Genesis 44:18

Oh my Lord."No paraphrase," says Dr. A. Clarke, "can heighten the effect of Judah's address to Joseph. To add, would be to diminish its excellence; to attempt to explain, would be to obscure its beauties; to clothe the ideas in other language than that of Judah, and his translators in our Bible, would ruin its energy, and destroy its influence. It is perhaps one of the most tender, affecting pieces of natural oratory ever spoken or penned: and we need not wonder to find that, when Joseph heard it, he could not refrain himself, but wept aloud. His soul must have been insensible beyond what is common to human nature, had he not immediately yielded to a speech so delicately tender, and so powerfully impressive."

let thy.

18:30,32; 2Sa 14:12; Job 33:31; Ac 2:29


Ex 32:22; Es 1:12; Ps 79:5

as Pharaoh.

41:40,44; Pr 19:12; Da 3:15,19-23; 5:19; Joh 5:22

Genesis 44:34


1Sa 2:33,34; 2Ch 34:28; Es 8:6; Jer 52:10,11

come on. Heb. find.

Ex 18:8; Job 31:29; Ps 116:3; 119:143; *marg:

1 Samuel 19:4-5

spake good.

20:32; 22:14; Pr 24:11,12; 31:8,9; Jer 18:20

sin against.

2:25; Ge 9:6; 42:22; 2Ch 6:22; 1Co 8:12; 1Jo 3:15

because his works.

Ps 35:12; 109:4,5; Pr 17:13; Jer 18:20

put his life.

28:21; Jud 9:17; 12:3; Ps 119:109; Ac 20:24; Php 2:30




11:13; 14:45; 17:52,53; Ex 14:13; 1Ch 11:14; Heb 2:3

sin against innocent.

20:32; Jer 26:15; Mt 27:4,24

without a cause.

Ps 25:3; 69:4; Joh 15:25

1 Samuel 25:24-44


2Ki 4:37; Es 8:3; Mt 18:29


28; Ge 44:33,34; 2Sa 14:9; Phm 1:18,19

let thine.

Ge 44:18; 2Sa 14:12

audience. Heb. ears.

regard. Heb. lay it to his heart.

2Sa 13:33; Isa 42:25; Mal 2:2

man of Belial.


Nabal. that is, fool.

as the Lord liveth.

34; 22:3; 2Ki 2:2; 4:6

and as thy.


the Lord hath.

33; Ge 20:6


Ro 12:19,20

avenging thyself. Heb. saving thyself.

Ps 18:47,48; 44:3

now let.

2Sa 18:32; Jer 29:22; Da 4:19

blessing. or, present.

30:26; Ge 33:11; 2Ki 5:15; 2Co 9:5

follow. Heb. walk at the feet of.

42; *marg:

Jud 4:10; 2Sa 16:2



the Lord.

15:28; 2Sa 7:11,16,27; 1Ki 9:5; 1Ch 17:10,25; Ps 89:29


17:47; 18:17; 2Sa 5:2; 2Ch 20:15; Eph 6:10,11

evil hath.

24:6,7,11,17; 1Ki 15:5; Ps 119:1-3; Mt 5:16; Lu 23:41,47

bound.The metaphors in this verse are derived from the consideration, that things of value are collected together, and often tied up in bundles, like sheaves of corn, to prevent their being scattered and lost, and that whatever is put into a sling is not intended to be preserved, but to be thrown away.

2:9; Ge 15:1; De 33:29; Ps 66:9; 116:15; Mal 3:17; Mt 10:29,30

with the Lord.

Joh 10:27-30; 14:19; 17:21,23; Col 3:3,4; 1Pe 1:5

sling out.

Jer 10:18

as out of the middle of a sling. Heb. in the midst of thebow of a sling.


13:14; 15:28; 23:17; Ps 89:20

grief. Heb. staggering, or, stumbling.

Pr 5:12,13; Ro 14:21; 2Co 1:12


33; 24:15; 26:23; 2Sa 22:48; Ps 94:1; Ro 12:19


40; Ge 40:14; Lu 23:42
David overlooks the rich and seasonable present of Abigail, though pressed with hunger and wearied with travel; but her advice, which disarmed his rage, and calmed his revenge, draws forth these high and affectionate gratulations. These were his joyful and glorious trophies; not over his enemies, but over himself.

Ge 24:27; Ex 18:10; Ezr 7:27; Ps 41:12,13; 72:18; Lu 1:68; 2Co 8:16


Ps 141:5; Pr 9:9; 17:10; 25:12; 27:21; 28:23

which hast.



26,31; 24:19; 26:9,10

kept me back.



18; 11:11; Jos 10:6,9

there had.


Go up.

20:42; 2Sa 15:9; 2Ki 5:19; Lu 7:50; 8:48


Ge 19:21; Job 34:19

a feast.

2Sa 13:23; Es 1:3-7; Lu 14:12


2Sa 13:28; 1Ki 20:16; Pr 20:1; 23:29-35; Ec 2:2,3; 10:19

Isa 28:3,7,8; Jer 51:57; Da 5:1-5; Na 1:10; Hab 2:15,16; Lu 21:34

Ro 13:13; Eph 5:18; 1Th 5:7,8

she told him.

