Isaiah 40:1-2

1 The promulgation of the Gospel.

3 The preaching of John Baptist.

9 The preaching of the apostles.

12 The prophet, by the omnipotency of God,

18 and his incomparableness,

26 comforts the people.


3:10; 35:3,4; 41:10-14,27; 49:13-16; 50:10; 51:3,12; 57:15-19

60:1-22; 61:1-3; 62:11,12; 65:13,14; 66:10-14; Ne 8:10; Ps 85:8

Jer 31:10-14; Zep 3:14-17; Zec 1:13; 9:9; 2Co 1:4; 1Th 4:18

Heb 6:17,18

comfortably. Heb. to the heart.

Ge 34:3; 2Ch 30:22; Ho 2:14; *marg:

warfare. or, appointed time.

Ps 102:13-28; So 2:11-13; Jer 29:11; Da 9:2,24-27; 11:35; 12:4,9

Hab 2:3; Ac 1:7; Ga 4:4; Re 6:10,11; 11:15-18

that her iniquity.

12:1; 33:24; 43:25; 44:22; 61:7; Ps 32:1; Jer 31:33,34; 33:8,9

1Co 6:9-11


61:7; Job 42:10-12; Jer 16:18; 17:18; Da 9:12; Zec 1:15; 9:12

Re 18:6

Jeremiah 29:10


25:12; 27:7,22; 2Ch 36:21-23; Ezr 1:1,2; Da 9:2; Zec 7:5

I will.

24:6,7; 32:42-44; Zep 2:7

Jeremiah 30:10-22


46:27,28; Ge 15:1; De 31:6-8; Isa 41:10-15; 43:5; 44:2; 54:4

Zep 3:16,17; Joh 12:15


3; 3:18; 23:3,8; 29:14; 46:27; Isa 46:11,13; 49:25; 60:4-22; Eze 16:52

and shall.

23:6; 33:16; Isa 35:9; Eze 34:25-28; 38:11; Ho 2:18; Mic 4:3,4

Zep 3:15; Zec 2:4,5; 3:10; 8:4-8

I am.

1:8,19; 15:20; 46:28; Isa 8:10; 43:25; Eze 11:16,17; Mt 1:23

Mt 28:20; Ac 18:10; 2Ti 4:17,18,22


4:27; 5:10,18; 46:27,28; Eze 11:13; Am 9:8,9; Ro 9:27-29; 11:5-7

but I.

10:24; Ps 6:1; Isa 27:7,8

15; 14:17; 15:18; 2Ch 36:16; Isa 1:5,6; Eze 37:11


Ps 106:23; 142:4; Isa 59:16; Eze 22:30; 1Ti 2:5,6; 1Jo 2:1

that, etc. Heb. for binding up, or pressing.

Lu 10:30-34


17; 8:22; 17:14; 33:6; Ex 15:26; De 32:39; Job 5:18; 34:29; Isa 1:6

Ho 6:1; 14:4; Na 3:19; 1Pe 2:24


2:36; 4:30; 22:20,22; 38:22; La 1:2,19; Eze 23:9,22; Ho 2:5,10-16

Re 17:12-18


Job 13:24-28; 16:9; 19:11; 30:21; La 2:5; Ho 5:14


15; 5:6; Ps 90:7,8; Eze 9:8-10


15:18; Jos 9:10,11; La 3:39; Mic 7:9

thy sorrows.

12,17; 46:11; Job 34:6,29; Isa 30:13,14; Ho 5:12,13; Mic 1:9

Mal 4:1,2

for the.

