-phaneh,} in Coptic, is certainly "salvation of the world," from [SOT,] for [soteria ,] salvation, {em,} the sign of the genitive case, and [PHENEH], world. If this interpretation be correct, Pharaoh must have meant Egypt by the world, or which Joseph might be justly termed the Saviour. We know that the Romans called their empire {Universis Orbis-Orbis Terrarum,} "all the world:" the Chinese say the same of their empire at the present day, and the phrase is used in the East: Nadir Shah is described on his coins as "Conqueror of the World," i.e., Persia. See the same phraseology applied to Syria, Palestine, etc.

Lu 2:1; Ac 11:28

priest of. or, prince.

14:18; Ex 2:16; *marg:

2Sa 8:18; 20:26; *Heb:


46:20; Eze 30:17



37:2; Nu 4:3; 2Sa 5:4; Lu 3:23

he stood.

1Sa 16:21; 1Ki 12:6,8; Pr 22:29; Da 1:19; Lu 21:36; Jude 1:24

From A.M. 2289, B.C. 1715, to A.M. 2296, B.C. 1708.handfuls.

26:12; Ps 72:16

34-36; 47:21

Judges 17:10

a father.

11; 18:19; Ge 45:8; 2Ki 6:21; 8:8,9; 13:14; Job 29:16; Isa 22:21

I will give.

18:20; 1Sa 2:36; Eze 13:19; Mt 26:15; Joh 12:6; 1Ti 6:10; 1Pe 5:2

a suit of apparel. or, a double suit, etc. Heb. an order ofgarments.

Job 29:16

a father.

31:18; Es 2:7; Ps 68:5; Eph 5:1; Jas 1:27

the cause.

Ex 18:26; De 13:14; 17:8-10; 1Ki 3:16-28; Pr 25:2; 29:7

Psalms 105:21-22


Ge 41:40-44,55; 45:8,26

substance. Heb. possession.


Ge 41:33,38; Isa 19:11
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