19; Ps 112:5; Mt 10:16; Eph 5:14

had told him.


his heart.

De 28:28; Job 15:21,22; Pr 23:29-35

the Lord.

33; 6:9; Ex 12:29; 2Ki 15:5; 19:35; 2Ch 10:15; Ac 12:23


32; Jud 5:2; 2Sa 22:47-49; Ps 58:10,11; Re 19:1-4


Pr 22:23; La 3:58-60; Mic 7:9

kept his servant.

26,34; Ho 2:6,7; 2Co 13:7; 1Th 5:23; 2Ti 4:18

hath returned.

2Sa 3:28,29; 1Ki 2:44; Es 7:10; Ps 7:16

to take her.It is probable that David had heard that Saul, to cut off his pretensions to the throne, had married Michal to Phalti; and this justified him in taking Abigail, it not being then unlawful for a man to have several wives. This conduct of David's corresponds with the manner in which the Oriental princes generally form their matrimonial alliances. "The king of Abyssinia," says Mr. Bruce, "sends an officer to the house where the lady lives, who announces to her that it is the king's pleasure she should remove instantly to the palace. She then dresses herself in the best manner, and immediately obeys. Thenceforward he assigns her an apartment in the palace, and gives her a house elsewhere in any part she chooses."

Pr 18:22; 19:14; 31:10,30

David sent.

Ge 24:37,38,51


Ru 2:10,13; Pr 15:33; 18:12

to wash.

Ge 18:4; Joh 13:3-5; 1Ti 5:10


Ge 24:61-67; Ps 45:10,11

after her. Heb. at her feet.



Jos 15:56; 2Sa 3:2


Ge 2:24; Mt 19:5,8

his wives.

27:3; 30:5; 2Sa 5:13-16

But Saul.Rather, "For Saul," etc., as the particle [Vâv,] {wav,} frequently signifies; this being the cause why David took another wife.




2Sa 3:14,14

Phaltiel. Gallim.This town appears to have been situated in the tribe of Benjamin, as it is mentioned in Isa 10:30, with Michmash, Geba, etc.

Esther 4:13-14

Think not.

Pr 24:10-12; Mt 16:24,25; Joh 12:25; Php 2:30; Heb 12:3

then shall.

Ge 22:14; Nu 23:22-24; De 32:26,27,36; 1Sa 12:22; Isa 54:17

Jer 30:11; 33:24-26; 46:28; Am 9:8,9; Mt 16:18; 24:22

enlargement. Heb. respiration.

Ezr 9:9; Job 9:18

but thou.

2:7,15; Jud 14:15-18; 15:6


Ge 45:4-8; Isa 45:1-5; 49:23; Ac 7:20-25

for such a time.

1Sa 17:29; 2Ki 19:3; Ne 6:11The fact related in this verse was unquestionably the reason why Esther was raised to regal honours, by the overruling providence of God: she was therefore bound in gratitude to do this service for God, else she would not have answered the end of her elevation: and she need not fear the miscarriage of the enterprise, for if God designed her for it, he would surely bear her through and give success. It appeared by the event that Mordecai spoke prophetically, when he modestly conjectured that Esther came to the kingdom that she might be the instrument of the Jews' deliverance. Mordecai thoroughly believed that it was a cause which one way or other would certainly be carried, and which, therefore, she might safely venture upon. Instruments might fail, but God's covenant cannot. There is a wise design in all the providences of God, which is unknown to us till it is accomplished; but it will prove in the issue that all is intended for and centre in the good of those who trust in Him.

Esther 7:4

we are sold.

3:9; 4:7,8; De 28:68; 1Sa 22:23

to be destroyed, etc. Heb. that they should destroy, andkill, and cause to perish.

3:13; 8:11; Ps 44:22,23

But if we.

Ge 37:26-28; De 28:68; Jos 9:23; Ne 5:5; Joe 3:6; Am 2:6

the enemy.

6; 3:9

Job 32:4-22

waited till Job had spoken. Heb. expected Job in words.

11,12; Pr 18:13

elder. Heb. elder for days.

his wrath.

2; Ex 32:19

I am.

Le 19:32; Ro 13:7; 1Ti 5:1; Tit 2:6; 1Pe 5:5

young. Heb. few of days. ye are.


durst not. Heb. feared.

15:7; 1Sa 17:28-30

8:8-10; 12:12; 1Ki 12:6-8; Ps 34:11,12; Pr 1:1-4; 16:31; Heb 5:12

the inspiration.

4:12-21; 33:16; 35:11; 38:36; Ge 41:39; 1Ki 3:12,28; 4:29; Pr 2:6

Ec 2:26; Da 1:17; 2:21; 1Co 2:10-12; 12:8; 2Ti 3:16; Jas 1:5


Jer 5:5; Mt 11:25; Joh 7:48; 1Co 1:26,27; 2:7,8; Jas 2:6,7


12:20; Ec 4:13

1Co 7:25,40

I waited for.

