Genesis 42:6

governor.{Shallit,} an intendant, protector, ruler, from {shalat,} to be over or a protector, to rule: hence the Arabic {salita,} to obtain and exercise dominion, rule; and {sultân,} ruler, lord, prince, and king.

41:40,41; 45:8,26; Ps 105:16-21; Ac 7:10

he it was.



18:2; 19:1; 37:7,9; 44:14; Re 3:9

2 Samuel 19:19-39

And said.

Ec 10:4

Let not.

1Sa 22:15; Ps 32:2; Ro 4:6-8; 2Co 5:19


Ps 79:8; Isa 43:25; Jer 31:34

did perversely.

16:5-9,10-14; Ex 10:16,17; 1Sa 26:21; Mt 27:4

take it.

13:20,33; 1Sa 25:25

I am come.

Ps 78:34-37; Jer 22:23; Ho 5:15


9; 16:5; Ge 48:14,20; 1Ki 12:20,25; Ho 4:15-17; 5:3

Shall not.

Ex 22:28; 1Ki 21:10,11


16:5,7,13; 1Sa 24:6; 26:9

What have.

3:39; 16:10; 1Sa 26:8; Mt 8:29

shall there any man.

1Sa 11:13; Isa 16:5; Lu 9:54-56

Thou shalt.

1Ki 2:8,9,37,46


1Sa 28:10; 30:15; Heb 6:16


9:6; 16:3

dressed his feet.Literally, made his feet, which seems to mean washing the feet paring the nails, and perhaps anointing or otherwise perfuming them, if not tinging the nails with henna; see Note on De 21:12. Sir John Chardin, in his MS. note on this place, informs us, that it is customary in the East to have as much care of the feet as the hands; and that their barbers cut and adjust the nails with a proper instrument, because they often go barefoot. The nails of the toes of the mummies inspected in London in 1763, of which an account is given in the Philosophical Transactions for 1764, seem to have been tinged with some reddish colour.

15:30; Isa 15:2; Jer 41:5; Mt 6:16; Ro 12:15; Heb 13:3

trimmed.Literally, made his beard, which may mean, combing, curling, and perfuming it. But Mr. Morier says that they almost universally dye the beard black, by successive layers of a paste made of henna, and another made of the leaf of the indigo: the first tinging with an orange colour, and the next with a dark bottle green, which becomes jet black when exposed to the air for twenty-four hours.



I will saddle.


thy servant.



16:3; Ex 20:16; Ps 15:3; 101:5; Jer 9:4

as an angel.

14:17,20; 1Sa 29:9


Ge 32:10

dead men. Heb. men of death.

1Sa 26:16

didst thou.


to cry.

2Ki 8:3

Why speakest.

Job 19:16,17; Pr 18:13; Ac 18:15


De 19:17-19; Ps 82:2; 101:5


1:26; Ac 20:24; Php 1:20

1Ki 2:7; Ezr 2:61; Ne 7:63


Ge 5:27; 9:29; 25:7; 47:28; 50:26; De 34:7; Ps 90:3-10; Pr 16:31



for he was.

1Sa 25:2; Job 1:3

Come thou.

9:11; Mt 25:34-40; Lu 22:28-30; 2Th 1:7

How long have I to live? Heb. How many days are the years ofmy life?

Ge 47:9; Job 14:14; Ps 39:5,6; 1Co 7:29; Jas 4:14

can I discern.

Job 6:30; 12:11; Heb 5:14; 1Pe 2:3


Ec 12:1-5

I hear.

Ezr 2:65; Ne 7:67; Ex 2:8; 12:4

a burden.

13:25; 15:33

the king.

Lu 6:38

Let thy.The whole of this little episode is extremely interesting, and contains an affecting description of the infirmities of old age. The venerable and kind Barzillai was fourscore years old; his ear was become dull of hearing, and his relish for even royal dainties was gone: the evil days had arrived in which he was constrained to say, "I have no pleasure in them." (Ec 12:1.) As he was too old either to enjoy the pleasures of a court, or to be of any further service to the king, he finishes his affecting address to the aged monarch with the request, that he would suffer him to enjoy what old men naturally desire, to "die in mine own city, and be buried by the grave of my father and mother;" at the same time commending his son Chimham to his kind offices.

I may die.

Ge 48:21; Jos 23:14; Lu 2:29,30; 2Ti 4:6; 2Pe 1:14

by the grave.

Ge 47:30; 49:29-31; 50:13; 1Ki 13:22


40; 1Ki 2:7; Jer 41:17

require. Heb. choose.


the king.The kiss was the token of friendship and farewell; the blessing was a prayer to God for his prosperity: probably a prophetical benediction.

kissed Barzillai.

Ge 31:55; 45:15; Ru 1:14; 1Ki 19:20; Ac 20:37; 1Th 5:26


6:18,20; 13:25; Ge 14:19; 28:3; 47:7,10; Lu 2:34


Ge 31:55; Nu 24:25; 1Sa 24:22

Job 29:24-25

they believed.

Ge 45:26; Ps 126:1; Lu 24:41

the light.

Ps 4:6; 89:15

chose out.

Ge 41:40; Jud 11:8; 2Sa 5:2; 1Ch 13:1-4


Ge 14:14-17; De 33:5

one that.

4:3,4; Isa 35:3,4; 61:1-3; 2Co 1:3,4; 7:5-7; 1Th 3:2,3

Psalms 45:12

And the.

Isa 23:17,18; Ac 21:3-6


72:10; Isa 60:6,7; Mt 2:11


22:29; Isa 49:23; 60:3,10,11

favour. Heb. face.

Proverbs 16:15

the light.

19:12; Job 29:23,24; Ps 4:6; 21:6; Ac 2:28


Job 29:23; Ps 30:5; 72:6; Ho 6:3; Zec 10:1

Proverbs 19:12


16:14,15; 20:2; 28:15; Es 7:8; Ec 8:4; Da 2:12,13; 3:19-23; 5:19

Da 6:24; Lu 12:4,5


2Sa 23:4; Ps 72:6; Ho 14:5

Proverbs 29:26


19:6; Ps 20:9

ruler's favour. Heb. face of a ruler.

16:7; 19:21; 21:1; Ge 43:14; Ezr 7:27,28; Ne 1:11; Es 4:16; Ps 20:9

Ps 62:12; Isa 46:9-11; Da 4:35
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