14; 2:19,28-30; 5:6-9,25-31; 6:6,7,13; 7:8-11; 9:1-9; 11:13

32:30-35; 2Ch 36:14-17; Ezr 9:6,7,13; Ne 9:26-36; Isa 1:4,5,21-24

Isa 5:2; 59:1-4,12-15; La 1:5; 4:13; 5:16,17; Eze 16:1-63; 20:1-49

Eze 22:1-23:49; Zep 3:1-5

10:25; 12:14; 25:12,26-29; 50:7-11,17,18,28,33-40; 51:34-37

Ex 23:22; Ps 129:5; 137:8,9; Isa 14:2; 33:1; 41:11,12; 47:5,6; 54:15

Isa 54:17; La 1:21; 4:21,22; Eze 25:3-7; 26:2-21; 29:6; 35:5

Mic 4:11; 7:10; Na 1:8; Hab 2:16; Zep 2:8; Zec 1:14; 2:8; 12:2; 14:2

Re 13:10

For I.

13; 3:22; 33:6; Ex 15:26; Ps 23:3; 103:3; 107:20; Isa 30:26

Eze 34:16; Ho 6:1; Mal 4:2; 1Pe 2:24; Re 22:2


Ne 4:1-4; Ps 12:5; 44:13-16; 79:9-11; Isa 11:12; La 2:15; Eze 35:12

Eze 36:2,3,20


3; 23:3; 29:14; 33:7,11; 46:27; 49:6,39; Ps 85:1; 102:13

the city.

31:40; Ne 3:1-32; 7:4; Isa 44:26; Zec 12:6; 14:10

heap. or, little hill. the palace.

1Ch 29:1,19; Ezr 6:3-15; Ps 78:69; Isa 44:28; Eze 7:20-22

Hag 2:7-9; Zec 1:16


31:4,12,13; 33:10,11; Ezr 3:10-13; 6:22; Ne 8:12,17; 12:43-46

Ps 53:6; 126:1,2; Isa 12:1; 35:10; 51:11; 52:9; Zep 3:14-20

Zec 8:19

and I.

31:27; 33:22; Isa 27:6; 60:22; Eze 36:10-15,37; 37:26; Zec 2:4

Zec 8:4,5; 10:8

I will.

33:9; Isa 60:19; 62:2,3; Zep 3:19,20; Zec 9:13-17; 12:8; Joh 17:22

1Pe 1:7


32:39; Ge 17:5-9; Ps 90:16,17; 102:18,28; Isa 1:26,27

and I.

16; 2:3; 50:33,34; Isa 49:26; 51:22


Ge 49:10; Ezr 2:2; 7:25,26; Ne 2:9,10; 7:2


23:5,6; 33:15; De 18:18; 33:5; 2Sa 7:13; Ps 89:29; 110:1-4

Isa 9:6,7; Eze 34:23,24; 37:24; Mic 5:2-4; Zec 9:9,10; Mt 2:2

Mt 21:5-11; 27:37; Mr 11:9,10; Lu 1:32,33; Joh 18:36,37; 19:19-22

Ac 2:34-36; 5:31; Re 19:16

and I.

Nu 16:5,40; 17:12,13; Ps 110:4; Zec 6:12,13; Mt 3:17; Lu 24:26

Ro 8:34; Heb 1:3; 4:14-16; 7:21-26; 9:15-24; 1Jo 2:2; Re 5:9,10


49:19; 50:44; Isa 63:1


Ge 18:27,30,32; Job 23:3-5; 42:3-6; Heb 7:26; 9:24

24:7; 31:1,33; De 26:17-19; So 2:16; Eze 11:20; 36:28; 37:27

Ho 2:23; Zec 13:9; Mt 22:32; Heb 8:10; Re 21:3

Jeremiah 31:3-14

of old. Heb. from afar. I have.

De 7:7-9; 10:15; 33:3,26; Ho 11:1; Mal 1:2; Ro 9:13; 1Jo 4:19


Ps 103:17; Isa 45:17; 54:8,9; Ro 11:28,29; 2Th 2:13-16; 2Ti 1:9

with loving-kindness have I drawn. or, have I extendedloving-kindness unto.