4; 29:21,23

reasons. Heb. understandings.Instead of {tevoonotheychem,} nine MSS. read {techoonotheychem,} "your arguments;" but the sense is nearly the same.

whilst.{Ad tachkeroon millin,} "whilst ye were searching for words;" a fine irony, which they must have felt.

5:27; Pr 18:17; 28:11; Ec 12:9,10

what to say. Heb. words.

unto you.{Weâdeychem} is rendered "and your testimonies," by the Syriac, Arabic, and LXX., and one of De Rossi's Mss. (874) is so pointed as to require this reading.


3; 1Ti 1:7


Ge 14:23; Jud 7:2; Isa 48:5,7; Zec 12:7


12:2; 15:8-10; Isa 5:21; Jer 9:23; Eze 28:3; 1Co 1:19-21,27-29

1Co 3:18


1:21; 2:10; 4:9; 6:4; 19:6,21; Joh 19:11

directed. Heb. ordered.


6:24,25; 29:22; Mt 7:23; 22:22,26,34,46

left off speaking. Heb. removed speeches from themselves.

13:5; Pr 17:28; Am 5:13; Jas 1:19

10; 33:12; 35:3,4

matter. Heb. words. the spirit.

Ps 39:3; Jer 20:9; Eze 3:14-27; Ac 4:20; 2Co 5:13,14

within me. Heb. of my belly.

hath no vent. Heb. is not opened. new.

Mt 9:17

I will speak.

13:13,19; 20:2; 21:3

be refreshed. Heb. breathe. I will open.

Pr 8:6,7


13:8; 34:19; Le 19:15; De 1:17; 16:19; Pr 24:23; Mt 22:16


2Sa 14:17,20; Ac 12:22,23; 24:2,3

I know not. That is, I cannot.

17:5; Ps 12:2,3; Pr 29:5; 1Th 2:5; Ga 1:10

Job 33

1 Elihu offers himself instead of God to reason with Job.

8 He excuses God from giving man an account of his ways, by his greatness.

14 God calls man to repentance by visions, by afflictions, and by his ministry.

31 He incites Job to attention.


13:6; 34:2; Ps 49:1-3; Mr 4:9


3:1; Ps 78:2; Mt 5:2

mouth. Heb. palate.

31:30; *marg:


27:4; Pr 8:7,8; 1Th 2:3,4

my lips.

15:2; 36:3,4; 38:2; Ps 37:30,31; Pr 15:2,7; 20:15

10:12; 32:8; Ge 2:7; Ps 33:6; Ro 8:2; 1Co 15:45


32,33; 32:1,12


23:4,5; 32:14; Ps 50:21


Ac 10:26

I am.

9:32-35; 13:3; 20:22; 23:3,4; 31:35

wish. Heb. mouth. in.

Ge 30:2; Ex 4:16; 2Co 5:20

I also.

4:19; 10:9; 13:12; Ge 2:7; 3:19; 2Co 5:1

formed. Heb. cut.

my terror.

9:34; 13:21; Ps 88:16

my hand.

Ps 32:4

hearing. Heb. ears.

De 13:14; Jer 29:23


9:17; 10:7; 11:4; 16:17; 23:11,12; 27:5,6; 29:14


9:23,28; 17:8; Jer 2:35

he findeth.

9:30,31; 10:15-17; 13:25; 14:16; 34:5

he counteth.

13:24; 16:9; 19:11; 30:21; 31:35


13:27; Ps 105:18; Jer 20:2; Ac 16:24


31:4; Da 4:35


1:22; 34:10-12,17-19,23; 35:2; 36:22,23; Eze 18:25; Ro 9:19-21

I will.

32:17; 35:4


9:4; 26:14; 36:5; 40:2,8,9; Jer 18:6


9:14; 15:25,26; Isa 45:9; Jer 50:24; Eze 22:14; Ac 5:39; 9:4,5

1Co 10:22

giveth not account. Heb. answereth not.

40:2; De 29:29; Ps 62:11; Isa 46:10; Da 4:35; Mt 20:15; Ac 1:7

Ro 11:34


40:5; Ps 62:11


2Ch 33:10; Pr 1:24,29; Isa 6:9; Mt 13:14; Mr 8:17,18; Lu 24:25

Joh 3:19

a dream.

4:13; Ge 20:3; 31:24; Nu 12:6; Jer 23:28; Da 4:5; Heb 1:1


Ge 15:12; Da 8:18

openeth. Heb. revealeth. or, uncovereth.

36:10,15; 2Sa 7:27; Ps 40:6; Isa 6:10; 48:8; 50:5; Lu 24:45

Ac 16:14


Ne 9:38; Ro 15:28


17:11; Ge 20:6; Isa 23:9; Ho 2:6; Mt 27:19; Ac 9:2-6

purpose. Heb. work. hide.

De 8:16; 2Ch 32:25; Isa 2:11; Da 4:30-37; 2Co 12:7; Jas 4:10


Ac 16:27-33; Ro 2:4; 2Pe 3:9,15

perishing. Heb. passing.


