Genesis 41:42

his ring.

Es 3:10,12; 6:7-12; 8:2,8,10,15; 10:3; Da 2:46,47; 5:7,29; Lu 15:22

fine linen. or, silk.

Eze 27:7

a gold chain.

Pr 1:9; 31:22,24; So 1:10; Eze 16:10,11; Da 5:7,16,29; Lu 19:16-19

Esther 8:2

his ring.

3:10; Ge 41:42; Isa 22:19-22; Lu 15:22

Esther set.

2Sa 9:7-10; Ps 37:34; Ec 2:18,19-26; 5:13,14; Da 2:48

Esther 8:8

in the king's name.

3:12; 1Ki 21:8

may no man reverse.No, not the king himself; and this was the reason that the king was forced not to reverse, but to give a contradictory decree; that if the Jews, pursuant to the first decree, were assaulted, they might legitimately, by virtue of the second, defend themselves, slay their enemies, and even take the spoil.

5; 1:19; Da 6:8,12-15; 2Ti 2:19; Heb 6:17,18
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