Judges 3:8

A.M. 2591. B.C. 1413. An. Ex. Is. 78. was hot.

2:14,20; Ex 22:24; De 29:20; Ps 6:1; 85:3

he sold.

2:14; 4:9; De 32:30; 1Sa 12:9; Isa 50:1; Ro 7:14


Hab 3:7

Mesopotamia. Heb. Aram-naharaim.{Aram-naharayim,} "Syria of the two rivers," or Mesopotamia, "between the rivers," is a famous province situated between the Tigris and Euphrates. It is called by Arabian geographers, {Maverannaher,} "the country beyond the river;" and is now called Diarbek.

Judges 10:7

was hot.

2:14; De 29:20-28; 31:16-18; 32:16-22; Jos 23:15,16; Ps 74:1

Na 1:2,6

he sold.

4:2; 1Sa 12:9,10; Ps 44:12; Isa 50:1

2 Chronicles 15:6


12:15; 13:17; Mr 13:8; Lu 21:9,10

destroyed. Heb. beaten in pieces. God.

33:11; 36:17; Jud 2:14; Ps 106:41; Isa 10:6; Am 3:6; Lu 21:22-24

2 Chronicles 36:17

he brought.

33:11; De 28:49; 2Ki 24:2,3; Ezr 9:7; Jer 15:8; 32:42; 40:3; Da 9:14

the king.

2Ki 25:1-30; Jer 39:1-18; 52:1-34

who slew.

Le 26:14-46; De 28:15-68; 29:18-28; 30:18; 31:16-18; 32:15-28

Ps 74:20; 79:2,3; Jer 15:9; 18:21; La 2:21,22

in the house.

24:21; La 2:20; Eze 9:5-7; Lu 13:1,2

no compassion.

De 28:50; Ps 74:20

Nehemiah 9:26-27

they were.

Jud 2:11,12; 3:6,7; 10:6,13,14; Ps 78:56,57; 106:34-40

Eze 16:15-63; 20:21; 23:4-49

cast thy law.

1Ki 14:9; Ps 50:17; Eze 33:3-5


1Ki 18:4,13; 19:10; 2Ch 24:20,21; 36:16; Jer 26:20-23; Mt 21:35

Mt 23:34-37; Ac 7:52


18; 2Ki 21:11; Eze 22:25-31

thou deliveredst.

De 31:16-18; Jud 2:14,15; 3:8-30; 2Ch 36:17; Ps 106:41,42

Da 9:10-14

in the time.

De 4:29-31; Jud 3:15; 6:6-10; 10:15,16; Ps 106:43-45


Jud 2:18; 3:9-15; 1Sa 12:10,11; 2Ki 13:5; 14:27; Ob 1:21

Psalms 106:40-42

the wrath.

78:59-62; Jud 2:14,20; 3:8; Ne 9:27-38


Le 20:23; De 32:19; Zec 11:8

his own.

74:1; De 9:29; La 2:7

he gave.

De 32:30; Jud 2:14; 3:8,12; 4:1,2; 6:1-6; 10:7-18; Ne 9:27-38

and they.

De 28:25,29,33,48


Jeremiah 5:15

I will.

1:15; 4:16; 6:22; 25:9; De 28:49; Isa 5:26; 29:3,6

O house.

11; 2:26; 9:26; Isa 5:7; Eze 18:31; Mt 3:9,10

a mighty.

Da 2:37,38; 7:7; Hab 1:5-10

a nation.

Isa 28:11; 33:19; 1Co 14:21
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