5:17,18; De 8:5; Ps 94:12; 119:67,71; Isa 27:9; 1Co 11:32; Re 3:19


7:4; 20:11; 30:17; 2Ch 16:10,12; Ps 38:1-8; Isa 37:12,13

his life.

Ps 107:17,18

dainty meat. Heb. meat of desire.

Ge 3:6; Jer 3:19; Am 5:11; *marg:

His flesh.

7:5; 13:28; 14:20,22; 19:20; Ps 32:3,4; 39:11; 102:3-5; Pr 5:11

his bones.

Ps 22:15-17

his soul.

7:7; 17:1,13-16; 1Sa 2:6; Ps 30:3; 88:3-5; Isa 38:10

his life.

15:21; Ex 12:23; 2Sa 24:16; Ps 17:4; Ac 12:23; 1Co 10:10; Re 9:11

a messenger.

Jud 2:1; 2Ch 36:15,16; Hag 1:13; Mal 2:7; 3:1; 2Co 5:20

an interpreter.

34:32; Ps 94:12; Isa 61:1-3; Ac 8:30; 1Co 11:30-32; Heb 12:5-12


9:3; Ec 7:28; Ro 11:13


11:6; 34:10,12; 35:14; 36:3,8-13; 37:23; Ne 9:33; Ps 119:75

La 3:22,23,32,39-41; Eze 18:25-28; Da 9:14


18; 22:21; Ex 33:19; 34:6,7; Ps 86:5,15; Ho 14:2,4; Mic 7:18-20

Ro 5:20,21


36:10,11; Ps 22:4; 30:9-12; 40:2; 71:3; 86:13; Isa 38:17-19

Jer 31:20; Zec 9:11


33:24; Ps 49:7,8; Mt 20:28; Ro 3:24-26; 1Ti 2:6; 1Pe 1:18,19

a ransom. or, an atonement.

His flesh.

2Ki 5:14

a child's. Heb. childhood. return.

42:16; De 34:7; Jos 14:10,11; Ps 103:5; Ho 2:15


2Ki 20:2-5; 2Ch 33:12,13,19; Ps 6:1-9; 28:1,2,6; 30:7-11; 41:8-11

Ps 50:15; 91:15; 116:1-6; Isa 30:19; Jer 33:3; Jon 2:2-7; Ac 9:11

and he shall.

42:8,9; Nu 6:25,26; Ps 4:6,7; 16:11; 30:5; 67:1; Ac 2:28; Jude 1:24

he will.

34:11; 1Sa 26:23; Ps 18:20; 62:12; Pr 24:12; Mt 10:41,42; Heb 11:26

looketh, etc. or, shall look upon men, and say, I havesinned, etc.

Ge 16:13; 2Ch 16:9; Ps 11:4; 14:2; 139:1-4; Pr 5:21; 15:3; Jer 23:24


7:20; Nu 12:11; 2Sa 12:13; Pr 28:13; Jer 3:13; 31:18,19

Lu 15:18-22; 18:13; 1Jo 1:8-10


Ec 5:8


Ps 19:7,8; 119:128; Ro 7:12-14,16,22

it profited.

34:9; Jer 2:8; Mt 16:26; Ro 6:21

will deliver, etc. or, hath delivered my soul, etc. and mylife.

18,24; 17:16; Ps 55:23; 69:15; Isa 38:17,18; Re 20:1-3


20,22; 3:9,16,20; Ps 49:19; Isa 9:2; Joh 11:9


14-17; 1Co 12:6; 2Co 5:5; Eph 1:11; Php 2:13; Col 1:29; Heb 13:21

oftentimes. Heb. twice and thrice.

14; 40:5; 2Ki 6:10; 2Co 12:8

To bring.

24,28; Ps 40:1,2; 118:17,18


Ps 56:13; Isa 2:5; 38:17; Joh 8:12; Ac 26:18

13:6; 18:2; 21:2; 32:11

15:4,5; 21:27; 22:5-9; 27:5


Ps 34:11; Pr 4:1,2; 5:1,2


3; Ps 49:3; Pr 8:5

Job 34

1 Elihu accuses Job for charging God with injustice.

10 God omnipotent cannot be unjust.

31 Man must humble himself unto God.

34 Elihu reproves Job.

Pr 1:5; 1Co 10:15; 14:20

the ear.

6:30; 12:11; 1Co 2:15; Heb 5:14

mouth. Heb. palate.

31:30; 33:2; *marg:


36; Jud 19:30; 20:7; 1Co 6:2-5; Ga 2:11-14; 1Th 5:21


Isa 11:2-5; Joh 7:24; Ro 12:2


10:7; 11:4; 16:17; 29:14; 32:1; 33:9


9:17; 27:2



wound. Heb. arrow.

6:4; 16:13

15:16; De 29:19; Pr 1:22; 4:17

2:10; 11:3; 15:5; Ps 1:1; 26:4; 50:18; 73:12-15; Pr 1:15; 2:12; 4:14

Pr 13:20; 1Co 15:33


9:22,23,30,31; 21:14-16,30; 22:17; 35:3; Mal 3:14


27:10; Ps 37:4

understanding. Heb. heart.