So 1:4; Ho 11:4; Joh 6:44,45; Ro 8:30; Eph 1:3-5; 2:4,5; Tit 3:3-6

Jas 1:18; 1Pe 1:3


1:10; 30:18; 33:7; Ps 51:18; 69:35; Am 9:11; Ac 15:16; Eph 2:20-22

Re 21:10-27


21; 14:17; 18:13; 2Ki 19:21; Isa 37:22; La 1:15; 2:13; Am 5:2


13; Ex 15:20,21; Jud 11:34; 1Sa 18:6,7; Ps 149:3; 150:3-6

Lu 15:23; Re 19:1-8

tabrets. or, timbrels.


De 28:30; Isa 62:8,9; 65:21,22; Am 9:14; Mic 4:4; Zec 3:10


Eze 36:8; Ob 1:19

eat. Heb. profane.

Le 19:23-25; De 20:6; 28:30; 1Sa 21:5

a day.

6:17; Isa 40:9; 52:7,8; 62:6; Eze 3:17; 33:2; Ho 9:8


50:19; 2Ch 13:4; 30:5-11; Ac 8:5-8


50:4,5; Ezr 1:5; 8:15-20; Isa 2:2-4; 11:11-13; Ho 1:11; Mic 4:1-3

Zec 8:20-23


De 32:43; Ps 67:1; 96:1-3; 98:1-4; 117:1,2; 138:4,5; Isa 12:4-6

Isa 24:14-16; 42:10-12; 44:23; Zep 3:14-20


Ps 14:7; 28:9; 69:35; 106:47; Ho 1:7


23:3; Isa 1:9; 11:11; 37:4,31; Eze 6:8; Joe 2:32; Am 5:15; Mic 2:12

Mic 7:18; Zep 2:9; 3:13; Ro 9:27; 11:5


3:12; 23:8; 29:14; Ps 107:3; Zec 2:6

the coasts.

Ps 65:5; 98:3; Isa 43:6; 45:22; 52:10; Eze 20:34,41; 34:13

them the.

Isa 40:11; 42:16; Eze 34:16; Mic 4:6; Zep 3:19; Mt 12:20; Joh 21:15

1Co 8:10; 1Th 5:14; Heb 4:15; 12:12


3:4; 50:4; Ps 126:5,6; Ho 12:4; Zec 12:10; Da 9:17,18; Mt 5:4

Lu 6:21; Ro 8:26; 2Co 7:9-11; Heb 5:7

supplications. or, favours. I will.

Ps 23:2; Isa 35:6-8; 41:17-19; 43:16-19; 49:9-11; Re 7:17

in a.

Isa 40:3,4; 57:14; 63:13; Mt 3:3; Lu 3:4-6; Heb 12:13

for I.

20; 3:4,19; Ex 4:22; De 32:6; 1Ch 29:10; Isa 63:16; 64:8; Mt 6:9

2Co 6:18; Heb 12:23


Eze 34:12-14


Ge 10:5; Ps 72:10; Isa 24:14; 41:1; 42:4,10; 60:9; 66:19; Zep 2:11


50:17; De 30:4; 32:26; Isa 27:12; 40:11; 54:7; Eze 5:2,10; 11:16

Eze 20:34; Mic 2:12; 4:6; Zep 3:19; Joh 11:52

and keep.

Isa 40:11; Eze 34:12; 37:24; Mic 5:4; Zec 9:16; Lu 12:32; Joh 10:27

Ac 20:28,29


15:21; 50:33; Isa 44:23; 48:20; 49:24; Ho 13:14; Mt 20:28

Tit 2:14; Heb 2:14,15


Ps 142:6; Mt 12:29; 22:29; Lu 11:21,22


4; 33:9-11; Isa 12:1-6; 35:10; 51:11

the height.

Isa 2:2-5; Eze 17:23; 20:40; Mic 4:1,2

and shall.

33:9; Ps 130:4; Ho 3:5; Ro 2:4


Ho 2:20-23; Joe 3:18; Zec 9:15-17

and their.

Isa 1:30; 58:11

and they.

