Jeremiah 15:8


Isa 3:25,26; 4:1

the mother, etc. or, the mother city a young man spoiling,etc. or, the mother and the young men. a spoiler.

4:16; 5:6; 6:4,5; Lu 21:35

Jeremiah 23:9

A.M. 3399. B.C. 605. heart.

9:1; 14:17,18; 2Ki 22:19,20; Eze 9:4,6; Da 8:27; Hab 3:16



like a drunken.

25:15-18; Ps 60:3; Isa 6:5; 28:1; 29:9; 51:21; La 3:15; Ro 7:9

Ezekiel 13:9-16


11:13; 14:9,10; Ps 101:7; Jer 20:3-6; 28:15-17; 29:21,22,31,32

Re 19:20

assembly. or, secret, or council. neither shall they be.

Ex 32:32,33; Ezr 2:59,62,63; Ne 7:62,64; Ps 69:5,28; 87:6; Isa 4:3

Da 12:1; Ho 9:3; Lu 10:20; Php 4:3; Heb 12:23; Re 13:8; 20:12,15

neither shall they enter.


and ye.

11:10,12; 12:20; 1Ki 22:24,25; Jer 23:20


2Ki 21:9; Pr 12:26; Jer 23:13-15; 1Ti 4:1; 2Ti 3:13; 1Jo 2:26

Re 2:20


16; Isa 57:21; Jer 4:10; 6:14; 8:11,15; 14:13; 23:17; 28:9; Mal 3:15

and one.These false prophets pretend to be a wall of defence; but their wall is bad, and their morter is worse. One gives a lying vision; another pledges himself that it is true; and the people believe what they say, and trust not in God, nor turn from their sins.

a wall. or, a slight wall. others.

22:28; 2Ch 18:12; Isa 30:10; Jer 5:31; Mic 2:11

there shall.It shall wash off this bad morter, sweep away the wall, and level it with the earth. In the East, where the walls are often built with unbaked bricks, desolations of this kind are frequently occasioned by tempestuous rains.

38:22; Job 27:21; Ps 11:6; 18:13,14; 32:6; Isa 25:4; 28:2,15-18

Isa 29:6; 32:19; Na 1:3,7,8; Mt 7:25,27; Lu 6:48,49


De 32:37; Jud 9:38; 10:14; 2Ki 3:13; Jer 2:28; 29:31,32; 37:19

La 2:14,15

a stormy.

Le 26:28; Isa 30:30; Ps 107:25; 148:8; Jer 23:19; Jon 1:4

and great.

Ex 9:18-29; Ps 18:12,13; 105:32; 148:8; Isa 30:30; Hag 2:17; Re 8:7

Re 11:19; 16:21

the foundation.

Ps 11:3; Mic 1:6; Hab 3:13; Mt 7:26,27; Lu 6:49; 1Co 3:11-15

ye shall be.

Jer 6:15; 8:12; 14:15; 23:15

and ye shall know.

9,21,23; 14:8

The wall.

Ne 4:3; Ps 62:3; Isa 30:13

see visions.

10; Jer 5:31; 6:14; 8:11; 28:1,9-17; 29:31

and there.

Isa 48:22; 57:20,21

Ezekiel 14:8-10

I will set.

15:7; Le 17:10; 20:3-6; 26:17; Ps 34:16; Jer 21:10; 44:11

a sign.

5:15; Nu 26:10; De 28:37; Ps 37:22; 44:13,14; Isa 65:15; Jer 24:9

Jer 29:22

I will cut.

Le 20:3; 22:3; Nu 19:20; Ro 11:22; 1Co 10:11

and ye.

6:7; 13:23

if the.

20:25; 2Sa 12:11,12; 1Ki 22:20-23; Job 12:16; Ps 81:11,12

Isa 63:16; 66:4; Jer 4:10; 2Th 2:9-12

I the.That is, I have suffered him to be deceived; I have given him up to "strong delusions to believe a lie," as a just judgment upon him for going after idols, and setting up false pretensions to inspiration. God, according to the genius of the Hebrew language, is often said to do a thing, which he only suffers, or permits.

and I will.

16:27; Isa 5:25; 9:12,17,21; 10:4

they shall.

17:18-20; 23:49; Ge 4:13; Nu 5:31; Mic 7:9; Ga 6:5

the punishment.

4,7,8; De 13:1-10; 17:2-7; Jer 6:14,15; 8:11,12; 14:15; Re 19:19-21

Micah 3:5-7


11; Isa 9:15,16; Jer 14:14,15; 23:9-17,27,32; 28:15-17; 29:21-23

Eze 13:10-16; 22:25-29; Mal 2:8; Mt 15:14

that bite.

2:11; Isa 56:9-12; Eze 13:18,19; Mt 7:15; Ro 16:18


Ps 74:9; Isa 8:20-22; Jer 13:16; Eze 13:22,23; Zec 13:2-4

that ye shall not have a vision. Heb. from a vision. that yeshall not divine. Heb. from divining. the sun.

Isa 29:10; 59:10; Jer 15:9; Am 8:9,10

the seers.

Ex 8:18,19; 9:11; 1Sa 9:9; Isa 44:25; 47:12-14; Da 2:9-11; Zec 13:4

2Ti 3:8,9


Le 13:45; Eze 24:17,22

lips. Heb. upper lip. no.

1Sa 14:37; 28:6,15; Ps 74:9; Am 8:11

Zechariah 11:8


Ho 5:7; Mt 23:34-36; 24:50,51

and my.

Le 26:11,30,44; De 32:19; Ps 5:5; 78:9; 106:40; Jer 12:8; 14:21

Ho 9:15; Heb 10:38

lothed them. Heb. was straitened for them.

Isa 49:7; Lu 12:50; 19:14; Joh 7:7; 15:18,23-25

Zechariah 13:2

I will cut.

Ex 22:13; De 12:3; Jos 23:7; Ps 16:4; Isa 2:18,20; Eze 30:13; 36:25

Eze 37:23; Ho 2:17; 14:8; Mic 5:12-14; Zep 1:3,4; 2:11


1Ki 22:22; Jer 8:10-12; 23:14,15; 29:23; Eze 13:12-16,23; 14:9

Mic 2:11; Mt 7:15; 2Co 11:13-15; 2Pe 2:1-3,15-19; 1Jo 4:1,2

Re 19:20


Mt 12:43; Lu 11:20; Re 16:13,14; 18:2; 20:1-3
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