Judges 5:30

Have they not sped.

Ex 15:9; Job 20:5

every man. Heb. the head of a man. of divers.

Ge 37:3; 2Sa 13:18; Ps 45:14

Psalms 68:12


Ex 14:25; Nu 31:8,9,54; Jos 10:16,42; 12:7,8-24; Jud 5:19; Re 6:15

Re 19:17-20

did flee apace. Heb. did flee, did flee. she.

Nu 31:27; 1Sa 30:24

Proverbs 31:21



scarlet. or, double garments.

Ge 45:22

Isaiah 3:16-26

the daughters.

1:8; 4:4; Mt 21:5; Lu 23:28

are haughty.

24:4; 32:9-11; Pr 16:18; 30:13; Eze 16:49,50; Zep 3:11

wanton eyes. Heb. deceiving with their eyes.Or, as {messakkaroth ainayim} is rendered in the Targum, "painting their eyes with stibium:" for {sakar} is probably the same as the Chaldee {sekar,} or that import.

mincing. or, tripping nicely. and making.The Eastern ladies wear on their ankles large rings to which smaller ones are attached, which make a tinkling sound as they move nimbly.


Le 13:29,30,43,44; De 28:27; Re 16:2

discover. Heb. made naked.

20:4; 47:2,3; Jer 13:22; Eze 16:36,37; 23:25-29; Mic 1:11; Na 3:5

tinkling ornaments.


cauls. or, networks.{Shevisim,} probably the rich embroidered kerchiefs used to bind on their caps on the head, described by Lady M. W. Montague, Let. 32.

round tires.

Jud 8:21; *marg:

chains. or, sweet-balls.{Neteephoth,} earrings or drops; in Arabic, {netafat.}

the bracelets.

Ge 24:22,30,53; 38:18,25; Ex 35:22; Nu 31:50; Eze 16:11

mufflers. or, spangled ornaments.

tablets. Heb. houses of the soul.Probably perfume boxes, as rendered by Bp. Lowth.

the earrings.{Lechashim,} probably amulets.

Ge 35:4; Ex 32:2; Eze 16:12; Ho 2:13


Ge 41:42; Es 8:12; So 5:14; Lu 15:22; Jas 2:2

nose jewels.

Ge 24:47; 1Ti 2:9,10; 1Pe 3:3,4

The changeable suits.{Machalatzoth,} probably loose robes, used according to the weather.


Ex 38:8

fine linen.

Ge 41:42; 1Ch 15:27; Eze 16:10; Lu 16:19; Re 19:8,14


Ge 24:65; Ru 3:15; So 5:7


57:9; Pr 7:17


22:12; Eze 7:18; Mic 1:16

a girding.

15:3; 32:9-11; Job 16:15; Jer 4:8; 6:26; 48:37; 49:3; La 2:10

Eze 27:31; Joe 1:8; Am 8:10; Re 11:3


4:4; Le 26:16; De 28:22; 32:24; Re 16:9; 18:9

Thy men.

2Ch 29:9; Jer 11:22; 14:18; 18:21; 19:7; 21:9; La 2:21; Am 9:10

mighty. Heb. might.

her gates.

Jer 14:2; La 1:4

desolate. or, emptied. Heb. cleansed. shall sit.

47:1; Job 2:8,13; La 2:10; Eze 26:16; Lu 19:44

Jeremiah 2:32

a maid.

11; Ge 24:22,30,53; 2Sa 1:24; Ps 45:13,14; Isa 61:10; Eze 16:10-13

1Pe 3:3-5; Re 21:2

yet my people.

3:21; 13:10,25; 18:15; Ps 9:17; 106:21; Isa 17:10; Eze 22:12

Ho 8:14

1 Timothy 2:9-10


1Pe 3:3-5

with shamefacedness.

Pr 7:10; Isa 3:16; Tit 2:3-5


Ge 24:53; Ex 35:22,23; 2Ki 9:30; Es 5:1; Ps 45:13,14; 149:4

Pr 31:22; Isa 3:18-24; 61:4; Jer 2:32; 4:30; Eze 16:9-16; Mt 6:28

Mt 6:29; 11:8

broidered. or, plaited.

1Pe 3:3


1Pe 3:3-5; 2Pe 3:11


5:6-10; Pr 31:31; Ac 9:36,39; Eph 2:10; Tit 2:14; 3:8; 1Pe 2:12

2Pe 1:6-8; Re 2:19
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