Isa 35:10; 60:20; 65:19; Joh 16:22; Re 7:17; 21:4


4; Ne 12:27,43; Ps 30:11; 149:3; Zec 8:4,5,19


Ezr 6:22; Es 9:22; Isa 35:10; 51:3,11; 60:20; 61:3; 65:18,19

Joh 16:22


De 33:8-11; 2Ch 6:41; Ne 10:39; Ps 132:9,16; Isa 61:6; 1Pe 2:9

Re 5:10

my people.

25; 33:9; Ps 17:15; 36:8; 63:5; 65:4; 107:9; So 5:1; Isa 25:6

Isa 55:1-3; 66:10-14; Zec 9:15-17; Mt 5:6; Eph 1:3; 3:19

Re 7:16,17

Zechariah 1:14-16

the angel.

9,13; 2:3,4; 4:1


17; Isa 40:1,6

I am.

8:2,3; Isa 9:7; 38:22; 42:13; 59:17; 63:15; Ho 11:8; Joe 2:18; Na 1:2

2,11; Isa 47:7-9; Jer 48:11-13; Am 6:1; Re 18:7,8


Isa 54:8; Heb 12:6,7


Ps 69:26; 83:2-5; 137:7; Isa 10:5-7; 47:6; Jer 51:24,34,35

Eze 25:3-7,12-17; 26:2; 29:6,7; 25:3-9; 36:4,5; Am 1:3-13; Ob 1:10-16

I am.

2:10,11; 8:3; Isa 12:1; 54:8-10; Jer 31:22-25; 33:10-12

Eze 37:24-28; 39:25-29; 48:35

my house.

4:9; Ezr 6:14,15; Isa 44:26-28; Hag 1:14


2:1,2; Job 38:5; Isa 34:11; Jer 31:39,40; Eze 40:3; 47:3

Zechariah 2:4-12


Jer 1:6; Da 1:17; 1Ti 4:12

Jerusalem.We learn from Josephus, that Jerusalem actually overflowed with inhabitants, and gradually extended itself beyond its walls, and that Herod Agrippa fortified the new part, called Bezetha.

1:17; 8:4,5; 12:6; 14:10,11; Isa 33:20; 44:26; Jer 30:18,19; 31:24,27

Jer 31:38-40; 33:10-13; Eze 36:10,11; Mic 7:11

a wall.

9:8; Ps 46:7-11; 48:3,12; Isa 4:5; 12:6; 26:1,2; 33:21; 60:18,19

the glory.

Ps 3:3; Isa 60:19; Hag 2:7-9; Lu 2:32; Re 21:10,11,23; 22:3-5


Ru 4:1; Isa 55:1

and flee.

7; Ge 19:17; Isa 48:20; 52:11,12; Jer 1:14; 3:18; 31:8; 50:8; 51:6

Jer 51:45,50; 2Co 6:16,17; Re 18:4


De 28:64; Jer 15:4; 31:10; Eze 5:12; 11:16; 12:14,15; 17:21; Am 9:9


Ge 19:17; Nu 16:26,34; Isa 48:20; 52:11; Jer 50:8; 51:6,45; Ac 2:40

Re 18:4


Isa 52:2; Mic 4:10

daughter.The Babylonians were vanquished by the Persians, formerly their servants, under Darius Hystaspes, who took Babylon after a siege of twelve months, demolished its walls, and put 300,000 of the inhabitants to death.


4,5; 1:15,16; Isa 60:7-14


9,11; Isa 48:15,16; Mal 3:1; Joh 14:23,24,26; 15:21-23; 17:18

1Jo 4:9,10,14

the nations.

2Ki 24:2; Jer 50:17,18; 51:34,35; Eze 25:6,7,12,15; 26:2; 35:5

Joe 3:2-8; Am 1:3-5,9,11,13; Ob 1:10-16; Mic 4:11; 5:6; 7:10

Hab 2:8,17; Zep 2:8


Ge 20:6; Ps 105:13-15; Ac 9:4; 2Th 1:6

the apple.

De 32:10; Ps 17:8; Mt 25:40,45

I will.

Isa 10:32; 11:15; 13:2; 19:16

and they.

