Isaiah 1:21

the faithful.

48:2; Ne 11:1; Ps 46:4; 48:1,8; Ho 11:12; Zec 8:3; Heb 12:22


Jer 2:20,21; 3:1; La 1:8,9; Eze 16:1-63; 22:1-23:49; Lu 13:34

Re 11:2,8

it was full.

5:7; 2Sa 8:15; 2Ch 19:9; Eze 22:3-7; Mic 3:2,3; Zep 3:1-3; Ac 7:52

Isaiah 50:1

1 Christ shews that the dereliction of the Jews is not to be imputed to him, by his ability to save;

5 by his obedience in that work;

7 and by his confidence in that assistance.

10 An exhortation to trust in God, and not in ourselves.

the bill.

De 24:1-4; Jer 3:1,8; Ho 2:2-4; Mr 10:4-12

or which.

Ex 21:7; Le 25:39; De 32:30; 2Ki 4:1; Ne 5:5; Es 7:4; Ps 44:12

Mt 18:25

Behold.Husbands often sent bills of divorcement to their wives on slight occasions; and fathers, oppressed with debt, sold their children till the year of release. But this, saith God, cannot be my case: I am not governed by any such motives, nor am I urged by any such necessity. Your captivity and afflictions are the fruits of your own folly and wickedness.

for your iniquities.

52:3; 59:1,2; 1Ki 21:25; 2Ki 17:17; Jer 3:8; 4:18

Jeremiah 2:20

For of.

30:8; Ex 3:8; Le 26:13; De 4:20,34; 15:15; Isa 9:4; 10:27; 14:25

Na 1:13

and thou saidst.

Ex 19:8; 24:3; De 5:27; 26:17; Jos 1:16; 24:26-24; 1Sa 12:10

transgress. or, serve. when upon.

3:6; De 12:2; 1Ki 12:32; Ps 78:58; Isa 57:5-7; Eze 16:24,25,31

Eze 20:28


3:1,6-8; Ex 34:14-16; De 12:2; Isa 1:21; Eze 16:15,16,28,41; 23:5

Ho 2:5; 3:3

Jeremiah 2:25


13:22; De 28:48; Isa 20:2-4; La 4:4; Ho 2:3; Lu 15:22; 16:24

There is no hope. or, Is the case desperate?

18:12; Isa 57:10

for I have.

3:13; Isa 2:6


44:17; De 29:19,20; 32:16; 2Ch 28:22; Ro 2:4,5; 8:24

Jeremiah 3:1-9

1 God's great mercy in Judah's vile whoredom.

6 Judah is worse than Israel.

12 The promises of the gospel to the penitent.

20 Israel reproved, and called by God, makes a solemn confession of their sins.

They say. Heb. Saying. If a man.

De 24:1-4

shall not that.

9; 2:7; Le 18:24-28; Isa 24:5; Mic 2:10

but thou hast.

2:20,23; De 22:21; Jud 19:2; Eze 16:26,28,29; 23:4-49

Ho 1:2; 2:5-7

yet return.

12-14,22; 4:1,14; 8:4-6; De 4:29-31; Isa 55:6-9; Eze 33:11

Ho 14:1-4; Zec 1:3; Lu 15:16-24


2:23; Eze 8:4-6; Lu 16:23


2:20; De 12:2; 1Ki 11:3; 2Ki 23:13; Eze 16:16,24,25; 20:28

In the.

Ge 38:14; Pr 7:11; 23:28; Eze 16:24,25

thou hast.

1,9; 2:7

the showers.

9:12; 14:4,22; Le 26:19; De 28:23; Isa 5:6; Joe 1:16-20; Am 4:7

Hag 1:11

latter rain.


a whore's.

5:3; 6:15; 8:12; 44:16,17; Eze 3:7; 16:30-34; Zep 3:5

thou refusedst.

5:3; Ne 9:17; Zec 7:11,12; Heb 12:25

Wilt thou.

19; 31:9,18-20; Ho 14:1-3

My father.


the guide.

2:2; Ps 48:14; 71:5,17; 119:9; Pr 1:4; 2:17; Ho 2:15; Mal 2:14

he reserve.

12; Ps 77:7-9; 85:5; 103:8,9; Isa 57:16; 64:9

thou hast spoken.

Eze 22:6; Mic 2:1; 7:3; Zep 3:1-5

A.M. 3292. B.C. 612. backsliding.

8,11-14; 2:19; 7:24; 2Ki 17:7-17; Eze 23:11

she is.