2,3,34; Pr 6:32; 15:32; *marg:


8:3; 36:23; 37:23; Ge 18:25; De 32:4; 2Ch 19:7; Ps 92:15; Jer 12:1

Ro 3:4,5; 9:14; Jas 1:13

the work.

33:26; Ps 62:12; Pr 24:12; Jer 32:19; Eze 33:17-20; Mt 16:27

Ro 2:6; 2Co 5:10; 1Pe 1:17; Re 22:12


Pr 1:31; Ga 6:7,8


Ps 11:7; 145:17; Hab 1:12,13



Who hath given.

36:23; 38:4-41; 40:8-11; 1Ch 29:11; Pr 8:23-30; Isa 40:13,14

Da 4:35; Ro 11:34-36

the whole world. Heb. the world, all of it.


7:17; 9:4

upon man. Heb. upon him. he gather.

Ps 104:29; Isa 24:22

30:23; Ge 3:19; Ps 90:3-10; Ec 12:7; Isa 27:4; 57:16

12:3; 13:2-6


Ge 18:25; 2Sa 23:3; Ro 3:5-7

govern. Heb. bind. wilt.

1:22; 40:8; 2Sa 19:21; Ro 9:14

Ex 22:28; Pr 17:26; Ac 23:3,5; Ro 13:7; 1Pe 2:17; 2Pe 2:10; Jude 1:8


13:8; De 10:17; 2Ch 19:7; Ac 10:34; Ro 2:11; Ga 2:6; Eph 6:9

Col 3:25; 1Pe 1:17; Heb 12:28


12:19,21; Ps 2:2-4; Ec 5:8; Isa 3:14


36:19; Ps 49:6,7; Jas 2:5


31:15; Pr 14:31; 22:2

a moment.

Ps 73:19; Isa 30:13; 37:38; Da 5:30; Lu 12:20; Ac 12:23; 1Th 5:2

2Pe 2:3


Ex 12:29,30; Isa 37:36; Mt 25:6; Lu 17:26-29

the mighty shall be taken away. Heb. they shall take awaythe mighty. without.

1Sa 25:37-39; 26:10; Isa 10:16-19; 30:30-33; Da 2:34,44,45

Zec 4:6

31:4; Ge 16:13; 2Ch 16:9; Ps 34:15; 139:23; Pr 5:21; 15:3; Jer 16:17

Jer 17:10; 32:19; Am 9:8


Ps 139:11,12; Isa 29:15; Jer 23:24; Am 9:2,3; 1Co 4:5; Heb 4:13

Re 6:15,16


3:5; 24:17; Isa 9:2


31:3; Ps 5:5; Pr 10:29; Mt 7:23; Lu 13:27

he will.

10-12; 11:6; Ezr 9:13; Ps 119:137; Isa 42:3; Da 9:7-9

that he.

9:32,33; 16:21; 23:7; Jer 2:5; Ro 9:20

enter. Heb. go.


19:2; Ps 2:9; 72:4; 94:5; Jer 51:20-23; Da 2:21,34,35,44,45

number. Heb. searching out. set.

1Sa 2:30-36; 15:28; 1Ki 14:7,8,14; Ps 113:7,8; Da 5:28-31

he knoweth.

Ps 33:15; Isa 66:18; Ho 7:2; Am 8:7; Re 20:12

in the.

20; So 3:8; Isa 15:1; 1Th 5:2

destroyed. Heb. crushed.


Ex 14:30; De 13:9-11; 21:21; 2Sa 12:11,12; Ps 58:10,11; Isa 66:24

1Ti 5:20,24; Re 18:9,10,20

open sight of others. Heb. place of beholders.


1Sa 15:11; Ps 125:5; Zep 1:6; Lu 17:31,32; Ac 15:38; 2Ti 4:10

Heb 10:39

from him. Heb. from after him. would.

Ps 28:5; 107:43; Pr 1:29,30; Isa 1:3; 5:12; Hag 2:15-19


22:9,10; 24:12; 29:12,13; 31:19,20; 35:9; Ex 2:23,24; 3:7,9; Ps 12:5

Isa 5:7; Jas 5:4

and he.

Ex 22:23-27

When he giveth.

29:1-3; 2Sa 7:1; Isa 14:3-8; 26:3; 32:17; Joh 14:27; Ro 8:31-34

Php 4:7

when he hideth.

23:8,9; Ps 13:1; 27:9; 30:7; 143:7

who then can behold.

12:14; 23:13


2Ki 18:9-12; 2Ch 36:14-17; Jer 27:8

21; 1Ki 12:28-30; 2Ki 21:9; Ps 12:8; Ec 9:18; Ho 5:11; 13:11

Mic 6:16; 2Th 2:4-11; Re 13:3,4,11-14

33:27; 40:3-5; 42:6; Le 26:41; Ezr 9:13,14; Ne 9:33-38

Jer 31:18,19; Da 9:7-14; Mic 7:9


10:2; Ps 19:12; 25:4,5; 32:8; 139:23,24; 143:8-10


Pr 28:13; Lu 3:8-14; Eph 4:22,25-28


9:12; 18:4; Isa 45:9; Ro 9:20; 11:35

according to thy mind. Heb. from with thee. he will.

