Genesis 7:11

second month.The first month was Tisri, which answers to the latter end of September and first half of October; the second was Marchesvan, which answers to part of October and part of November.


1:7; 6:17; 8:2; Job 28:4; 38:8-11; Ps 33:7; 74:15; Pr 8:28,29

Isa 24:19; Jer 5:22; 51:16; Eze 26:19; Am 9:5,6; Mt 24:38; 1Th 5:3

windows. or, flood-gates.

1:7; 8:2; 2Ki 7:2,19; Ps 78:23,24; Mal 3:10

Genesis 7:24


compare with ver. 11 of this chapter.The breaking up of the fountains of the great deep, and the raining forty days and nights, had raised the waters fifteen cubits, or twenty-two feet and a half, above the highest mountain; after which forty days, it appears to have continued at this height one hundred and fifty days more.
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