2:20; Isa 57:7; Eze 16:24,25,31; 20:28; 1Ki 14:23



Turn thou.

2Ki 17:13,14; 2Ch 30:6-12; Ho 6:1-4; 14:1

her treacherous.

8-11; Eze 16:46; 23:2-4

when for.

1; 2Ki 17:6-18; 18:9-11; Eze 23:9; Ho 2:2,3; 3:4; 4:15-17; 9:15-17

and given her.

De 24:1; Isa 50:1

feared not.

2Ki 17:19; Eze 23:11-21; Ho 4:15

lightness. or, fame.

Eze 23:10

she defiled.

2; 2:7


2:27; 10:8; Isa 57:6; Eze 16:17; Ho 4:12; Hab 2:19

Ezekiel 16:15-16

thou didst.

33:13; De 32:15; Isa 48:1; Jer 7:4; Mic 3:11; Zep 3:11; Mt 3:9

and playedst.

20:8; 23:3,8,11,12-21; Ex 32:6-35; Nu 25:1,2; Jud 2:12; 3:6; 10:6

1Ki 11:5; 12:28; 2Ki 17:7; 21:3; Ps 106:35; Isa 1:21; 57:8; Jer 2:20

Jer 3:1; 7:4; Ho 1:2; 4:10; Re 17:5

because.Raised from the most abject state to dignity and splendour by Jehovah, Israel became proud of her numbers, riches, strength, and reputation, forgetting that it was "through his comeliness which he had put upon them;" and thus departing from God, made alliances with heathen nations, and worshipped their idols.

and pouredst.


7:20; 2Ki 23:7; 2Ch 28:24; Ho 2:8

Hosea 2:2

Plead with.

Isa 58:1; Jer 2:2; 19:3; Eze 20:4; 23:45; Mt 23:37-39; Ac 7:51-53

2Co 5:16


Isa 50:1; Jer 3:6-8


1:2; Jer 3:1,9,13; Eze 16:20,25; 23:43

Hosea 3:1

1 The Lord's intended future kindness to Israel, not withstanding their wickedness, illustrated by the emblem of Hosea's conduct towards his adulterous wife.

4 The desolation of Israel before their restoration.

Go yet.



Jer 3:1,20; *marg:

Mt 26:50


11:8; De 7:6,7; Jud 10:16; 2Ki 13:23; Ne 9:18,19,31; Ps 106:43-46

Jer 3:1-4,12-14; 31:20; Mic 7:18-20; Zec 1:16; Lu 1:54,55


Ps 123:2; Isa 17:7,8; 45:22; Mic 7:7

love flagons.

4:11; 7:5; 9:1,2; Ex 32:6; Jud 9:27; Am 2:8; 6:6; 1Co 10:7,21; 1Pe 4:3

wine. Heb. grapes.

Hosea 4:5

and the prophet.

9:7,8; Isa 9:13-17; Jer 6:4,5,12-15; 8:10-12; 14:15,16

Jer 15:8; 23:9; Eze 13:9-16; 14:8-10; Mic 3:5-7; Zec 11:8; 13:2

destroy. Heb. cut off. thy.

2:2; Isa 50:1; Jer 15:8; 50:12; Eze 16:44,45; Ga 4:26

Hosea 4:12-15


Jer 2:27; 10:8; Eze 21:21; Hab 2:19


5:4; Isa 44:18-20; Mic 2:11; 2Th 2:9-11


9:1; Le 17:7; 20:5; Nu 15:39; De 31:16; 2Ch 21:13; Ps 73:27

Jer 3:1-3; Eze 16:1-63; 23:1-49


Isa 1:29; 57:5,7; Jer 3:6,13; Eze 6:13; 16:16,25; 20:28,29


2Sa 12:10-12; Job 31:9,10; Am 7:17; Ro 1:23-28

I will not. or, Shall I not, etc. punish.

17; Isa 1:5; Heb 12:8


1Co 6:16

and they.

1Ki 14:23,24; 15:12; 2Ki 23:7


1,5,6; 14:9; Pr 28:5; Isa 44:18-20; 56:11; Da 12:10; Joh 8:43

Ro 3:11; Eph 4:18

fall. or, be punished.


12; Jer 3:6-10; Eze 23:4-8


11:12; 2Ki 17:18,19; Jer 3:10,11; Lu 12:47,48; Eph 5:11


9:15; 12:11; Am 4:4; 5:5


5:8; 10:5,8; 1Ki 12:28,29


Isa 48:1; Jer 5:2; Eze 20:39; Am 6:10; 8:14; Zep 1:5,6
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