Job 18:7-10


20:22; 36:16; Ps 18:36; Pr 4:12

his own.

5:12,13; 2Sa 15:31; 17:14; Ps 33:10; Pr 1:30-32; Ho 10:6; 1Co 3:19

he is cast.

22:10; Es 3:9; 6:13; 7:5,10; Ps 9:15; 35:8; Pr 5:22; 29:6; Eze 32:3

1Ti 3:7; 6:9; 2Ti 2:26

The gin.

Isa 8:14,15


1:15,17; 5:5


Ps 11:6; Eze 12:13; Ro 11:9

laid. Heb. hidden.

Psalms 11:6


105:32; Ge 19:24; Ex 9:23,24; Job 18:15; 20:23; Isa 24:17,18

Eze 13:13; 38:22; Lu 17:29

snares. or, quick burning coals. an horrible, or, aburning. portion.

16:5; Ge 43:34; 1Sa 1:4; 9:23; Job 27:13-23


75:8; Isa 51:17,22; Jer 25:15-17; Hab 2:16; Joh 18:11

Proverbs 5:22


1:18,31; 11:3,5; Ps 7:15,16; 9:15; Jer 2:19; Ho 4:11-14; Ga 6:7,8


Ec 7:26

sins. Heb. sin.

1Co 5:9,10; Ga 5:19-21; Eph 5:5,6; Heb 13:4

Proverbs 11:5-6

direct. Heb. rectify.

3; 1:31,32; 5:22; 2Sa 17:23; Es 7:3-10; Ps 9:15,16; Mt 27:4,5


Ge 30:33; 31:37; 1Sa 12:3,4


5:22; 1Ki 2:32,33,44; Ps 7:16; Ec 10:8

Proverbs 12:13

wicked is snared by the transgression of his lips. Heb. snareof the wicked is in the transgression of lips.

6:2; 15:2; 18:6,7; 1Ki 2:23; Ps 5:6; 64:8; Da 6:24; Mt 27:25


11:8; Ge 48:16; 2Sa 4:9; Ps 34:19; Ec 7:18; Ro 8:35-37; 2Pe 2:9

Isaiah 8:14-15

he shall be.

26:20; Ps 46:1,2; Pr 18:10; Eze 11:16

a stone.

28:16; Lu 2:34; Ro 9:32,33; 11:9-11,35; 1Pe 2:8

a snare.

Ps 11:6; 69:22; Mt 13:57; Lu 21:35


Mt 11:6; 15:14; 21:44; Lu 20:17,18; Joh 6:66; 1Co 1:23

2 Timothy 2:26

recover. Gr. awake.

Lu 15:17; 1Co 15:34; Eph 5:14


Ps 124:7; Isa 8:15; 28:13; Ac 26:18; 2Co 2:11; Col 1:13; 2Th 2:9-12

1Ti 3:7; 6:9,10; Re 12:9; 20:2,3

who are.

Isa 42:6,7; 49:25,26; 53:12; Mt 12:28,29; Lu 11:21; 2Pe 2:18-20

taken captive. Gr. Taken alive. at.

Job 1:12; 2:6; Lu 22:31,32; Joh 13:2,27; Ac 5:3; 1Ti 1:20
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