Isa 14:2; 33:1,23; Jer 27:7; Eze 39:10; Hab 2:8,17; Zep 2:9

and ye.

8; 4:9; 6:15; Jer 28:9; Joh 13:19; 16:4

and rejoice.

9:9; Ps 47:1-9; 98:1-3; Isa 12:6; 35:10; 40:9; 42:10; 51:11; 52:9,10

Isa 54:1; 61:10; 65:18,19; 66:14; Jer 30:19; 31:12; 33:11

Zep 3:14,15; Php 4:4


14:5; Ps 40:7; Isa 40:9-11; Mal 3:1

and I.

8:3; Le 26:12; Ps 68:18; Eze 37:27; Zep 3:17; Mt 28:20; Joh 1:14

Joh 14:23; 2Co 6:15,16; Re 2:1; 21:3


8:20-23; Ps 22:27-30; 68:29-31; 72:8-11,17; Isa 2:2-5; 11:9,10

Isa 19:24,25; 42:1-4; 45:14; 49:6,7,22,23; 52:10; 60:3-7; 66:19

Jer 16:19; Mal 1:11; Lu 2:32; Ac 28:28; 1Pe 2:9,10; Re 11:15

in that day.


my people.

Ex 12:49


9; Eze 33:33; Joh 17:21,23,25


Ex 19:5,6; De 32:9; Ps 82:8; 135:4; Jer 10:16; 51:19

and shall.

1:17; Isa 41:9

Zechariah 8:2-8

I was jealous.

1:14-16; Ps 78:58,59; Isa 42:13,14; 59:17; 63:4-6,15; Eze 36:5,6

Joe 2:18; Na 1:2,6

I am.

1:16; Jer 30:10,11


2:10,11; Isa 12:6; Eze 48:35; Joe 3:17,21; Joh 1:14; 14:23; 2Co 6:16

Eph 2:21,22; Col 2:9; Re 21:3

a city.

14:20,21; Isa 1:21,26; 60:14; Jer 31:23; 33:16

the mountains.

Isa 2:2,3

the holy.

Isa 11:9; 65:25; 66:20; Re 21:10,27


1Sa 2:31; Job 5:26; 42:17; Isa 65:20-22; La 2:20,21,22; 5:11-15

Heb 12:22

very age. Heb. multitude of days.


2:4; Ps 128:3,4; 144:12-15; Jer 30:19,20; 31:27; 33:11; La 2:19

Mt 11:16,17

marvellous. or, hard, or difficult. should.

Ge 18:14; Nu 11:22,23; 2Ki 7:2; Jer 32:17,27; Lu 1:20,37; 18:27

Ro 4:20,21; 6:19-21


Ps 107:2,3; Isa 11:11-16; 27:12,13; 43:5,6; 49:12; 59:19; 66:19,20

Jer 31:8; Eze 37:19-25; Ho 11:10,11; Am 9:14,15; Mal 1:11

Ro 11:25-27

west country. Heb. country of the going down of the sun.

Ps 50:1; 113:3

and they shall dwell.

Jer 3:17,18; 23:8; 32:41; Eze 37:25; Joe 3:20; Am 9:14,15; Ob 1:17-21

Zep 3:14-20

they shall be my.

13:9; Le 26:12; Jer 4:2; 30:22; 31:1,33; 32:38,39; Eze 11:20; 36:28

Eze 37:27; Ho 2:19-23; 2Co 6:16-18; Re 21:3,7

in truth.

Jer 4:2

Zechariah 8:19

the fourth.

2Ki 25:3,4; Jer 39:2; 52:6,7

the fifth.

7:3; Jer 52:12-15

the seventh.

7:5; 2Ki 25:25; Jer 41:1-3

the tenth.

Jer 52:4


Es 8:17; 9:22; Ps 30:11; Isa 12:1; 35:10; 51:11; Jer 31:12,13

feasts. Heb. solemn, or, set times. therefore.

16; Lu 1:74,75; Tit 2:11,12; Re 22:15
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