11; 15:31; Ps 89:30-32; Pr 11:31; 2Th 1:6,7; Heb 2:2; 11:26

whether thou refuse.

Ps 135:6; Mt 20:12-15



understanding. Heb. heart.

2,4,10,16; 1Co 10:15

13:2; 15:2; 35:16; 38:2; 42:3

My desire is that Job may be tried. or, My father, let Jobbe tried.

23:16; Ps 17:3; 26:2; Jas 5:11

his answers.

8,9; 12:6; 21:7; 24:1


1Sa 15:23; Isa 1:19,20

he clappeth.



8:2,3; 11:2,3; 35:2,3,16; 42:7

Job 35

1 Comparison is not to be made with God, because our good or evil cannot extend unto him.

9 Many cry in their afflictions, but are not heard for want of faith.



Mt 12:36,37; Lu 19:22


9:17; 10:7; 16:17; 19:6,7; 27:2-6; 34:5; 40:8

what advantage.

9:21,22; 10:15; 21:15; 31:2; 34:9; Ps 73:13; Mal 3:14

If I be cleansed from my sin. or, by it more than by my sin.

answer thee. Heb. return to thee words. thy.

34:8; Pr 13:20


22:12; 25:5,6; 36:26-33; 37:1-5,22,23; 1Ki 8:27; Ps 8:3,4

Isa 40:22,23; 55:9

the clouds.

36:29; 37:16; Na 1:3

Pr 8:36; 9:12; Jer 7:19

22:2,3; 1Ch 29:14; Ps 16:2; Pr 9:12; Ro 11:35

may hurt.

Jos 7:1-5; 22:20; Ec 9:18; Jon 1:12

may profit.

42:8; Ge 12:2; 18:24-33; 19:29; Ps 106:23,30; Eze 22:30; Ac 27:24

Heb 11:7

they make.

24:12; 34:28; Ex 2:23; 3:7,9; Ne 5:1-5; Ps 12:5; 43:2; 55:2,3; 56:1,2

Lu 18:3-7

the arm.

40:9; Ps 10:15


36:13; 1Ch 10:13,14; 2Ch 28:22,23; Isa 8:21


Ec 12:1; Isa 51:13; 1Pe 4:19


32:22; 36:3; Isa 54:5


Ps 42:8; 77:6; 119:62; 149:5; Ac 16:25

32:8; Ge 1:26; 2:7; Ps 94:12


Ps 18:41; Pr 1:28; Joh 9:31


Ps 73:6-8; 123:3,4; Isa 14:14-17


22:22-27; 27:8,9; Pr 15:8,29; 28:9; Ec 5:1-3; Isa 1:15; Jer 11:11

Ho 7:14; 8:2,3; Mt 6:7; 20:21,22; Jas 4:3


30:20; Ps 102:17; Am 5:22

thou sayest.

9:11; 23:3,8-10


9:19; 19:7; Ps 77:5-10; 97:2; Isa 30:18; 54:17; Mic 7:7-9


Ps 27:12-14; 37:5,6; 62:5,8; Isa 50:10; Ro 8:33,34


9:14; 13:15; Nu 20:12; Lu 1:20

he. that is, God. visited.

Ps 89:32; Re 3:19

he. that is, Job. in great.

4:5; 30:15-31; Ps 88:11-16; Ho 11:8,9; Heb 12:11,12

3:1; 33:2,8-12; 34:35-37; 38:2

Job 36

1 Elihu shews how God is just in his ways.

16 How Job's sins hinder God's blessings.

24 God's works are to be magnified.



21:3; 33:31-33; Heb 13:22

I have yet to speak, etc. Heb. there are yet words for God.

13:7,8; 33:6; Ex 4:16; Jer 15:19; Eze 2:7; 2Co 5:20


28:12,13,20-24; 32:8; Pr 2:4,5; Mt 2:1,2; 12:42; Ac 8:27-40

Ro 10:6-8; Jas 1:5,17; 3:17


32:2; 34:5,10-12; De 32:4; Ps 11:7; 145:17; Jer 12:1; Da 9:7,14

Ro 3:25,26; 9:14; Re 15:3


13:4,7; 21:27,34; 22:6-30

Pr 8:7,8; 2Co 2:17


37:16; Lu 1:3; Ac 24:22; 1Co 14:20; *marg:

Col 4:12; 2Ti 3:16,17


Ps 49:3; Pr 22:20,21


10:3; 31:13; Ps 22:24; 138:6


9:14,19; 12:13-16; 26:12-14; 37:23; Ps 99:4; 147:5; Jer 10:12; 32:19

1Co 1:24-28

wisdom. Heb. heart.


