Genesis 47:29-31

must die.

9; 3:19; 50:24; De 31:14; 2Sa 7:12; 14:14; 1Ki 2:1; Job 7:1

Job 14:14; 30:23; Ps 6:5; 49:7,9; 89:48; Heb 9:27



deal kindly.


bury me not.

50:24,25; Ac 7:15,16; Heb 11:22

23:19; 25:9; 49:29-32; 50:5-14,25; 2Sa 19:37; 1Ki 13:22; Ne 2:3,5



And Israel bowed.As {shachah,} which primarily signifies to bow, denotes also to worship; and as {mittah,} a bed, pronounced {matteh,} is a staff; the LXX. have taken the passage in the latter sense, and rendered it [kai prosekunésen Israel epi to akron tés rabdou autou,] "and Israel worshipped upon the top of his staff," which is literally copied by the apostle Paul, in his Epistle to the Hebrews. The present reading is, however, supported by the Masoretic pointing and the Targums; and is most probably correct, as it would appear that Jacob was confined to his bed.

29; 24:26; 48:1,2; 1Ki 1:47; Heb 11:21

Genesis 49:29-32


Ro 12:6-21

bury me.

15:15; 25:8-17; 35:29; Heb 12:23

in the cave.

47:30; 2Sa 19:37



Abraham bought.


23:3,16-20; 25:9; 35:29; 47:30; 50:13; Ac 7:16


Exodus 20:12


21:15,17; Le 19:3,32; 1Ki 2:19; 2Ki 2:12; Pr 1:8,9; 15:5; 20:20

Pr 23:22-25; 28:24; 30:11,17; Mal 1:6; Mt 15:4-6; Lu 18:20

Eph 5:21; 6:1-3; Col 3:20

that thy.

De 4:26,40; 25:15; 32:47; Pr 3:16

Acts 7:16

were.Of the two burying-places of the patriarchs, one was at Hebron, the cave and field which Abraham purchased of Ephron the Hittite, (Ge 23:16, etc.); the other in Sychem, which Jacob (not Abraham) bought of the sons of Emmor, (Ge 33:19.) To remove this glaring discrepancy, Markland interprets [para ,] from, as it frequently signifies with a genitive, and renders, "And were carried over to Sychem; and afterwards from among the descendants of Emmor, the father, or son, of Sychem, they were laid in the sepulchre which Abraham bought for a sum of money." This agrees with the account which Josephus gives of the patriarchs; that they were carried out of Egypt, first to Sychem, and then to Hebron, where they were buried.

Ex 13:19; Jos 24:32

the sepulchre.

Ge 33:9-20; 35:19; 49:29-32


Ge 34:2-31

Hamor, Shechem.

Ephesians 6:1

1 The duty of children towards their parents;

5 of servants towards their masters.

10 Our life is a warfare, not only against flesh and blood, but also spiritual enemies.

13 The complete armour of a Christian;

18 and how it ought to be used.

21 Tychicus is commended.


Ge 28:7; 37:13; Le 19:3; De 21:18; 1Sa 17:20; Es 2:20; Pr 1:8; 6:20

Pr 23:22; 30:11,17; Jer 35:14; Lu 2:51; Col 3:20-25


5,6; Ro 16:2; 1Co 15:58; Col 3:16,17,23,24; 1Pe 2:13


Ne 9:13; Job 33:27; Ps 19:8; 119:75,128; Ho 14:9; Ro 7:12; 12:2

1Ti 5:4
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