21:7-9,30; Ps 55:23; Jer 12:1,2; 2Pe 2:9


29:12-17; Ps 9:12; 10:14,15; 72:4,12-14; 82:1-4; Pr 22:22,23

Isa 11:4

poor. or, afflicted.

Ex 22:22-24; Ps 140:12


2Ch 16:9; Ps 33:18; 34:15; Zep 3:17; 1Pe 3:12


1:3; 42:12; Ge 23:6; 41:40; 1Sa 2:8; Es 10:3; Ps 78:70-72; 113:7,8

he doth.

2Sa 7:13-16; Ps 112:7-10; 2Th 3:3


13:27; 19:6; 33:18,19; Ps 18:5; 107:10; 116:3; La 3:9


Pr 5:22


10:2; De 4:21,22; 2Ch 33:11-13; Ps 94:12; 119:67,71; La 3:39,40

Lu 15:17-19; 1Co 11:32


Ps 5:10; Isa 59:12; Eze 18:28-31; Ro 5:20; 1Ti 1:15


15; 33:16-23; Ps 40:6; Isa 48:8,17; 50:5; Ac 16:14


Pr 1:22,23; 8:4,5; 9:4-6; Isa 1:16-20; 55:6,7; Jer 4:3,4; 7:3-7

Eze 18:30,31; Ho 14:1; Mt 3:8; Ac 3:19; 17:30; Jas 4:8


22:21; De 4:30; Jer 7:23; 26:13; Ro 6:17; Heb 11:8


11:13-19; 21:11; 22:23; 42:12; Ec 9:2,3; Jas 5:5; Re 18:7


De 18:15-22; 29:15-20; Isa 1:20; 3:11; Ro 2:8,9

perish. Heb. pass away. die.

4:21; Joh 8:21-24


Nu 32:14; 2Ch 28:13,22; Ro 2:5


15:4; 27:8-10; 35:9,10; Mt 22:12,13


8; Ps 107:10

They die. Heb. Their soul dieth.

15:32; 21:23-25; 22:16; Ge 38:7-10; Le 10:1,2; Ps 55:23

unclean. or, sodomites.

Ge 19:5,24,25; De 23:17



poor. or, afflicted. openeth.

10; 2Ch 12:8

a broad.

19:8; 42:10-17; Ps 18:19; 31:8; 40:1-3; 118:5

that which should be set on thy table. Heb. the rest of thytable. full.

Ps 23:5; 36:8; 63:5; Isa 25:6; 55:2


16:5; 34:8,36; Ro 1:32; Re 18:4

take hold on thee. should uphold thee.


Ps 2:5,12; 110:5; Mt 3:7; Ro 1:18; 2:5; Eph 5:6


Ps 39:10; Isa 14:6; Eze 24:16


33:24; Ps 49:7,8; 1Ti 2:6; Heb 2:3

deliver thee. Heb. turn thee aside.


Pr 10:2; 11:4; Isa 2:20; Zep 1:18; Jas 5:3

nor all.

9:13; 34:20; Ps 33:16,17; Pr 11:21; Isa 37:36


3:20,21; 6:9; 7:15; 14:13; 17:13,14


Ex 12:29; 2Ki 19:35; Pr 14:32; Ec 11:3; Da 5:30; Lu 12:20; Ac 1:25

1Th 5:2,3


Ps 66:18; Eze 14:4; Mt 5:29,30


34:7-9; 35:3; Da 3:16-18; 6:10; Mt 13:21; 16:24; Ac 5:40,41

Heb 11:25; 1Pe 3:17; 4:15,16


1Sa 2:7,8; Ps 75:7; Isa 14:5; Jer 27:5-8; Da 4:25,32; 5:18; Lu 1:52

Ro 13:1


Ps 94:10,12; Isa 48:17; 54:13; Jer 31:38; Joh 6:45

Who hath.

34:13-33; Isa 40:13,14; Ro 11:34; 1Co 2:16; Eph 1:11


8:3; 34:10; 40:8; Ro 2:5; 3:5; 9:14


12:13-25; 26:5-14; Ps 28:5; 34:3; 72:18; 86:8-10; 92:4,5; 104:24

Ps 107:8,15; 111:2-4,8; 145:10-12; Jer 10:12; Da 4:3,37; Lu 1:46


De 4:19; Ps 19:1-4



37:5; Ps 145:3


11:7-9; 26:14; 37:23; 1Ki 8:27


Ps 90:2; 102:24-27; Heb 1:12; 2Pe 3:8


5:9; 38:25-28,34; Ge 2:5,6; Ps 65:9-13; Isa 5:6; Jer 14:22

the vapour.

33; Ps 148:8

37:11-13; Ge 7:11,12; Pr 3:20

the spreadings.

37:16; 38:9,37; 1Ki 18:44,45; Ps 104:3

the noise.

37:2-5; Ps 18:13; 29:3-10; 77:16-19; 104:7; Na 1:3; Hab 3:10


38:25,34,35; Lu 17:24


38:8-11; Ge 1:9; Ex 14:22,28; 15:4,5; Ps 18:11-16; 104:5-9

bottom. Heb. roots.


37:13; 38:22,23; Ge 6:17; 7:17-24; 19:24; Ex 9:23-25; De 8:2,15

Jos 10:11; 1Sa 2:10; 7:10; 12:18

he giveth.

38:26,27; Ps 65:9-13; 104:13-15,27,28; 136:25; Ac 14:17
Perhaps these difficult verses should be rendered, "He covereth the concave with lightning, and chargeth it what it shall strike. Its noise declareth concerning him; a magazine of wrath against iniquity."

26:9; Ex 10:21-23; Ps 18:11; 135:7; 147:8,9; 148:8; Ac 27:20


29; 37:2; 2Sa 22:14; 1Ki 18:41-45

the cattle.

Jer 14:4-6; Joe 1:18; 2:22

the vapour. Heb. that which goeth up.


Job 37

1 God is to be feared because of his great works.

15 His wisdom is unsearchable in them.

4:14; 21:6; 38:1; Ex 19:16; Ps 89:7; 119:120; Jer 5:22; Da 10:7,8

Hab 3:16; Mt 28:2-4; Ac 16:26,29

Hear attentively. Heb. Hear in hearing. the noise.

5; 36:29,33; 38:1; Ex 19:16-19; Ps 104:7


Ps 77:13; 97:4; Mt 24:27; Re 11:19

lightning. Heb. light. ends. Heb. wings.

38:13; Isa 11:12; *marg:

a voice.

Ps 29:3-9; 68:33

the voice.

Ex 15:7,8; De 33:26

he will.



2Sa 22:14,15


5:9; 9:10; 11:7; 26:14; 36:26; Ec 3:11; Isa 40:21,22,28; Ro 11:33

Re 15:3


38:22; Ps 147:16-18; 148:8

likewise to the small, etc. Heb. and to the shower of rain,and to the showers of rain of his strength.



Ge 7:10-12; Ezr 10:9,13; Pr 28:3; Eze 13:11,13; Am 9:6; Mt 7:25-27


5:12; 9:7


36:24; Ps 46:8; 64:9; 92:4; 109:27; 111:2; Ec 8:17; Isa 5:12; 26:11

Ps 104:22

south. Heb. chamber.

9:9; Ps 104:3

the whirlwind.

38:1; Isa 21:1; Zec 9:14

north. Heb. scattering winds.

38:29,30; Ps 78:47; 147:16-18

he wearieth.


he scattereth.

36:30,32; Isa 18:4; Mt 17:5

his bright cloud. Heb. the cloud of his light.


Ps 65:9,10; 104:24; Jer 14:22; Joe 2:23; Am 4:7


Ps 148:8; Jas 5:17,18; Re 11:6


6; 36:31; 38:37,38; Ex 9:18-25; 1Sa 12:18,19; Ezr 10:9

correction. Heb. a rod. for his.


for mercy.

2Sa 21:10,14; 1Ki 18:45; Joe 2:23


Ex 14:13; Ps 46:10; Hab 2:20


26:6-14; 36:24; Ps 111:2; 145:5,6,10-12


28:24-27; 34:13; 38:4-41; Ps 119:90,91; Isa 40:26

the light.

11; 36:30-32; 38:24,25

the balancings.

26:8; 36:29; Ps 104:2,3; Isa 40:22; Jer 10:13


36:4; Ps 104:24; 147:5; Pr 3:19,20; Jer 10:12


6:17; 38:31; Ps 147:18; Lu 12:55


9:8,9; Ge 1:6-8; Ps 104:2; 148:4-6; 150:1; Pr 8:27; Isa 40:12,22

Isa 44:24


Ex 38:8


12:3; 13:3,6


26:14; 28:20,21; 38:2; 42:3; Ps 73:16,17,22; 139:6; Pr 30:2-4

1Co 13:12; 1Jo 3:2

Shall it.

Ps 139:4; Mt 12:36,37


6:3; 11:7,8

26:9; 36:32; 38:25

Fair. Heb. Gold weather.

Pr 25:23


40:10; 1Ch 29:11; Ps 29:4; 66:5; 68:7,8; 76:12; 93:1; 104:1; 145:5

Isa 2:10,19; Mic 5:4; Na 1:3; Hab 3:3-19; Heb 1:3; 12:29; Jude 1:25


19; 11:7; 26:14; 36:26; Pr 30:3,4; Ec 3:11; Lu 10:22; Ro 11:33

1Ti 6:16


9:4,19; 12:13; 36:5; Ps 62:11; 65:6; 66:3; 93:1; 99:4; 146:6,7

Isa 45:21; Mt 6:13

in judgment.

Ps 36:5-7

he will.

16:7-17; Ps 30:5; La 3:32,33; Heb 12:10


Ps 130:4; Jer 32:39; 33:9; Ho 3:5; Mt 10:28; Lu 12:4,5; Ro 2:4

Ro 11:20-22


5:13; Ec 9:11; Isa 5:21; Mt 11:25,26; Lu 10:21; 1Co 1:26; 3:19
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